if this is the worst zig code you've ever seen please create pointers as issues, this is my frist zig project to know how the language works and i plan on mainstreaming it for a while, so please let me know where you thought the code was outrageous and what you think can be better.
- https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38150833
- https://notes.eatonphil.com/writing-a-simple-json-parser.html
i want to try and implement this
const testJSONObject = `{
"item1": ["aryitem1", "aryitem2", {"some": {"thing": "coolObj"}}],
"item2": "simplestringvalue"
c, err := dora.NewFromString(testJSONObject)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\nError creating client: %v\n", err)
result, err := c.GetByPath("$.item1[2].some.thing")
if err != nil {
inspired from here
- https://medium.com/@bradford_hamilton/building-a-json-parser-and-query-tool-with-go-8790beee239a
- https://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/
pub fn main() !void {
const json_string =
\\{ "store": { "book": [
\\ { "title": "Book 1" },
\\ { "title": "Book 2" },
\\ { "title": "Book 3" },
\\ { "title": "Book 4" }
\\] } }
const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
var jason = Jason.init(allocator, json_string);
const queried = try jason.query("$.store.book[3].title");
jason.printValue(queried); // "Book 4"
the code became even more worse, sorry about that, i'm just learning zig, but good news is i like it and i'm gonna keep using it.