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Add read me to Serilog.UI.PostgreSqlProvider.nuspec file. #35

Add read me to Serilog.UI.PostgreSqlProvider.nuspec file.

Add read me to Serilog.UI.PostgreSqlProvider.nuspec file. #35

GitHub Actions / DotNET - Tests succeeded Sep 1, 2023 in 1s

100 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
tests/Serilog.Ui.Common.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 4s
tests/Serilog.Ui.ElasticSearchProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 16✔️ 60s
tests/Serilog.Ui.MongoDbProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 18✔️ 16s
tests/Serilog.Ui.MsSqlServerProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 17✔️ 67s
tests/Serilog.Ui.MySqlProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 16✔️ 48s
tests/Serilog.Ui.PostgreSqlProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 31✔️ 31s
tests/Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx 2✔️ 1✖️ 4s

✔️ tests/Serilog.Ui.Common.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

No tests found

✔️ tests/Serilog.Ui.ElasticSearchProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

16 tests were completed in 60s with 16 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
ElasticSearch.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest 2✔️ 236ms
ElasticSearch.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest 4✔️ 366ms
ElasticSearch.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest 8✔️ 314ms
ElasticSearch.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest 2✔️ 71ms

✔️ ElasticSearch.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest

✔️ It_logs_and_throws_when_db_read_breaks_down
✔️ It_throws_when_any_dependency_is_null

✔️ ElasticSearch.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest

✔️ It fetches with limit
✔️ It fetches with limit and skip
✔️ It fetches with skip
✔️ It_throws_when_skip_is_zero

✔️ ElasticSearch.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest

✔️ It finds all data with default search
✔️ It finds data with all filters
✔️ It finds only data emitted after date
✔️ It finds only data emitted before date
✔️ It finds only data with specific level
✔️ It finds only data with specific message content
✔️ It finds same data on same repeated search
✔️ It_finds_only_data_emitted_in_dates_range

✔️ ElasticSearch.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest

✔️ It_registers_provider_and_dependencies
✔️ It_throws_on_invalid_registration

✔️ tests/Serilog.Ui.MongoDbProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

18 tests were completed in 16s with 18 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest 2✔️ 542ms
MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest 4✔️ 247ms
MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest 8✔️ 381ms
MongoDb.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest 4✔️ 712ms

✔️ MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest

✔️ It logs and throws when db read breaks down
✔️ It throws when any dependency is null

✔️ MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest

✔️ It fetches with limit
✔️ It fetches with limit and skip
✔️ It fetches with skip
✔️ It throws when skip is zero

✔️ MongoDb.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest

✔️ It finds all data with default search
✔️ It finds data with all filters
✔️ It finds only data emitted after date
✔️ It finds only data emitted before date
✔️ It finds only data emitted in dates range
✔️ It finds only data with specific level
✔️ It finds only data with specific message content
✔️ It finds same data on same repeated search

✔️ MongoDb.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest

✔️ It registers IMongoClient only when not registered
✔️ It registers provider and dependencies with connstring and collection
✔️ It registers provider and dependencies with connstring collection and dbname
✔️ It throws on invalid registration

✔️ tests/Serilog.Ui.MsSqlServerProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

17 tests were completed in 67s with 17 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest 2✔️ 242ms
MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest 4✔️ 306ms
MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest 8✔️ 258ms
MsSql.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest 3✔️ 167ms

✔️ MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest

✔️ It logs and throws when db read breaks down
✔️ It throws when any dependency is null

✔️ MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest

✔️ It fetches with limit
✔️ It fetches with limit and skip
✔️ It fetches with skip
✔️ It throws when skip is zero

✔️ MsSql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest

✔️ It finds all data with default search
✔️ It finds data with all filters
✔️ It finds only data emitted after date
✔️ It finds only data emitted before date
✔️ It finds only data emitted in dates range
✔️ It finds only data with specific level
✔️ It finds only data with specific message content
✔️ It finds same data on same repeated search

