This is an unofficial API for IG Markets Trading REST API. The StreamingAPI is not part of this project.
Disclaimer: This library is not associated with IG Markets Limited or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. If you use this library, you should contact them to make sure they are okay with how you intend to use it. Use this lib at your own risk.
- Create session, add subscription(control), bind session
- GET /accounts
- GET /accounts/preferences
- POST /session (version 2 + 3)
- GET /markets/{epic}
- GET /markets?searchTerm=...
- GET /clientsentiment/{marketID}
- POST /positions/otc
- PUT /positions/otc/{dealId}
- GET /positions
- DELETE /positions
- GET /confirms/{dealReference}
- GET /workingorders
- POST /workingorders/otc
- DELETE /workingorders/otc/{dealId}
- GET /prices/{epic}/{resolution}/{startDate}/{endDate}
POST /watchlists/ (Create watchlist)
GET /watchlists/{watchlistid}
DELETE /watchlists/{watchlistid} (Delete watchlist)
GET /watchlists (Get all watchlists)
PUT /watchlists/{watchlistid} (Add epic)
DELETE /watchlists/{watchlistid}/{epic} (Delete epic)
- GET /history/activity
- GET /history/transactions
package main
import (
var ig *igmarkets.IGMarkets
func main() {
var ctx = context.Background()
ig = igmarkets.New(igmarkets.DemoAPIURL, "APIKEY", "ACCOUNTID", "USERNAME/IDENTIFIER", "PASSWORD")
if err := ig.Login(ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unable to login into IG account", err)
// Get current open ask, open bid, close ask, close bid, high ask, high bid, low ask, and low bid
prices, _ := ig.GetPrice(ctx, "CS.D.EURUSD.CFD.IP")
// Place a new order
order := igmarkets.OTCOrderRequest{
OrderType: "MARKET",
CurrencyCode: "USD",
Direction: "BUY",
Size: 1.0,
Expiry: "-",
StopDistance: "10", // Pips
LimitDistance: "5", // Pips
GuaranteedStop: true,
ForceOpen: true,
dealRef, err := ig.PlaceOTCOrder(ctx, order)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unable to place order:", err)
fmt.Println("New order placed with dealRef", dealRef)
// Check order status
confirmation, err := ig.GetDealConfirmation(ctx, dealRef.DealReference)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Cannot get deal confirmation for:", dealRef, err)
fmt.Println("Order dealRef", dealRef)
fmt.Println("DealStatus", confirmation.DealStatus) // "ACCEPTED"
fmt.Println("Profit", confirmation.Profit, confirmation.ProfitCurrency)
fmt.Println("Status", confirmation.Status) // "OPEN"
fmt.Println("Reason", confirmation.Reason)
fmt.Println("Level", confirmation.Level) // Buy price
// List transactions
transactionResponse, err := ig.GetTransactions(ctx, "ALL", time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -30).UTC()) // last 30 days
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unable to get transactions: ", err)
for _, transaction := range transactionResponse.Transactions {
fmt.Println("Found new transaction")
fmt.Println("Epic:", transaction.InstrumentName)
fmt.Println("Type:", transaction.TransactionType)
fmt.Println("OpenDate:", transaction.OpenDateUtc)
fmt.Println("CloseDate:", transaction.DateUTC)
fmt.Println("OpenLevel:", transaction.OpenLevel)
fmt.Println("CloseLevel:", transaction.CloseLevel)
fmt.Println("Profit/Loss:", transaction.ProfitAndLoss)
// Example of getting client sentiment
sentiment, _ := ig.GetClientSentiment(ctx, "F-US") //Ford
fmt.Println("Sentiment example:", sentiment)
More examples can be found here.
var ctx = context.Background()
for {
tickChan := make(chan igmarkets.LightStreamerTick)
err := igHandle.OpenLightStreamerSubscription(ctx, []string{"CS.D.BITCOIN.CFD.IP"}, tickChan)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("OpenLightStreamerSubscription() failed")
for tick := range tickChan {
log.Infof("tick: %+v", tick)
log.Infof("Server closed stream, restarting...")
INFO[0003] tick: {Epic:CS.D.BITCOIN.CFD.IP Time:2020-11-22 14:14:15 +0000 UTC Bid:18230.35 Ask:18266.35}
INFO[0003] tick: {Epic:CS.D.BITCOIN.CFD.IP Time:2020-11-22 14:14:15 +0000 UTC Bid:18230.45 Ask:18266.45}
INFO[0003] tick: {Epic:CS.D.BITCOIN.CFD.IP Time:2020-11-22 14:14:16 +0000 UTC Bid:18231.14 Ask:18267.14}
INFO[0003] tick: {Epic:CS.D.BITCOIN.CFD.IP Time:2020-11-22 14:14:16 +0000 UTC Bid:18231.04 Ask:18267.04}
INFO[0004] tick: {Epic:CS.D.BITCOIN.CFD.IP Time:2020-11-22 14:14:16 +0000 UTC Bid:18231.53 Ask:18267.53}
INFO[0004] tick: {Epic:CS.D.BITCOIN.CFD.IP Time:2020-11-22 14:14:16 +0000 UTC Bid:18231.35 Ask:18267.35}
INFO[0004] tick: {Epic:CS.D.BITCOIN.CFD.IP Time:2020-11-22 14:14:17 +0000 UTC Bid:18230.64 Ask:18266.64}
INFO[0004] tick: {Epic:CS.D.BITCOIN.CFD.IP Time:2020-11-22 14:14:17 +0000 UTC Bid:18231.08 Ask:18267.08}
INFO[0005] tick: {Epic:CS.D.BITCOIN.CFD.IP Time:2020-11-22 14:14:17 +0000 UTC Bid:18231.36 Ask:18267.36}
INFO[0005] tick: {Epic:CS.D.BITCOIN.CFD.IP Time:2020-11-22 14:14:17 +0000 UTC Bid:18230.93 Ask:18266.93}
- Write basic tests
Feel free to send PRs.