Network Store adalah bisnis yang menyediakan berbagai produk dan layanan terkait jaringan komputer dan internet.
- Project : Repository-project
Networkstore website : Networkstore
UI/UX Desain : Figma
- Repo : Networkstore Frontend Repository
- Deployment : Networkstore frontend
- Repo : Networkstore Backend Repository
- Deployment : Networkstore Backend API
- Citraweb : Citraweb
Home page:
- Hero section
- Products cards section
- Product picture
- Product name
- Product price
All Products page
- Product card
- product picture
- product price
Detail product Page
- SKU ( Stock Keeping Unit )
- product name, price, picture
- description
- add to cart button
- input quantity ( button add to cart )
- Cart produtcs item to buy
- product name, price, quantity, total
- remove product item
- Continue shopping button
- Link to checkout
- Order summary
- Ordered product list
- Delivery option
- Payment option
- Order summary
- Create order button
- Password
- Login Button
- Register Button
- Name
- Password
- Address (optional)
- Phone (optional)