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Releases: senzing-garage/rest-api-client-ng


12 May 15:31
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  • angular dependencies updated to 15.2.x
  • dependency versions updated for security patches


17 Jan 18:46
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s of 6.0.0 release this package now requires @angular@~15.0.0 to compile and run. There are no components in this package so technically it would probably be compatible with earlier releases but it is not recommended and would not be officially supported.

Updating to angular 15 resolves major dependency compatibility issues so we can apply the latest security patches to the library.

For information updating your project from a previous angular version to ~15.0.0 see the Angular Update Guide

models updated to senzing-rest-api-spec@3.3.0

  • Added methods and models to support "how entity" functionality
  • Added enumeration options for detail levels and feature mode to allow for graph optimization.


  • SzFeatureReference model
  • SzHowEntityResponse model
  • SzHowEntityResult model
  • SzHowMatchInfo model
  • SzRecordIdentifier model
  • SzRecordIdentifiers model
  • SzResolutionStep model
  • SzVirtualEntity model
  • SzVirtualEntityData model
  • SzVirtualEntityRecord model
  • SzVirtualEntityResponse model
  • BAREMINIMAL added to SzDetailLevel to handle just returning the
    entity ID's without record information or relationship match info.
  • NETWORKMINIMAL added to SzDetailLevel to behave the same as
    SzDetailLevel.BAREMINIMAL, but with the addition of relationship match info in the case of related entities being included.
  • ENTITYNAMEONLY added to SzFeatureMode to handle just retrieving the entity name without actually returning other features.
  • ATTRIBUTED value for SzFeatureMode for pulling back feature references at the record level to indicate which records contributed which features.
  • featureReferences property to SzEntityRecord
  • the following methods added to EntityDataService
    • getVirtualEntityByRecordIds gets a virtual entity by simulating the resolution of the records identified by the specified record ID parameters. This operation simulates the resolution of the one or more specified records into a single entity and returns the simulated "virtual" entity. The subject records are identified by data source code and record ID pairs.
    • howEntityByEntityID gets an analysis of how the entity for the respective entity ID resolved. This operation provides an anlysis of how the records in an entity resolved. The subject entity is identified by the entity ID in the request path.
    • howEntityByRecordID gets an analysis of how the entity for the record with the respective data source code and record ID resolved. This operation provides an anlysis of how the records in an entity resolved. The subject entity is the one containing the record identified by the data source code and record ID in the request path.


  • SzMatchInfo renamed to SzWhyMatchInfo
  • Updated GET /entity-paths parameter(s)


12 Aug 01:29
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A new parameter and enum has been added for finer control over the detail levels of entity response objects.


  • SzDetailLevel is a new enum that describes the level of detail desired for entity data when obtained via the various endpoints that return entity data. Details for features of entities as well as the related entities of entities are controlled by other flags. Possible values are:
    • MINIMAL The entities returned will include at most their entity ID's as well as identifiers for their constituent records (i.e.: data source code and record ID for each record). This detail level is optimized for the fastest possible processing time.
    • BRIEF Builds upon MINIMAL to add the entity name and related entity match info when related entity match info when related entities are included. This detail level aims to maintain as much speed as possible while providing names and relationship information for rendering a graph.
    • SUMMARY Identical to BRIEF except that individual record identifier information is excluded, leaving only the record summary (i.e.: a record count by data source code). This reduces the size of the JSON document for large entities with thousands of records. It may take longer to process than BRIEF but less data is returned as well, speeding up network transfer times.
    • VERBOSE Combines BRIEF and SUMMARY and then adds the original JSON data for each record, the record-level matching info, as well as formatted record data. NOTE: the record-level matching info returned via "how" and "why" is often more useful than that embedded in the entity. Further, the formatted record data, while readable, is not formatted according to locale (i.e.: address, name and date formatting may not appear as expected to a user).


