The mini-projects are read and practice thoroughly as a part of Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree by Udacity. Marvelous AWS Console Environment and Code was developed by the Udacity team and is not my original work.
This repository contains code and associated files for deploying a IMDB Sentiment Analysis ,.................... using AWS SageMaker.
IMDB Sentiment Analysis - XGBoost (Batch Transform) is a notebook that leads you through the steps of constructing a model using XGBoost to perform sentiment analysis on the IMDB dataset.
IMDB Sentiment Analysis - XGBoost (HyperParameters Tuning) is a notebook that allows us with the hyperparameters tuning job(virtual machine configuration,range of the hyperparameters,quantified number of models to be evaluated, metrics to be maximized/minimized) Note: This may take several time while you train ,batch transform and validate your models.