✔️ MsSql.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest

✔️ It registers provider and dependencies(schemaName: "schema", expected: "schema")
✔️ It registers provider and dependencies(schemaName: null, expected: "dbo")
✔️ It throws on invalid registration

✔️ tests/Serilog.Ui.MySqlProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

16 tests were completed in 48s with 16 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MySql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest 2✔️ 77ms
MySql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest 4✔️ 166ms
MySql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest 8✔️ 239ms
MySql.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest 2✔️ 252ms

✔️ MySql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest

✔️ It logs and throws when db read breaks down
✔️ It throws when any dependency is null

✔️ MySql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest

✔️ It fetches with limit
✔️ It fetches with limit and skip
✔️ It fetches with skip
✔️ It throws when skip is zero

✔️ MySql.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest

✔️ It finds all data with default search
✔️ It finds data with all filters
✔️ It finds only data emitted after date
✔️ It finds only data emitted before date
✔️ It finds only data emitted in dates range
✔️ It finds only data with specific level
✔️ It finds only data with specific message content
✔️ It finds same data on same repeated search

✔️ MySql.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest

✔️ It registers provider and dependencies
✔️ It throws on invalid registration

✔️ tests/Serilog.Ui.PostgreSqlProvider.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

31 tests were completed in 31s with 31 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest 2✔️ 184ms
Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest 4✔️ 207ms
Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest 8✔️ 198ms
Postgres.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest 3✔️ 123ms
Postgres.Tests.Model.LogLevelConverterTest 14✔️ 22ms

✔️ Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderBaseTest

✔️ It logs and throws when db read breaks down
✔️ It throws when any dependency is null

✔️ Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderPaginationTest

✔️ It fetches with limit
✔️ It fetches with limit and skip
✔️ It fetches with skip
✔️ It throws when skip is zero

✔️ Postgres.Tests.DataProvider.DataProviderSearchTest

✔️ It finds all data with default search
✔️ It finds data with all filters
✔️ It finds only data emitted after date
✔️ It finds only data emitted before date
✔️ It finds only data emitted in dates range
✔️ It finds only data with specific level
✔️ It finds only data with specific message content
✔️ It finds same data on same repeated search

✔️ Postgres.Tests.Extensions.SerilogUiOptionBuilderExtensionsTest

✔️ It registers provider and dependencies(schemaName: "schema", expected: "schema")
✔️ It registers provider and dependencies(schemaName: null, expected: "public")
✔️ It throws on invalid registration

✔️ Postgres.Tests.Model.LogLevelConverterTest

✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "0", expected: "Verbose")
✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "1", expected: "Debug")
✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "2", expected: "Information")
✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "3", expected: "Warning")
✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "4", expected: "Error")
✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "5", expected: "Fatal")
✔️ It maps the correct log level name(input: "random", expected: "")
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "Debug", expected: 1)
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "Error", expected: 4)
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "Fatal", expected: 5)
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "Information", expected: 2)
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "random", expected: 100)
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "Verbose", expected: 0)
✔️ It maps the correct log level value(input: "Warning", expected: 3)

✔️ tests/Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests/TestResults/test-results.trx

3 tests were completed in 4s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests.Authorization.AuthorizationFilterDefaultTest 1✔️ 319ms
Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests.Authorization.AuthorizationFilterWithUserImplementationTest 1✔️ 318ms
Ui.Web.Tests.SerilogUiMiddlewareTest 1✖️ 1ms

✔️ Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests.Authorization.AuthorizationFilterDefaultTest

✔️ Local Requests Are Allowed By Default

✔️ Serilog.Ui.Web.Tests.Authorization.AuthorizationFilterWithUserImplementationTest

✔️ Local Requests Are Not Allowed

✔️ Ui.Web.Tests.SerilogUiMiddlewareTest

✖️ To be implemented