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Debugging in Ruby and Rails

Why is this important?

This workshop is important because:

Debugging skills are essential to working on an engineering team. At some phases of development, tracking errors and debugging is the majority of the work. Having the tools and skills to do this work effectively will be a benefit to you in a work environment. Some contracting jobs will drop you into a code base built by other contractors who are no longer actively working on the project. It will be important to be able to jump into a piece of code and begin navigating through the project to find bugs.

What are the objectives?

After this workshop, developers will be able to:

  • Navigate a large, mature project.
  • Submit pull requests to contribute code changes to projects you do not own.

Where should we be now?

Before this workshop, developers should already be able to:

  • Build a full Rails application
  • Manage a small codebase that you built from the ground up.
  • Debug and track issues on GitHub.

pry as REPL

Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop

The gem pry can replace IRB as your ruby REPL of choice.

[1] pry(main)> 1 + 1
=> 2
[2] pry(main)> "hello".public_methods
=> [:<=>,
 # ... and so on

[3] pry(main)> def say_hello
[3] pry(main)*   puts 'helllllo'
[3] pry(main)* end
=> :say_hello
[4] pry(main)> say_hello
=> nil

Edit via Command Line

Oops, that looks like an error. I misspelled 'hello'.

[6] pry(main)> show-method say_hello

From: (pry) @ line 3:
Owner: Object
Visibility: public
Number of lines: 3

def say_hello
  puts 'helllllo'

Yep, that's wrong. I'd better edit that.

[7] pry(main)> edit say_hello

At this point, if you're following along, an editor will have opened so you can edit the method. You can change which editor pry opens; see exercise 0.

Going Deeper into Objects

Pry also lets you "enter into" Ruby objects and view or edit their internal methods using commands much like those you use to navigate your terminal.

[13] pry(main)> cd Hash
[14] pry(Hash):1> ls
Object.methods: yaml_tag
Hash.methods: []  try_convert
  ==     compare_by_identity   default_proc=  each_pair   flatten     index    key?     merge!             reject   shift  to_hash  values_at
  []     compare_by_identity?  delete         each_value  has_key?    inspect  keys     pretty_print        reject!  size   to_s
  []=    default               delete_if      empty?      has_value?  invert   length   pretty_print_cycle  replace  store  update
  assoc  default=              each           eql?        hash        keep_if  member?  rassoc              select   to_a   value?
  clear  default_proc          each_key       fetch       include?    key      merge    rehash              select!  to_h   values
locals: _  __  _dir_  _ex_  _file_  _in_  _out_  _pry_

Exercise 0 - 2

  • Follow along in exercise 0 to install pry and configure it to use your favorite text editor.
  • Learn about cd and ls in exercise 1.
  • Mooove on to exercise 2, and fix the Cow#say_hello method through pry.

Pry and Rails

Let's look at how you can use Pry in Rails.

In order to get this working you'll need to do a few things.

  1. First add pry-rails and pry-byebug to your Gemfile. This changes your Rails console and byebug to use pry instead of plain irb.
  2. If you are unfamiliar with any of the gems listed above, read the basics of their documentation.
  3. bundle install
  4. Type binding.pry to set a breakpoint in your code.
[14] pry(#<Book>):2> b =
=> #<Book:0x007fb7d8e79680
 id: nil,
 title: nil,
 year_published: nil,
 author: nil,
 available: nil,
 genre: nil,
 image_url: nil,
 created_at: nil,
 updated_at: nil>
[15] pry(#<Book>):2> b.title = "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"
=> "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"
[16] pry(#<Book>):2> cd b
[17] pry(#<Book>):3> title
=> "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"

[31] pry(BooksController):1> find-method show
[32] pry(BooksController):1> edit BooksController

Debugging with binding.pry

Since we're using a debugger, let's talk about a few debugger basics.

Most debuggers have a feature called breakpoints. When you add a breakpoint to your code and run the code again, execution of the code will pause at the breakpoint, and your debugger will let you inspect the current state of your running program. Some breakpoints are created by inserting a debugger command. In Rails, by default, that command is debugger. Now that we're using pry, we'll use binding.pry instead.

We can also use the debugger's break command to add more break-points.


  • halt execution and debug at the specified line/condition
break 10                      # stop at line 10
break BooksController#index   # stop when #index is called
break 10 if x > 3


  • continue program execution from where it stopped
  • exit the debugger (until another breakpoint is hit)


  • allow code in the current line to complete
  • stop at the next line in the same file or level (if possible)
  • you can think of next as staying at the same "level"
  • commands on the current line are completed before you can use the debugger commands again


  • step into the code as it executes
  • you can think of step as "going-deeper"
 15   binding.pry
 16   arr.sort.uniq
 17   puts arr

When paused on line 16 above, step would move through the code in the sort and uniq methods. On the other hand, next would skip forward to the next line on this level, stopping at puts.

Pry Glossary

A few commands you might make use of include

  • edit - edit a file or method
  • cd - change current scope
  • ls - list variables and methods
  • show-method - display a method's code
  • find-method - find all methods with this name
  • help -
  • watch - print a message whenever a variable changes
  • show-doc - Show documentation for a specific method

It'll also help if you add a few shortcut commands so you don't have to type continue, step etc.

Better Errors

Better errors is a replacement for the rails error page that adds:

  • a clearer stacktrace
  • a fully functional REPL console
  • clearer listings of params and instance variables
  • source code inspection

better errors


The annotate gem can make working with your models a little easier, as it automatically adds comments to your model files to reflect the state of your database.

Just install the gem and run the annotate command in your terminal.

gem 'annotate'

Schema information will be added as comments to the top of each of your models. You should run annotate after each migration.

# == Schema Information
# Table name: books
#  id             :integer          not null, primary key
#  title          :string
#  year_published :integer
#  author         :string
#  available      :boolean
#  genre          :string
#  image_url      :string
#  created_at     :datetime         not null
#  updated_at     :datetime         not null


This debugging lab takes a large, mature rails app called Publify. What is Publify? From their docs:

Publify is a simple but full featured web publishing software. It's built around a blogging engine and a small message system connected to Twitter.

Publify follows the principles of the IndieWeb, which are self hosting your Web site, and Publish On your Own Site, Syndicate Everywhere.

Publify has been around since 2004 and is the oldest Ruby on Rails open source project alive.


pry and other ruby on rails debugging techniques






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