A command line tool for reviewing and executing AWS CloudFormation change sets.
- Read CloudFormation change set ARN from stdin or from the command line
- Print a summary of changes to stack resources, parameters and tags
- View the chain of causes that leads to resource change
- Review changes and execute them right away
npm i -g cfn-execute-change-set
To review and execute a changeset, just pipe the output of the AWS CLI
command to the cfn-execute-change-set
aws cloudformation create-change-set [...] | cfn-execute-change-set
Piping the output of aws cloudformation deploy --no-execute-change-set
also supported.
Alternatively, you can provide a CloudFormation change set ARNs as command line argument:
cfn-execute-change-set \
$ aws cloudformation create-change-set [] | cfn-execute-change-set
"StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-west-1:748888633826:stack/ew1-test/e0496e10-fe10-11e7-8420-50fae9b818d2",
"Id": "arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-west-1:748888633826:changeSet/test-1516540773/0e3d729c-9712-43aa-a7d3-2b44e4d2b797"
Changeset is being created. Waiting...
Changeset is being created. Waiting...
Resource Changes
[*] AuthenticatorLambda - ew1-test-AuthenticatorLambda-113XFFG3TVL7D (AWS::Lambda::Function)
- resource tags changed
caused by changed stack tags
[*] DataBucket - cfn-execute-changeset-test-1 (AWS::S3::Bucket)
- resource tags changed
caused by changed stack tags
[*] FirehoseDeliveryStream - ew1-test-FirehoseDeliveryStream-115L2LE9AKCXP (AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream) [Replacement: Conditional]
- resource property ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration might change [Recreation: Always]
caused by changed output value of AuthenticatorLambda.Arn
caused by changed stack tags
Tag Changes
[*] Another: test1 ⟶ test
Execute change set [y/N]? y
Stack update started:
- Change Set ARN: arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-west-1:748888633826:changeSet/test-1516540773/0e3d729c-9712-43aa-a7d3-2b44e4d2b797
- Stack ARN: arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-west-1:748888633826:stack/ew1-test/e0496e10-fe10-11e7-8420-50fae9b818d2
The test suite includes an integration test that calls live AWS APIs. The integration test requires valid AWS credentials that are allowed to
- Create, Describe and Delete CloudFormation stacks
- Create and Describe change sets
- Create, Delete and Update Log Groups (used as sample resource)
If the AWS SDK cannot find valid AWS credentials, the integration test is skipped. If the SDK finds credentials which cannot perform these operations, the integration test will fail.
- Support change sets that import resources.