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Bliss Browser

Language support

Bliss Browser aims to be a web developers utopian paradise by supporting all the web programming languages, along with many tools and frameworks These are the programming languages supported by the Bliss Browser, along with their associated repositories.










  • This section is currently empty



  • This section is currently empty





  • This section is currently empty



  • This section is currently empty





  • This section is currently empty






Note This list is incomplete

Statistics (as of 2023, Friday, March 3rd at 2:51 pm PST)

  • Total section count: 26
  • Populated section count: 21
  • Empty section count: 5
  • Total languages listed: 98 (last confirmed check: 2023, Friday, March 3rd)

File info

Click/tap here to expand/collapse this section

File type: Markdown (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)

File version: 25 (2023, Friday, March 3rd at 2:51 pm PST)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 762

Current article language: English (EN_USA) / Markdown (CommonMark) / HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language 5.3)

Encoding: UTF-8 (Emoji 12.0 or higher recommended)

All times are UTC-7 (PDT/Pacific Time) (Please also account for DST (Daylight Savings Time) for older/newer entries up until it is abolished/no longer followed)

Note On 2022, Sunday, March 13th at 2:00 am PST, the time jumped ahead 1 hour to 3:00 am.

Note You may need special rendering support for the <details> HTML tag being used in this document

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history for this file

Version 1 (2023, Sunday, February 5th at 3:45 pm PST)


  • Started the file
  • Added the title section
  • Added the Language support section
    • Added the A subsection
    • Added the B subsection
    • Added the C subsection
    • Added the D subsection
    • Added the E subsection
    • Added the F subsection
    • Added the G subsection
    • Added the H subsection
    • Added the I subsection
    • Added the J subsection
    • Added the K subsection
    • Added the L subsection
    • Added the M subsection
    • Added the N subsection
    • Added the O subsection
    • Added the P subsection
    • Added the Q subsection
    • Added the R subsection
    • Added the S subsection
    • Added the T subsection
    • Added the U subsection
    • Added the V subsection
    • Added the W subsection
    • Added the X subsection
    • Added the Y subsection
    • Added the Z subsection
  • Added the file version stamp
  • No other changes in version 1

Version 2 (2023, Monday, February 6th at 4:11 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the M subsection to add Mako, Markdown, and MediaWiki/WikiText
    • Updated the P subsection to add PHP
  • Removed the file version stamp in place of a file info section
  • Added the file info section
    • Added the version number
    • Added the version date
    • Added the line count
  • Added the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 1
    • Added an entry for version 2
  • Added the footer
  • No other changes in version 2

Version 3 (2023, Tuesday, February 7th at 6:12 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the P subsection to include Processing.js
    • Updated the R subsection to include Ruby
    • Updated the S subsection to include SASS and SCSS
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 3
  • No other changes in version 3

Version 4 (2023, Wednesday, February 8th at 3:45 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the S subsection to include SGML, Smarty, and Svelte
    • Updated the T subsection to include TOML
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 4
  • No other changes in version 4

Version 5 (2023, Thursday, February 9th at 1:34 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the T subsection to include Twig and TypeScript
    • Updated the W subsection to include WebAssembly
    • Updated the X subsection to include XML
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 5
  • No other changes in version 5

Version 6 (2023, Friday, February 10th at 5:28 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the Y subsection to include YAML
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 6
  • No other changes in version 6

Version 7 (2023, Monday, February 13th at 9:08 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the J subsection to include Jinja
    • Updated the N subsection to include Nunjucks
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 7
  • No other changes in version 7

Version 8 (2023, Tuesday, February 14th at 4:57 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the A subsection to include AngelScript
    • Updated the J subsection to include JSON5 and JS++
    • Updated the M subsection to include Metal
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 8
  • No other changes in version 8

Version 9 (2023, Wednesday, February 15th at 7:03 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the A subsection to include AssemblyScript
    • Updated the L subsection to include LiveScript
    • Updated the R subsection to include Roff
    • Updated the x subsection to include XUL
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 9
  • No other changes in version 9

Version 10 (2023, Thursday, February 16th at 7:07 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the C subsection to include CartoCSS
    • Updated the J subsection to include JScript, JScript.NET, and J#
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 10
  • No other changes in version 10

