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This nodejs library parses json objects to html directly, with emmet abbreviation built in, helps increasing coding speed, reduce time messing with html


NodeJS, Deno

Just simply install the library using npm, yarn or pnpm

npm install dense-parser
yarn add dense-parser
pnpm i dense-parser


const dense_parser = require("dense-parser") // Of course, you can use methods directly for short


Add this to your html source

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


To parse an object that represents a document, just pass it to dense-parser's parse function

const htmlObject = {
    title: "This is title",
    logo: "/path/to/your/favicon.png",
    stylesheet: [
        "/path/to/style2.css" , 
    script: [
    _: {
        _: "This is a div inside body!"



<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"/><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"content="IE=edge"/><meta name="viewport"content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"/><title>This is title</title><link rel="shortcut icon"href="/path/to/your/favicon.png"type="image/png"/><meta property="og:title"content="This is title"/><meta property="og:type"content="website"/><link rel="stylesheet"href="/path/to/style1.css"><link rel="stylesheet"href="/path/to/style2.css"><link rel="stylesheet"href="/path/to/style3.css"><script language="javascript"type="text/javascript"src="/path/to/script1.js"></script><script language="javascript"type="text/javascript"src="/path/to/script2.js"></script></head><body><div>This is a div inside body!</div></body></html>

(You'll need to "beautify" it, for sure :))

To parse an object that represents a single html element, pass it to parseElement function

const elementObject = {
    tag: "span",
    id: "someRandomTag",
    class: ["dense"],
    style: {
        display: "block",
        "border-radius": "10px",
        width: "100%"
    content: "div>p{This is the span content}",
    title: "get this when your hover"



'<span tag="span"id="someRandomTag"style="display:block;border-radius:10px;width:100%"title="get this when your hover"class="dense"><div><p>This is the span content</p></div></span>'

(A html beautify library is recommended :))


Element snippets

Property Type Desciption
tag String HTML tag
class String, Array Element classes
style String, Object Element CSS style
-, content String, Array, Object Element inner content, can be single element or array of children
# String Comment

And all other HTML element attributes inherited

Document snippets

Inherited from Element syntax with some additions

Property Type Description
title String Page title
desc String Page desciption
logo String URL to favicon path
preview String URL to preview picture (for social network)
type String Page type, can be website or article
lang String Page language
keyword String, Array Keywords for SEO
stylesheet String, Array, Object Define document stylesheet (Object) or link to external CSS paths
script String, Array, Object Create <script> tag that contains JavaScript code (String) or link to external JavaScript paths ()

For Dense-eco users

Execute useDense() after import

const { parse, parseElement, useDense } = require("dense-parser")


... // Do whatever