Seerbit Vue SDK can be used to integrate the SeerBit payment gateway into your Vue application. This module was built and tested using VueJS 3.2.13
Register for a merchant account on Seerbit Merchant Dashboard to get started.
--> Login -> Settings menu -> API Keys menu -> Copy your public key
npm install --save seerbit-vue
yarn add seerbit-vue
Property | Type | Required | Default | Description |
currency | string |
Optional | NGN | The currency for the transaction e.g NGN |
string |
Required | None | The email of the user to be charged | |
mobileNo | string |
Optional | None | The mobile number of the user to be charged |
description | string |
Optional | None | The transaction description which is optional |
fullName | string |
Optional | None | The full name of the user to be charged |
country | string |
Optional | "NG" | Transaction country which can be optional |
tranref | string |
Required | None | Set a unique transaction reference for every transaction |
amount | string |
Required | None | The transaction amount in naira |
callbackUrl | string |
Optional | None | This is the redirect url when transaction is successful |
publicKey | string |
Required | None | Your Public key or see Requirements above to get yours |
closeOnSuccess | boolean |
Optional | False | Close checkout when trasaction is successful |
closePrompt | boolean |
Optional | False | Close the checkout page if transaction is not initiated |
setAmountByCustomer | boolean |
Optional | False | Set to true if you want user to enter transaction amount |
pocketRef | string |
Optional | None | This is your pocket reference for vendors with pocket |
vendorId | string |
Optional | None | This is the vendorId of your business using pocket |
tokenize | boolean |
Optional | False | Tokenize card |
planId | string |
Optional | None | Subcription Plan ID |
customization | CustomizationModel |
Optional | CustomizationModel | CustomizationMode( borderColor: "#000000", backgroundColor: "#004C64", buttonColor: "#0084A0", paymentMethod:[PayChannel.card, PayChannel.account, PayChannel.transfer, PayChannel.momo], confetti: false , logo: "logo_url or base64") |
onCallback | Method |
Optional | None | Callback method if transaction was successful |
onCloseCheckout | Method |
Optional | None | Callback method if transaction was cancelled |
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