  • The call signature has been updated for EntityDataService.getEntityByEntityId from entityId: number, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRelated?: SzRelationshipMode, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string} to entityId: number, detailLevel?: SzDetailLevel, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRelated?: SzRelationshipMode, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string}
  • The call signature has been updated for EntityDataService.getEntityByRecordId from dataSourceCode: string, recordId: string, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRelated?: SzRelationshipMode, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string} to dataSourceCode: string, recordId: string, detailLevel?: SzDetailLevel, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRelated?: SzRelationshipMode, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string}
  • The call signature has been updated for EntityDataService.searchEntitiesByGet from attrs?: string, attr?: Array<string>, includeOnly?: Array<SzAttributeSearchResultType>, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRelationships?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string} to attrs?: string, attr?: Array<string>, includeOnly?: Array<SzAttributeSearchResultType>, detailLevel?: SzDetailLevel, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRelationships?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string}
  • The call signature has been updated for EntityDataService.searchEntitiesByPost from body: { [key: string]: any; }, includeOnly?: Array<SzAttributeSearchResultType>, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRelationships?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string} to body: { [key: string]: any; }, includeOnly?: Array<SzAttributeSearchResultType>, detailLevel?: SzDetailLevel, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRelationships?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string}
  • The call signature has been updated for EntityDataService.whyEntities from entity1: string, entity2: string, withRelationships?: boolean, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string} to entity1: string, entity2: string, withRelationships?: boolean, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, detailLevel?: SzDetailLevel, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string}
  • The call signature has been updated for EntityDataService.whyEntityByEntityID from entityId: number, withRelationships?: boolean, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string} to entityId: number, withRelationships?: boolean, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, detailLevel?: SzDetailLevel, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string}
  • The call signature has been updated for EntityDataService.whyEntityByRecordID from dataSourceCode: string, recordId: string, withRelationships?: boolean, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string} to dataSourceCode: string, recordId: string, withRelationships?: boolean, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, detailLevel?: SzDetailLevel, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string}
  • The call signature has been updated for EntityDataService.whyRecords from dataSource1: string, recordId1: string, dataSource2: string, recordId2: string, withRelationships?: boolean, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string} to dataSource1: string, recordId1: string, dataSource2: string, recordId2: string, withRelationships?: boolean, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, detailLevel?: SzDetailLevel, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string}
  • The call signature has been updated for EntityGraphService.findEntityNetwork from e?: Array<SzEntityIdentifier>, entities?: SzEntityIdentifiers, maxDegrees?: number, buildOut?: number, maxEntities?: number, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string} to e?: Array<SzEntityIdentifier>, entities?: SzEntityIdentifiers, maxDegrees?: number, buildOut?: number, maxEntities?: number, detailLevel?: SzDetailLevel, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string}
  • The call signature has been updated for EntityGraphService.findEntityPath from from: SzEntityIdentifier, to: SzEntityIdentifier, maxDegrees?: number, x?: Array<SzEntityIdentifier>, avoidEntities?: SzEntityIdentifiers, forbidAvoided?: boolean, s?: Array<string>, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string} to from: SzEntityIdentifier, to: SzEntityIdentifier, maxDegrees?: number, x?: Array<SzEntityIdentifier>, avoidEntities?: SzEntityIdentifiers, forbidAvoided?: boolean, s?: Array<string>, detailLevel?: SzDetailLevel, featureMode?: SzFeatureMode, withFeatureStats?: boolean, withInternalFeatures?: boolean, forceMinimal?: boolean, withRaw?: boolean, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, additionalHeaders?: {[key: string]: string}


30 Jul 21:15
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dependency and security patches.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 4.0.0...4.0.2


10 Mar 06:58
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This update brings the models in line with the changes for the 3.0.0 release of the senzing rest api server
and rest api specification.


  • matchScore removed from SzBaseRelatedEntity
  • The EntityData.getEntityByEntityId method had the parameter forceMinimal moved from the 3rd position to the 5th position.


  • All models related to Entity Types and Entity Classes removed from the api have been removed from this package(see below)
    • SzEntityClass
    • SzEntityClassDescriptor
    • SzEntityClassResponse
    • SzEntityClassResponseData
    • SzEntityClassesResponse
    • SzEntityClassesResponseData
    • SzEntityType
    • SzEntityTypeBulkLoadResult
    • SzEntityTypeDescriptor
    • SzEntityTypeRecordAnalysis
    • SzEntityTypeResponse
    • SzEntityTypeResponseData
    • SzEntityTypesResponse
    • SzEntityTypesResponseData
  • The following methods removed from ConfigService
    • addEntityTypes
    • addEntityTypesForClass
    • getEntityClass
    • getEntityClasses
    • getEntityType
    • getEntityTypeByClass
    • getEntityTypes
    • getEntityTypesByClass
  • The following parameters removed from BulkData.analyzeBulkRecordsForm
    • entityType
    • mapEntityTypes
    • mapEntityType
    • maxFailures
  • The following parameters removed from BulkData.loadBulkRecordsForm
    • entityType
    • mapEntityTypes
    • mapEntityType

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.0.0...4.0.0


14 Dec 16:51
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As of 3.0.0 release this package now requires @angular@~13.0.0 to compile and run. There are no components in this package so technically it would probably be compatible with earlier releases but it is not recommended and would not be officially supported.

