The COVID-19 Data holds critical insights about a global pandemic that has impacted us all. The data encompassing information from 8th January 2020 to 9th August 2023. The dataset is divided into two subsets: COVID Deaths and COVID Vaccination.
🔍 Here's a sneak peek into what I accomplished:
- Explored and viewed all columns from the COVID Deaths Table.
- Explored and viewed all columns from the COVID Vaccination Table.
- Extracted specific columns like location, date, total_cases, new_cases, total_deaths, and population from the COVID Deaths Table.
- Calculated the percentage of total deaths in relation to total cases for all countries, shedding light on the likelihood of fatality if one contracts COVID-19 in a specific country.
- Analyzed the total cases as a percentage of the population in Canada.
🌍 The Insights Grew Deeper:
- Identified countries with the highest infection rates compared to their population.
- Discovered the countries with the highest death count per population.
- Analyzed continents with the highest death count per population, painting a grim picture of the global impact.
📈 Tracking the Numbers:
- Monitored the global count of new COVID-19 cases and new deaths caused by the virus.
💉 Vaccination Analysis:
- Explored the relationship between total population and vaccinations by joining the two tables based on location and date.
- Employed Common Table Expressions (CTEs) to delve deeper into the population-vaccination dynamics.
- Utilized temporary tables to further understand the correlation between population and vaccinations.
- Created views to present a clearer picture of the population-vaccination connection.