- author : name of the person who gave the rating
- country : country the person who gave the rating belongs to
- data : date of the rating
- domain: website from which the rating was taken from
- extract: rating content
- language: language in which the rating was given
- product: name of the product/mobile phone for which the rating was given
- score: average rating for the phone
- score_max: highest rating given for the phone
- source: source from where the rating was taken
Steps and tasks:
- Import the necessary libraries and read the provided CSVs as a data frame and perform the below steps. • Merge the provided CSVs into one data-frame. • Check a few observations and shape of the data-frame. • Round off scores to the nearest integers. • Check for missing values. Impute the missing values if there is any. • Check for duplicate values and remove them if there is any. • Keep only 1000000 data samples. Use random state=612. • Drop irrelevant features. Keep features like Author, Product, and Score.
- Answer the following questions • Identify the most rated features. • Identify the users with most number of reviews. • Select the data with products having more than 50 ratings and users who have given more than 50 ratings. Report the shape of the final dataset.
- Build a popularity based model and recommend top 5 mobile phones.
- Build a collaborative filtering model using SVD. You can use SVD from surprise or build it from scratch(Note: Incase you’re building it from scratch you can limit your data points to 5000 samples if you face memory issues). Build a collaborative filtering model using kNNWithMeans from surprise. You can try both user-based and item-based model.
- Evaluate the collaborative model. Print RMSE value.
- Predict score (average rating) for test users.
- Report your findings and inferences.
- Try and recommend top 5 products for test users.
- Check for outliers and impute them as required.
- Try cross validation techniques to get better results.
- In what business scenario you should use popularity based Recommendation Systems ?
- In what business scenario you should use CF based Recommendation Systems ?
- What other possible methods can you think of which can further improve the recommendation for different users ?