Updating to angular 13 resolves major dependency compatibility issues so we can apply the latest security patches to the library.

For information updating your project from a previous angular version to ~13.0.0 see the Angular Update Guide


04 Aug 18:05
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Models and API Services updated to compliance with senzing-api-rest-spec@2.7.0 and poc-api-server extended spec for streaming.

There are some potentially breaking changes if an application is referencing models in the package that no longer exist. The vast majority of API service calls and signatures remain unchanged with the notable exception of analyzeBulkRecords and loadBulkRecords having two new additional arguments that change the order of the method parameters. The changes also include some expanded functionality around WHY services and Stream loading(*poc server only).

see changelog for senzing-api-server@2.7.0 here

related #69 #70

  • deleted:

    • szBaseResponseLinks.ts
    • szBaseResponseMeta.ts
    • (DEPRECATED) szBulkDataLoadResponse.ts
    • body.ts
    • body1.ts
    • body2.ts
    • body3.ts
    • body4.ts
    • body5.ts
  • added:

    • bulkdataAnalyzeBody.ts
    • bulkdataLoadBody.ts
    • bulkdataRecordsBody.ts
    • datasourcesBody.ts
    • datasourcesBody1.ts
    • entitytypesBody.ts
    • entitytypesBody1.ts
    • szDeleteRecordResponseData.ts
    • szDisclosedRelation.ts
    • szLinks.ts (replaces szBaseResponseLinks)
    • szMeta.ts (replaces szBaseResponseMeta)
    • szOpenApiSpecResponse.ts
    • szOpenApiSpecResponseOrRawJson.ts
    • szQueueInfo.ts
    • szQueueInfoResponse.ts
    • szRelatedFeatures.ts
    • szRelationDirection.ts
    • szWhyEntitiesResponse.ts
    • szWhyEntitiesResponseData.ts
    • szWhyEntitiesResult.ts
  • SenzingBaseResponse:

    • meta changed from type SzBaseResponseMeta to SzMeta
    • links changed from type SzBaseResponseLinks to SzLinks
  • SzEntityRecord:

    • added lastSeenTimestamp as Date
    • added originalSourceData as { [key: string]: any; }
  • SzMatchInfo

    • added disclosedRelations as Array
  • SzResolvedEntity

    • added lastSeenTimestamp as Date
  • SzServerInfo

    • added webSocketsMessageMaxSize as number
    • added infoQueueConfigured as boolean
    • added loadQueueConfigured as boolean
  • SzVersionInfo

    • added nativeApiBuildVersion as string
    • added pocServerVersion as string
    • added pocApiVersion as string
  • AdminService

    • added openApiSpecification method
    • added root method
    • added getLoadQueueInfo method for querying POC Server Queue
  • BulkDataService

    • parameters maxFailures, and eofSendTimeout added to method analyzeBulkRecords
    • parameters maxFailures, and eofSendTimeout added to method loadBulkRecords
    • added analyzeBulkRecordsForm method
    • added loadBulkRecordsForm method
  • EntityDataService

    • added searchEntitiesByGet method. existing behavior or passing search parameters in the url of api requests.
    • added searchEntitiesByPost method to allow not passing search parameters through url requests.
    • searchByAttributes refactored as alias of searchEntitiesByGet to prevent breaking change.


09 Jun 17:27
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09 Apr 00:01
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  • Dependency security updates and bugfixes.


30 Oct 19:41
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Brings models and properties up to date with the rest api spec 2.2.0

  • Added SzNameScoring to describe name scoring details
  • Added SzSearchFeatureScore for search feature scores
  • Modified SzBaseRelatedEntity to remove fullNameScore field since it has
    not been populated since switch to version 2.0.0 of native Senzing SDK and
    never made sense in the "base class" since only SzAttributeSearchResult had
    this field populated under native Senzing SDK version 1.x.
  • Added bestNameScore field to SzAttributeSearchResult to replace
    fullNameScore in the place where the name score was previously
    used with version 1.x of the native Senzing SDK (i.e.: to sort search results
    based on the strength of the name match).
  • Modified SzAttributeSearchResult to include the featureScores field to
    provide feature scores without using "raw data"
  • Added nameScoringDetails field to SzFeatureScore class to provide
    SzNameScoring name scoring details on why operations,
  • Updated com.senzing.api.model.SzFeatureScore to define its score field as
    the most sensible score value from the nameScoringDetails for "NAME"
    features since the FULL_SCORE field is not available for names.
  • Added the NOT_SCORED value for SzScoringBucket enum.