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Frequently Asked Questions

thomas edited this page Jan 27, 2020 · 50 revisions

MyJailbreak don't work for me

  1. First check you have all required plugins in their latest versions installed correctly.
  2. Check (twice) you done all steps from install instruction correct.
  3. Type sm plugins list in your server console (NOT client console) and look after plugins loaded or failed.
  4. Go to your servers .../csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs directory and check your error_YYYYmmDD.log files.
  5. Take a look to the remaining FAQ listings.
  6. Read all open issues & take a look to Alliedmodders forum if the same problem was already posted there.

I have this error:

[SM] Unable to load plugin "voiceannounce_ex.smx": Required extension "dhooks" file("dhooks.ext") not running

[SM] Failed to load plugin "MyJailbreak\warden.smx": unexpected error 23 in AskPluginLoad callback.

  • Seems you have two warden plugins installed. Remove your old warden plugin and use only MyJailbreak Warden.

[SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file "MyJailbreak.XXXXXXX.phrases.txt"
[SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open

  • You haven't copied all necessary translation files to your .../addons/sourcemod/translation/ folder

[SM] Exception reported: Language phrase "xxxxx_xxxxxx" not found

  • You have not installed MyJailbreak translations correctly. Recheck every single step of the installation guide.

[SM] Unable to load plugin "MyJailbreak/XXX.smx": Native "warden_iswarden" was not found

  • You have a problem with MyJailbreaks Warden plugin. Check the complete errorlog why warden couldn't load.

[SM] Unable to load plugin "MyJailbreak/XXX.smx": Could not find required plugin "lastrequest"

[SM] Exception reported: Invalid convar handle 0 (error 4): Blaming: MyJailbreak/warden.smx
[SM] Exception reported: Invalid convar handle 0 (error 4): Blaming: MyJailbreak/myjailbreak_teamgames.smx

  • You have not installed the latest & required version of TeamGames which is

I get kicked with reason: "Disconnect: Pure server: file [GAME]\materials/overlays\myjailbreak\XXX does not match the server's file"

set sv_pure 0 in your server.cfg or much better: edit your "pure_server_whitelist.txt" take a look here:
Here is a sample pure_server_whitelist.txt for MyJailbreak

Big red error boxes instead of player models

Maybe you have a problem with your FastDL files.

  1. Check you have put all nessesary files to your game server(step 3) & FastDL server(step 4).
  2. Check when you connecting on server that all nessesary files get downloaded. After connection open console and look for something like: Downloading http://YourFastDL.tld/csgo/models/player/custom_player/legacy/security/security.mdl.bz2 Download finished!
  3. If download failed. Try your FastDL URL in a Browser. Files should be downloadable.
  4. If you inadvertently installed "Random Player Models (CPS) (1.0.2) by Mitchell" together with CustomPlayerSkins. You don't need it for MyJailbreak. Remove "Random Player Models (CPS) (1.0.2) by Mitchell".

Black icons above players head

You have a problem with your FastDL files.

  1. Check you have put all nessesary files to your game server(step 3) & FastDL server(step 4).
  2. Check when you connecting on server that all nessesary files get downloaded. After connection open console and look for something like: Downloading http://YourFastDL.tld/csgo/materials/decals/MyJailbreak/ct.vmt.bz2 Downloading http://YourFastDL.tld/csgo/materials/decals/MyJailbreak/ct.vtf.bz2 Download finished!
  3. If download failed. Try your FastDL URL in a Browser. Files should be downloadable.

The config files are not getting generated

  • You must do a full server restart. Only map changing isn't enough.

Prisoner can't hurt/kill each other on FFA events

  • I assume you use TeamGames by KissLick. Update to latest version which is

How to disable kill reason menu?

// 0 - disabled, 1 - enable - CT can answer a menu with the kill reason
// -
// Default: "1"
sm_killreason_enable "1"

How could I add own menu items?

  • Until I finished a configurable menu, you have to edit the source(.sp) and compile it to a plugin(.smx).
    Here is a small tutorial how to add a new menu item.

How could I make own overlays/icons?

Where do I download the latest Sm_hosties (beta)?

Warden has no hands?

How can I change the models of prisoners & guards?

  • Change the models of a team is not a part of MyJailbreak.
    Use this: sm_skinchooser
User contribution for player models:

by Black Man

How to add default player models to both Guardians and Prisoners:

As many people encountered this problem and many have tried to use Skinchooser, there is an easier way to set default models which don't need Armfix by Franc1sco which also repairs the warden's hands bug. The plugin called Player Models by Flags is an easy plugin to use and to make it work with MyJailbreak: I have removed the gun check which was in conflict with sm_hosties and the Prisoners didn't strip of a weapon in case they picked it up during the previous round. I want to mantion that I'm not the author of the plugin and I don't have any right upon it. All credits go to boomix because he made the whole plugin and I have just found the fix for MyJailbreak. Here the source code of the working plugin:

#pragma semicolon 1

#define DEBUG

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <cstrike>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <smlib>

char g_sConfigFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];

char def_ct_model_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
char def_ct_arms_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
char def_t_model_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
char def_t_arms_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
bool g_bHasCustomModel[MAXPLAYERS + 1];