Version 11 (2023, Friday, February 17th at 7:49 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the H subsection to include Hack and Haml
    • Updated the P subsection to include Pug
    • Updated the S subsection to include StrictYAML
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 11
  • No other changes in version 11

Version 12 (2023, Saturday, February 18th at 5:35 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the H subsection to include Handlebars
    • Updated the L subsection to include Liquid
    • Updated the P subsection to include PEG.js and Pod
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 12
  • No other changes in version 12

Version 13 (2023, Sunday, February 19th at 5:10 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the G subsection to include Google Apps Script
    • Updated the H subsection to include HXML
    • Updated the M subsection to include Mustache
    • Updated the V subsection to include Vue.js
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 13
  • No other changes in version 13

Version 14 (2023, Monday, February 20th at 5:32 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the C subsection to include CoffeeScript
    • Updated the F subsection to include FreeMarker
    • Updated the G subsection to include Gherkin
    • Updated the J subsection to include Jsonnet
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 14
  • No other changes in version 14

Version 15 (2023, Tuesday, February 21st at 1:30 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the N subsection to include NGinx
    • Updated the R subsection to include Reason, ReasonML, and ReScript
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 15
  • No other changes in version 15

Version 16 (2023, Wednesday, February 22nd at 7:20 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the E subsection to include ECMAScript
    • Updated the R subsection to include ReStructuredText
    • Updated the S subsection to include Slim
    • Updated the T subsection to include Thrift
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 16
  • No other changes in version 16

Version 17 (2023, Thursday, February 23rd at 7:21 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the B subsection to include Bicep and Bikeshed
    • Updated the C subsection to include CSV
    • Updated the P subsection to include PureScript
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 17
  • No other changes in version 17

Version 18 (2023, Friday, February 24th at 7:29 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the C subsection to include Clojure
    • Updated the H subsection to include HCL, Hy, and HyPhy
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 18
  • No other changes in version 18

Version 19 (2023, Saturday, February 25th at 10:44 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the J subsection to include JSSS
    • Updated the L subsection to include LiveCode and LOLCODE
    • Updated the M subsection to include Mallard
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 19
  • No other changes in version 19

Version 20 (2023, Sunday, February 26th at 9:00 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the E subsection to include Earthly
    • Updated the N subsection to include NetREXX
    • Updated the S subsection to include Singularity
    • Updated the W subsection to include WebVTT
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 20
  • No other changes in version 20

Version 21 (2023, Monday, February 27th at 10:48 pm PST)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the A subsection to include Antlers
    • Updated the G subsection to include Gleam
    • Updated the S subsection to include Slash
    • Updated the X subsection to include XS
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 21
  • No other changes in version 21

Version 22 (2023, Tuesday, February 28th at 2:37 pm PST)

Note There were some issues with scheduling, 4 duplicates were in my calendar. I added 1 new language, but decided to skip 3 today, so I could have a break. This update only contains 1 new entry, instead of the usual amount of 4. Things will return to normal tomorrow.


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the D subsection to include DogeScript
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 22
  • No other changes in version 22

Version 23 (2023, Wednesday, March 1st at 10:59 pm PST)

Note Back to normal today, although the supply of languages is running very low, and will run out by the end of the week.


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the C subsection to include ColdFusion and ColdFusion CFC
    • Updated the S subsection to include SugarSS
    • Updated the W subsection to include WebIDL
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 23
  • No other changes in version 23

Version 24 (2023, Thursday, March 2nd at 6:20 pm PST)

Note The last day of consecutive development (for now)


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the B subsection to include Bro
    • Updated the P subsection to include Protocol Buffer
    • Updated the Z subsection to include Zeek
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 24
  • No other changes in version 24

Version 25 (2023, Friday, March 3rd at 2:51 pm PST)

Note Nevermind on yesterdays comment, this was another consecutive day of development. I had 1 more entry, and found that my calendar had an open slot, so I added a 98th entry today, although I really felt like it should have been 100. This is likely the last consecutive day of development for now, although things can change.


  • Updated the Language support section
    • Updated the R subsection to include RAML
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 25
  • No other changes in version 25


You have reached the end of this file.