This project is a sample meant to be an exemple on how to implement the package CK.DB.User.UserOidc and other providers.
Please install these before running the project :
- SQL Server (2017 or +)
- Node
- Npm
- Clone the repository
- Create an AAD oidc app, to properly setup your app do the following steps :
- Set a redirect URI that match your C# client
- In the Authentication section:
- The tokens you would like to be issued by the authorization endpoint has to be ID tokens
- In the Certificates & secrets section:
- Create a new secret
- In token configuration section add those optional claims:
- family_name
- given_name
- preferred_username
- upn
- verified_primary_email
- In the API permissions section make sure you have those persmissions for the Microsoft Graph API:
- openid
- profile
- User.Read
- Build the solution
- Start the C# project
- Go to ../Clients/WFATester the run the following commands to start the client
yarn install
thenyarn start
In order to only use the WFA tester here is what you can do :
- First you'll need to globally install the package http-server
npm i -g http-server
- Then go in the WFATester folder and build the project by doing
yarn run build
- Move to your new dist folder and make
http-server . -p 9000