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thomas edited this page Aug 10, 2016 · 10 revisions

This plugin allows players to vote and warden to set next round to drunk day.
On Round start cells open everybody got a wiggle screen and inverted movement Keys. Nodamage time (def. 30sec).


sm_drunk - Allows players to vote for a drunk 
sm_setdrunk - Allows the Admin or warden to set drunk as next round
set your own custom command. take a look at "sm_drunk_cmd"


sm_drunk_version - Shows the version of the SourceMod plugin MyJailbreak - drunk
sm_drunk_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable the drunk plugin. Default 1
sm_drunk_cmd: Set your custom chat command for Event voting. no need for sm_ or ! . Default "curse" results in !curse /curse & sm_curse
sm_drunk_setw: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow warden to set next round drunk. Default 1
sm_drunk_seta: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow Admin to set next round drunk round. Default 1
sm_drunk_flag: Set flag for admin/vip to set this Event Day. Default g
sm_drunk_vote: 0 - disabled, 1 - allow player to vote for drunk. Default 1
sm_drunk_spawn: 0 - teleport Ts to CT and freeze, 1 - open cell doors an get weapons. Default 0
//sm_drunk_invert_x: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable invert movement on the x-axis (left & right). Default 1
//sm_drunk_invert_y: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable invert movement on the y-axis (forward & back). Default 1
sm_drunk_wiggle: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable wiggle with the screen. Default 1
sm_drunk_rounds: Rounds to play in a row
sm_drunk_allow_lr - enable, Last Request on last round
sm_drunk_roundtime - Roundtime for a single drunk round in minutes. Default 5
sm_drunk_beacon_time - Time in seconds until the beacon turned on (set to 0 to disable)
sm_drunk_trucetime - Time in seconds damage is disbaled. Default 15
sm_drunk_cooldown_start - Rounds until event can be start after mapchange. Default 3
sm_drunk_cooldown_day - Rounds until event can be started again. Default 3
sm_drunk_overlays_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable  overlays. Default 1
sm_drunk_overlays_start: Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft. Default "overlays/MyJailbreak/start"
sm_drunk_sounds_enable: 0 - disabled, 1 - enable sounds. Default 1
sm_drunk_sounds_start: Path to the soundfile which should be played for a start. Default "music/MyJailbreak/drunk.mp3"



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