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Before you clone the GIT repository

  1. Create a github account:

  1. On the Linux machine that you will clone the github from, generate a SSH key (if not already done)

  1. Add a new SSH key to your GitHub account

  1. Setup for large filesystems on github (one-time operation)

$ git lfs install

Clone the GIT repository

$ git clone --recursive

How to build the firmware

  1. Setup Xilinx licensing
$ source epix-hr-m-320k/firmware/
  1. If not done yet, make a symbolic link to the firmware/
$ ln -s /u1/$USER/build epix-hr-m-320k/firmware/build
  1. Go to the target directory and make the firmware:
$ cd epix-hr-m-320k/firmware/targets/ePixHRM320k/
$ make
  1. Optional: Review the results in GUI mode
$ make gui

How to run simulation

  1. Setup Xilinx licensing
$ source epix-hr-m-320k/firmware/
  1. If not done yet, make a symbolic link to the firmware/
$ ln -s /u1/$USER/build epix-hr-m-320k/firmware/build
  1. Go to the target directory and make the firmware:
$ cd epix-hr-m-320k/firmware/targets/ePixHRM320k/
$ make vcs
  1. Execute the instructions provided by the previous command give that it finished successfully.

  2. In a new terminal run Rogue source script

$ source epix-hr-m-320k/software/
  1. Run the python software
$ cd epix-hr-m-320k/software/scripts
$ python --dev sim

LEAP Transceiver Mapping

Lane[7:0] : serving core
Lane[11:8] : serving app

Lane[0].VC[0] = Data[0]
Lane[1].VC[0] = Data[1]
Lane[2].VC[0] = Data[2]
Lane[3].VC[0] = Data[3]
Lane[4].VC[0] = Spare
Lane[5].VC[0] = SRPv3
Lane[5].VC[1] = software trigger (ssiCmd)
Lane[5].VC[2] = XVC
-Lane[6].VC[0] = slow monitoring[1:0]
-    [1] = Power and Communication Board
-    [0] = Digital Board
Lane[7].VC[3:0] = o-scope[3:0]
Lane[10:8] = Reserved for edgeML
Lane[11] = LCLS-II Timing