Using text-based seq-2-seq transformer to generate new DNA sequences. Very basic in nature, coz I don't have any domain expertise in dna generation. I've made two models, on is 47million parameters model and other is 2.5billion parameters. Check out the model on huggingface: enigma-1.5b
It's a 2.5b model trained on ~1billion individual letters of DNA, kinda like training a text-based model on per-character level instead of sub-word level. It does have it's own tokenizer similar that is intersection b/w char-level and bpe-tokenizer.
For EnBERT i.e. decoder-only model is trained on lot's of sequences of DNA tokenized using k-mer
tokenizer specially trained for this purpose, which means it has a larger vocab size than the enigma-2.5b. Same model architecture is used in training a 430m model that is per-char based same as 2.5b model, but it's better than that.
Follow these steps to train your own tokenizer or generate outputs from the trained model:
Clone this repository:
git clone cd enigma-clone
Install Dependencies:
pip install requirements.txt
- Download all the datasets from the HuggingFace model, I've uploaded the data.
- Use the Google Colab notebooks with the set hyper-parameters.
- Train and Save the model. Have fun!!
EnBERT is a 430m model, follows decoder-only architecture trained on base level tokens, whereas Enigma is a transformer based model with 750m parameters trained on k-mer sequences with a fairly large vocab size. It has a fairly complex model.
- Positional Embeddings: Enigma model has positional embeddings added to the token embeddings in the start of all the processing, on the other hand, decoder-only model doesn't uses positional encodings in the start, it applies it in attention head to each attention matrix individually.
- RMS Normalization & Pre-normalization: Both of the model uses RMS normalization same as implemented in LLaMa-2 and uses pre-normalization for model's stability while training.
- Self-Attention Layer: Single headed attention layers have relative positional embeddings added to the attention matrix before masking. Masking is only done to first attention layer. Key, Query and Value matrices have biases added to them.
Layer concatenates all the outputs from each of the attention heads together. - FeedForward: Basic feed-forward network that has two linear layers with expansion factor of 5. GELU is used as activation function for this model instead of ReLU.
- Generation: Token generation is very simple, passes context-tokens into the model, gets processed and then it just gives out some probabilities of values which are filtered using
Let's say we have a long sequence of DNA. This tokenizer splits that sequence into sections of consecutively occurring bases, and each section has length of value equal to k_mer
which is by default set to 4.
function then builds a vocab out of all tokenized sequences by storing them into a new dictionary, seq as key and index as value. And finally, you can save the generated vocab using save_model()
function and can be loaded later for use.
tokenizer.load_model('../tokenizer/trained models/base_5k.json')
I used this tokenizer to train decoder-only model, here is how to use it:
from tokenizer import KMerTokenizer
tokenizer = KMerTokenizer(k_mers=5)
tokenizer.save_model('../tokenizer/trained models')
encoded_tokens = tokenizer.encode(test_data)
decoded_tokens = tokenizer.decode(encoded_tokens)
Read more about tokenizers in:
Let's take a sample input of DNA seq: "AGTTCTGCGAT"
, we feed it into the train model, and it will generate the next few letters of DNA, limit is 256 for now. Generate function uses top_k
sampling and temperature
setting. Use enigma/
to generate outputs from the model.
anyways, here's a sample code to generate outputs from the model:
from model import Transformer
model = Transformer(vocab_size=vocab_size)
checkpoint_path = '../trained models/enigma_47m.pth'
checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path)
m =
target_text = "AGTTCTGCGAT"
context = torch.tensor([tokenizer.encode(target_text)], dtype=torch.long, device=device)
generated_output = tokenizer.decode(m.generate(context, max_new_tokens=10, temperature=0.5, top_k=5))
These models were trained to 3k-4k iterations, each. on ~500million letters of DNA, roughly around 500mbs of data. Final losses were around ~0.02 for 47million parameter model and ~0.003 for 2.5billion parameter model. I had saved more data, lot more than this, but couldn't train it more due to technical in-capabilities.
Try to train it yourself if possible. enigma/TrainEnigma
file contains all necessary functions needed to train it, from scratch or pre-train.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
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