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DeGoogle your Life

Article catalog for all Google products

( #Degoogle-your-life #Degoogle #Degoogling #Degoogled DeGoogle your Life project )

🚧️ This page is under development 🚧️

It is far from ready. Currently, it is only partially developed for the first 3 letters (A-C) with 23 more letters to go.

Click/tap here to expand/collapse this section

Known issues:

  • Lots of entries missing (I don't need help with this one)
  • Lots of icons missing (I don't need help with this one)
  • Some icons are crushed due to table formatting (I may need help with this one, but I will try reducing the number of entries per line to 5 first. I won't fix it today, but suggestions are welcome)
  • Lots of images of the Google product logo without the 🚫️ sign are not yet included.

For uBlock origin users

Click/tap here to expand/collapse this section

For anyone using uBlock origin (myself included) you may see some icons fail to load that contain words like "ad" or "analytics" in them. Additionally, it may also prevent you from starring repositories with 'ad' or 'analytics' in the title. I assume this is a failsafe functionality in uBlock that gets rid of ads. You can temporarily turn off uBlock origin on GitHub to see if this resolves it for you. There are no actual ads on this page.


Click/tap here to expand/collapse this section

This sign means that the current entry is a placeholder entry
  • 🪦️ - Former Google product/service
  • 🧿️ - Current Google product/service

Icons currently unavailable for:

  • Other

New idea: Row A1A, Row A1B, etc.

1A variant will contain the DeGoogle article, 1B variant will contain the original logo for the product

Articles coming soon for:

  • Google Allo
  • Google Apps Script
  • Google Arts & Culture
  • Google Authenticator
  • Google Chat
  • Google Chromium
  • Google Cloud Source Repositories
  • Google Colaboratory
  • Google Contacts
  • Google Currents
  • Other


Click/tap here to expand/collapse the table

Section A1A

Why you should avoid Google AMP 🧿️

Why you should stop using Google Analytics 🧿️

DeGoogled Android Phone VM Research 🧿️

Why you should stop using Google Accounts 🧿️

Why you should stop using Google AdSense

Google Allo 🪦️

Google Ads 🧿️

Section A1B

Google AMP

Google Analytics

Android (Operating System)

Google Account

Google AdSense

Google Allo

Google Ads

Section A2A

Why you should stop using Android

Coming soon 🧿️

Coming soon 🧿️

Hey Google, Stop (Google Assistant) 🧿️

Coming soon 🧿️

Why you should stop using Android Pay 🧿️

Coming soon

Section A2B

Android (Operating system)

Google Apps Script 🧿️

Google Arts & Culture 🧿️

Google Assistant 🧿️

Google Authenticator 🧿️

Android Pay 🧿️

Coming soon

Section B1A

Why you should stop using Google Blockly 🧿️

Why you should stop using Google Base 🧿️

Stop reading from Google Books 🧿️

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section B1B

Google Blockly 🧿️

Google Base 🧿️

Google Books 🧿️

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section C1A

Stop using Google Classroom 🧿️

Why you should stop using Google Calendar 🧿️

Why you should stop using the Google Calculator 🧿️

Why you should stop using the Google Camera 🧿️

Coming soon 🧿️

Why you should stop using Google Chrome 🧿️

Coming soon 🧿️

Section C1B

Google Classroom 🧿️

Google Calendar 🧿️

Google Calculator 🧿️

Google Camera 🧿️

Google Chat 🧿️

Google Chrome 🧿️

Google Chromium 🧿️

Section C2A

Stop using Chromebooks 🧿️

Why you should stop using Google Cardboard 🪦️

Coming soon 🧿️

Coming soon 🧿️

Coming soon 🧿️

Coming soon 🪦️

Coming soon

Section C2B

Chromebooks 🧿️

Google Cardboard 🪦️

Google Cloud Source Repositories 🧿️

Google Colaboratory 🧿️

Google Contacts 🧿️

Google Currents 🪦️

Google ChromeOS

Section C3A

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section C3B

Google ChromiumOS

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section D1

Google Docs

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section E1

Google Earth

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section F1

Google Families 🧿️

Google Fiber 🧿️

Google Fit 🧿️

Google Fonts 🧿️

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section G1

Google Gallery 🧿️


Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section H1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section I1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section J1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section K1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section L1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section M1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section N1

