- cd into
chmod +x install_deps.sh
Makes shell script executable./install_deps.sh
Runs shell script that installs all depenecies and creates venv
- Simply put a folder containing the frames in the datasets folder
NOTE The frames must be PNGs with a resolution of 2048x1536 (QXGA) (or 'KITTI' resolution - 1392x512). Every frame in each dataset must have the same resolution.
source ~/py3-environments/coordinator/bin/activate
Activates venvpython3 coordinator.py
Runs script in venv:deactivate
Exit venv
- In FFE.py: start.delay parameter needs to be changed according to your machine. If the delay is too low
the error message
404 Client Error: Not Found ("No such container: ...")
will be received for every optimization iteration.
- Unix-like OS (tested on Arch Linux 5.0.7, Ubuntu 18.04.02 LTS and MacOS 10.14.5)
- Docker (version > 18) properly installed
- Intel QuickSync H.264 and VP9 support (Kaby Lake, Gemini Lake, Coffee Lake, Cannon Lake or later)