superType is a type system for javascript that supports
Classical inheritence
Composition including collections
Include lib/index.js for use in the browser. Install on node via npm:
npm install supertype
It is automatically installed as a dependency for Amorphic
Classes are defined as "templates".
ObjectTemplate = require('supertype');
Animal = ObjectTemplate.create("Animal",
name: {type: String},
isMammal: {type: Boolean, value: true},
legs: {type: Number, value: 2}
Lion = Animal.extend("Lion",
init: function () {; = "Lion";
this.legs = 4;
canRoar: function () {return true}
Bear = Animal.extend("Bear",
init: function () {; = "Bear";
canHug: function () {return true}
Ark = ObjectTemplate.create("Ark",
animals: {type: Array, of: Animal, value: []},
board: function (animal) {
animal.ark = this;
ark: {type: Ark}
You create objects using new
var ark1 = new Ark();
ark1.board(new Lion());
ark1.board(new Bear());
var ark2 = new Ark();
ark2.board(new Lion());
ark2.board(new Bear());
Because superType knows about the interrelationships between your objects you can serialize and de-serialize even though you have circular references
var serialArk1 = ark1.toJSONString();
var serialArk2 = ark2.toJSONString();
ark1 = Ark.fromJSON(serialArk1);
ark2 = Ark.fromJSON(serialArk2);
superType is licensed under the MIT license