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Build pyspy



Shows users logged into glftpd either in a terminal window or as web page. Like 'gl_spy' and also simular to 'webspy' from foo-tools. Used to be included with pywho but is now its own separate thing.

cli mode


web mode


Here's some more more screenshots and a quick demo clip.

"But wait", ppl cry.. "why is this stupid python! It will be impossible for me to use". Well, there's convenient binaries available for you. No messing about with annoying things like special python version, modules and virtual env's. Just copy the binary and run ./spy, done.


Running ./spy without args starts --cli mode (default)

./spy --web     # web mode: run webspy using flask (css, templates & js)
./spy --httpd   # run basic webspy using built in httpd


Only glftpd version 2.12+ is supported (other versions untested)

Pick one of these 3 setup methods: binaries, apt or venv.


No dependencies, just a single executable file. Available to download from Releases . Click "Show all assets" link at the bottom to expand file list.


  • Debian 10, 11, 12
  • Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04
  • CentOS Stream, Almalinux 9.3, Rockylinux 9.3
  • Alpine 3.20

EOL: CentOS 7

the '-web' version is for glftpd-webui


  • apt install python3-sysv-ipc
  • apt install python3-geoip2 python3-flask (optional)
  • git clone this repo and run: ./


# Install py3/venv pkgs first, e.g. for debian/redhat:
apt install python3-pip python3-venv
yum install python3-pip python3-virtualenv

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install sysv-ipc
pip3 install geoip2 flask  # optional

Now 'git clone' this repo and run ./

If you want to build sysv_ip from src, see


Alternatively, pyspy is also part of glftpd-webui. Besides showing who is online it also does glftpd user management and more.


To set gl path, color and refresh for cli, web ip/port etc edit 'spy.conf'. By default, web mode uses

All options are explained at the bottom of conf. Make sure 'ipc_key' matches glftpd.

To change how flask webspy looks, edit webspy/static/style.css and html in webspy/templates dir.


To build the pyspy binary yourself you need PyInstaller. You probably want to setup and activate a virtual env first (see above) then pip install sysv-ipc pyinstaller.

Now clone this repo and run, optionally add one or more of these args:


The build script will check and warn about wrong python version and missing modules.

Build in docker

Same as github actions (CI), but build in local container.

USAGE: ./ <ubuntu|debian|centos-stream|alma|rocky|alpine>


  • If geoip2 is enabled you can run out of your free geoip queries

    • Max is 1000/day, ip lookups are cached in mem only and reset on restart of pyspy
  • "CLI mode sucks! it doesnt work, updates slowly, ignores key presses, text gets fucked up"

    • Well, yeah, it uses simple ansi escape sequences and select() stdin instead of curses and input events etc..