v0.5.2 - 2022-08-18
This release updates CTGAN to use the latest version of RDT. It also includes performance and robustness updates to the data transformer.
Issues closed
- Bump rdt version - Issue #242 by @katxiao
- Single thread data transform is slow for huge table - Issue #151 by @mfhbree
- Fix RDT api - Issue #232 by @pvk-developer
- Update macos to use latest version. - Issue #237 by @pvk-developer
- Update the RDT version to 1.0 - Issue #224 by @pvk-developer
- Update slack invite link. - Issue #222 by @pvk-developer
- robustness fix, when data have less rows than the default number of cl… - Issue #211 by @Deathn0t