#define LoopAllPlayers(%1) for(int %1=1;%1<=MaxClients;++%1)\

public Plugin myinfo = 
  name = "Player models by flags",
  author = "boomix",
  description = "Player models by flags - edit for MyJailbreak",
  version = "1.2.MyJBedit",
  url = ""

public void OnPluginStart()
  BuildPath(Path_SM, g_sConfigFile, sizeof(g_sConfigFile), "configs/models/skins.txt");
  HookEvent("player_spawn", FMBF_PlayerSpawn, EventHookMode_Post);

public void OnClientPutInServer(int client)
  g_bHasCustomModel[client] = false;

public Action FMBF_PlayerSpawn(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast) 

  int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
  g_bHasCustomModel[client] = false;
  KeyValues kv = CreateKeyValues("player_models");


  if (!kv.GotoFirstSubKey())
  	return Plugin_Handled;

  char section_name[10], model_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], arms_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];

  	//Importing stuff from keyvalues
  	kv.GetSectionName(section_name, sizeof(section_name));
  	kv.GetString("model_path", model_path, sizeof(model_path));
  	kv.GetString("arms_path", arms_path, sizeof(arms_path));
  	//--CT-- default model&arms
  	if(StrEqual(section_name, "def-ct"))
  		def_ct_model_path = model_path;
  		def_ct_arms_path = arms_path;
  	//--T-- default model&arms
  	else if(StrEqual(section_name, "def-t"))
  		def_t_model_path = model_path;
  		def_t_arms_path = arms_path;
  	//Getting flag and team
  	char brake[2][30];
  	ExplodeString(section_name, "-", brake, sizeof(brake), sizeof(brake[]));
  	char charflag[30], charteam[30];
  	charflag = brake[0];
  	charteam = brake[1];
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "a", ADMFLAG_RESERVATION);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "b", ADMFLAG_GENERIC);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "c", ADMFLAG_KICK);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "d", ADMFLAG_BAN);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "e", ADMFLAG_UNBAN);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "f", ADMFLAG_SLAY);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "g", ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "h", 128);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "i", ADMFLAG_CONFIG);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "j", ADMFLAG_CHAT);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "k", ADMFLAG_VOTE);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "l", ADMFLAG_PASSWORD);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "m", ADMFLAG_RCON);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "n", ADMFLAG_CHEATS);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "z", ADMFLAG_ROOT);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "o", ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "p", ADMFLAG_CUSTOM2);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "q", ADMFLAG_CUSTOM3);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "r", ADMFLAG_CUSTOM4);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "s", ADMFLAG_CUSTOM5);
  	FlagStringToInt(charflag, "t", ADMFLAG_CUSTOM6);
  	int flags = StringToInt(charflag);
  	if(Client_HasAdminFlags(client, flags))
  		int TeamToCheck;
  		if(StrEqual(charteam, "t"))
  			TeamToCheck = CS_TEAM_T;
  		else if(StrEqual(charteam, "ct"))
  			TeamToCheck = CS_TEAM_CT;
  		if(GetClientTeam(client) == TeamToCheck)
  			SetPlayerModel(client, model_path);
  			SetPlayerArms(client, arms_path);
  			g_bHasCustomModel[client] = true;

  } while (kv.GotoNextKey());

  delete kv;
  //Set default models for players
  		if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT)
  			SetPlayerModel(client, def_ct_model_path);
  			SetPlayerArms(client, def_ct_arms_path);	
  		else if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T)
  			SetPlayerModel(client, def_t_model_path);	
  			SetPlayerArms(client, def_t_arms_path);	
  return Plugin_Continue;


void FlagStringToInt(char StrToReplace[30], char flag[10], int ReplaceWith)
  char NewFlagValue[10];
  IntToString(ReplaceWith, NewFlagValue, sizeof(NewFlagValue));
  ReplaceString(StrToReplace, sizeof(StrToReplace), flag, NewFlagValue);

void SetPlayerModel(int client, char model_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH])
  if(!StrEqual(model_path, ""))
  	Entity_SetModel(client, model_path);

void SetPlayerArms(int client, char arms_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH])
  if(!StrEqual(arms_path, ""))
  	//Set player arm model

  	SetEntPropString(client, Prop_Send, "m_szArmsModel", arms_path);


The warden math quiz don't recognise the chat answer

  • Check you have installed the required plugin Chat Prozessor or if plugin has a problem to load.
  • Remember: If you using "Zephyrus store". Player with message color will be ignored. Player should disable message color for this game.

I want to help with MyJailbreak

  • Thank you! I appreciate every help. If you want to help with translations you can go to SourceMod Translatoror send me the files/a gist link or make a pull request on github. If you want to support me at coding, add me on steam or comment to an issue / make an announce (so we don't make the work twice) and open a pull request. When you open a pull request don't send it to master, send it always to the develop branch.

I have a great idea that would fit in MyJailbreak

Im very happy about every input.

My problem / question is not listed

If your problem / question is not listed in this FAQ:


What should I consider if I open a issue or post on forum?

  • Take a look to the FAQ.
  • Read all issues & take a look to Alliedmodders forum if your request was already posted there.
  • Use descriptive topic titles & descriptions. i have idea, need Help, Suggestion or don't work isn't helpful & pleasant.
  • Try to explain your request with so many details as you can.
  • Expound every single step to reproduce your train of thought. We're all no clairvoyant or mindreaders.
  • Explain like "I'm an idiot and never I played MyJailbreak before".
  • Maybe take a screenshot or make a beautiful picture with paint.
  • Provide so many infos as you can. Like your...
    • ...sourcemod & metamod version
    • ...MyJailbreak version
    • plugins list server console output
    • ...plugin configs (.cfg)
    • ...error logs from .../csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs directory
    • ...all other things that could help us helping you!
  • Please open one Issue on github per request/errors/problems. Split many requests/errors/problems to different Issues. Thanks!

If you are not capable to do this, I going to ignore you!

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