Implementation of Stereo Correspondence Algorithm that Uses Feature Based Methods to Find Sparse Disparity
- Sift With Norm L2 Brute Force Matcher
- ORB With Flann Matcher
- Canny Edge Feature Detector with Norm Hamming Brute Force Matcher
Data (Sawtooth, Venus, Bull, Poster, Barn 1, Barn 2 images) were taken from
Submission includes report that describes features selected and feature matching algorithm.
Create Sift/Orb/Fast_With_Brief object
Turn images into grayscale
if (edgeDetector selected)
turn grayscale images to edge images with Canny
Detect keypoints using fast object created above
Detect descriptors using brief object and keypoints
Detect keypoints and descriptors using object
Create matcher object (L2/NORM HAMMING/FLANN)
Call match() / knnMatch() using descriptors on arguments
Find good matches by checking distances of >%70 difference
Call drawMatches() to see the corresponding matches
Create empty disparity map with image height x width
For every match in good Matches
Get point coordinates from keyPoints
Find disparity by subtracting xVals of matching points
Make disparity as eight times absolute value of it
Print implemented disparity map and openCV disparity map
- Python version: 3.10.4
- OpenCV version: 4.5.5
- Numpy and matplotlib
Sift With Bf Norm L2
Orb With Flann
Edge with Fast Brief Norm Hamming