Google Nexus 🧿️

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section O1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section P1

Google Peridot 🧿️

Google Pixel 🧿️

Google Play Movies 🧿️

Google Plus 🪦️

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section Q1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section R1

Google ReCaptcha 🧿️

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section S1

Google Stadia 🪦️

Google Scholar 🧿️

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section T1

Google Travel 🧿️

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section U1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section V1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section W1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section X1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section Y1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Section Z1

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Product listing

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the product listing

Note Keep this list in plain text, even after the project is catalogued. I feel we are going to need an alternative to Cody Ogdens Google graveyard.


  • Google AMP [alive]
  • Google Arts & Culture [alive]
  • Google Allo [dead]
  • Google Android {Include: DeGoogled Android Phone VM research } [alive]
  • Google Apps [dead]
  • Google Answers [dead]
  • Google Ads [alive]
  • Google AdSense [alive]
  • Google Android Pay [alive]


  • Google Blockly [alive]
  • Google Base [dead]
  • Google Books [alive]
  • Google Browser Sync [dead]
  • Google Buzz [dead]


  • Google Cardboard [dead]
  • Google Classroom [alive]
  • Google Chat [alive]
  • Google Chrome [alive]
  • Google Chromium [alive]
  • Google ChromeOS [alive]
  • Google ChromiumOS [alive]
  • Google Chromecast [alive]
  • Google Chromebook [alive]
  • Google Chromeblet [alive]
  • Google Chromebox [alive]
  • Google Chromebit [alive]
  • Google Chrome Frame [dead]
  • Google Cloud Connect [dead]


  • Google Docs [alive]
  • Google Desktop [dead]
  • Google Pack [dead]
  • Google PowerMeter [dead]
  • Google Duo [dead]
  • Google Directory [dead]


  • Google Earth [alive]
  • Google Express [dead]


  • Google Fuchsia [alive]
  • Google FastFlip [dead]
  • Google Fusion Tables [dead]
  • Google Flu Trends [dead]
  • Google Friends Connect [dead]
  • Google FitBit [alive]


  • Google GMail [alive]
  • Google GSuite [dead]
  • Google Gears [dead]
  • Google Goggles [dead]


  • Google Hangouts [dead]
  • Google Health [dead]


  • Google Inbox by GMail [dead]


  • Google J


  • Google Keep [alive]
  • Google Knol [dead]
  • Google Orkut [dead]


  • Google L


  • Google Maps [alive]
  • Google Maps Maker [dead]
  • Google Maps Navigation [dead]


  • Google Now [dead]
  • Google Noop [dead]


  • [alive]
  • Google Offers [dead]


  • Google Plus [dead]
  • Google Picasa [dead]
  • Google Photos [alive]


  • Google QuickOffice [dead]


  • Google ReCaptcha [alive]
  • Google Reply [dead]


  • Google Search [alive]
  • Google Scholar [alive]
  • Google Swift for Tensorflow [dead]
  • Google Stadia [dead]
  • Google StreetView [alive]
  • Google Sputnik [dead]
  • Google Sheets [alive]
  • Google slides [alive]


  • Google Tensorflow [alive]
  • Google Toolbar [dead]
  • Google TV [alive]
  • Google Talk [dead]


  • Google URL shortener [dead]


  • Google Video [dead]


  • Google Wave [dead]
  • Google Workspace [alive]
  • Google WebM [alive]
  • Google WebP [alive]
  • Google Web Accelerator [dead]


  • Google X


  • YouTube {Include: Alternating from YouTube} [alive]
  • YouTube Kids [alive]
  • YouTube Originals [dead]
  • YouTube for Wii [dead]
  • YouTube for Wii U [dead]
  • YouTube for Nintendo 3DS [dead]


