Publishes the weather conditions of Umuttepe and the live camera frames from on Twitter.
Uses Serverless Framework and deployed to Azure Function App.
In prod. Twitter account: @umuttepedehava
Kocaeli University's central campus is located in Umuttepe. Umuttepe is one of the places that have unstable weather conditions compared to Izmit Centre because of its 1276 feet (389 meters) altitude.
- Serverless Framework
- OpenCV
- m3u8
- tweepy
In v1, the app was refactored with Serverless Framework.
helps to convert m3u8 stream segments to frames.
The tweet contains a weather summary from and two frames from the live camera data from Tweets are published using tweepy
umuttepe-hava-botu requires Python 3.8+ with dependencies to run. It needs a Twitter Developer account and a Redis service.
Clone git repo
git clone
cd umuttepe-hava-botu
Rename .env.example to .env, edit Twitter Developer API keys and Redis environment variables.
Install the dependencies
yarn install
poetry install
For testing
poetry run test
To deploy to Azure, see:
yarn deploy # dev stage
yarn deploy --stage production # production's contents are copyrighted by Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality. crawled data are also used in this project.
Use as only for educational purposes. Use at your own risk.
Please feel free to share any ideas.