SeriesMania is a series suggestion app developed for my Masters degree dissertation in University of Piraeus.
The user can:
- Register/Login
- Browse a list of series
- Discover series per genre category
- Search for series
- Interact with other users by starting (or replying in) a discussion
- Edit my profile (add image, bio, username, series preferences)
- Follow other users
- Create my own series watchlist
- Read FaQ (Frequently asked questions) inside the app
- Visit the app's analytics section
In addition to this app, a backend app has been developed in order to create and store the analytics inside the online db. You can find it HERE
Model - View - ViewModel (MVVM)
Multi-Module Approach
- Navigation Component
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin Flows
- Data Binding
- Hilt for dependency Injection
- Firebase Authentication for the user's authentication
- Firebase Firestore to store any necessary data in online db
- Firebase Storage to store any necessary stories media content
- Paging3 to provide seamless experience with fresh data on user's scroll demand
- Gson for serialization/deserialization
- Glide to load images
- Lottie for animations
- Timber for logging across the app
- Built with Material Design