  • Google ZygoteBody [dead]

File info

Click/tap here to expand/collapse this section

File type: Markdown (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)

File version: 4 (2023, Tuesday, February 21st at 4:00 pm PST)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 859

Current article language: English (EN_USA) / Markdown (CommonMark) / HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language 5.3)

Encoding: UTF-8 (Emoji 12.0 or higher recommended)

All times are UTC-7 (PDT/Pacific Time) (Please also account for DST (Daylight Savings Time) for older/newer entries up until it is abolished/no longer followed)

Note On 2022, Sunday, March 13th at 2:00 am PST, the time jumped ahead 1 hour to 3:00 am.

Note You may need special rendering support for the <details> HTML tag being used in this document

File history

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history section for this project

Version 1 (2023, Monday, January 2nd at 6:30 pm PST)

This version was made by: @seanpm2001


  • Started the file
  • Added the title section
  • Added tags to the top of the page
  • Added the This page is under development section
  • Added the Known issues section
  • Added the For uBlock origin users section
  • Added the Legend section
  • Added the Table section
    • Filled in several entries in rows A, B, and C
  • Added the Product listing section
    • Added the A subsection
    • Added the B subsection
    • Added the C subsection
    • Added the D subsection
    • Added the E subsection
    • Added the F subsection
    • Added the G subsection
    • Added the H subsection
    • Added the I subsection
    • Added the J subsection
    • Added the K subsection
    • Added the L subsection
    • Added the M subsection
    • Added the N subsection
    • Added the O subsection
    • Added the P subsection
    • Added the Q subsection
    • Added the R subsection
    • Added the S subsection
    • Added the T subsection
    • Added the U subsection
    • Added the V subsection
    • Added the W subsection
    • Added the X subsection
    • Added the Y subsection
    • Added the Z subsection
  • Added a glitched section
  • Added a file version timestamp
  • No other changes in version 1

Version 2 (2023, Saturday, January 7th at 3:54 pm PST)

This version was made by: @seanpm2001


  • Updated the Legend section
  • Updated the table
    • Added in several missing icons in the A, B, and C rows
    • Began adding in A and B variants for each row (this new extra row is for the original Google product logos/icons, as it can be hard to tell what icon is being displayed through the 🚫️ sign. Additionally, these rows will contain the names of the Google products, instead of the names of the articles)
  • Updated the file version timestamp
  • Removed the glitched section
  • No other changes in version 2

Version 3 (2023, Saturday, January 7th at 4:37 pm PST)

This version was made by: @seanpm2001


  • Updated the Known issues section
    • Turned the section into a dropdown section
  • Updated the For uBlock origin users section
    • Turned the section into a dropdown section
  • Updated the Legend section
    • Turned the section into a dropdown section
  • Updated the Table section
    • Turned the section into a dropdown section
  • Updated the Project listing section
    • Turned the section into a dropdown section
  • Removed the file version timestamp in place of the new file info section
  • Added the file info section
    • Added the version number
    • Added the version date
    • Added the line count
    • Added the current encoding
    • Added the current language
    • Added a time zone note
    • Added a couple notes about DST (Daylight Savings Time)
    • Added a special characters warning
  • Added the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 1
    • Added an entry for version 2
    • Added an entry for version 3
  • No other changes in version 3

Version 4 (2023, Tuesday, February 21st at 4:00 pm PST)

This version was made by: @seanpm2001


  • Updated the table
    • Added new entries to row F
    • Added new entries to row G
    • Added new entries to row N
    • Added new entries to row P
    • Added new entries to row R
    • Added new entries to row S
    • Added new entries to row T
  • Updated the Known issues section
  • Updated the file info section
    • Updated the version number
    • Updated the version date
    • Updated the line count
  • Updated the file history section
    • Added an entry for version 4
  • No other changes in version 4