"valid8ing is not a crime" ;-)
provides user-friendly tools for
- general-purpose inline validation,
- function inputs/outputs validation
- class fields validation.
All entry points raise consistent ValidationError
including all contextual details, with dynamic inheritance of ValueError
as appropriate. Originally from the autoclass project.
This is the readme for developers. The documentation for users is available here: https://smarie.github.io/python-valid8/
Contributions are welcome ! Simply fork this project on github, commit your contributions, and create pull requests.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of interesting open topics: https://github.com/smarie/python-valid8/issues
In order to install all requirements, including those for tests and packaging, use the following command:
pip install -r ci_tools/requirements-pip.txt
This project uses pytest
pytest -v valid8/tests/
This project uses setuptools_scm
to synchronise the version number. Therefore the following command should be used for development snapshots as well as official releases:
python setup.py egg_info bdist_wheel rotate -m.whl -k3
This project uses mkdocs
to generate its documentation page. Therefore building a local copy of the doc page may be done using:
mkdocs build -f docs/mkdocs.yml
The following commands generate the html test report and the associated badge.
pytest --junitxml=junit.xml -v valid8/tests/
ant -f ci_tools/generate-junit-html.xml
python ci_tools/generate-junit-badge.py
This project is now automatically deployed to PyPI when a tag is created. Anyway, for manual deployment we can use:
twine upload dist/* -r pypitest
twine upload dist/*
Ax explained in github ('get commandline instructions'):
git checkout -b <git_name>-<feature_branch> master
git pull https://github.com/<git_name>/python-valid8.git <feature_branch> --no-commit --ff-only
if the second step does not work, do a normal auto-merge (do not use rebase!):
git pull https://github.com/<git_name>/python-valid8.git <feature_branch> --no-commit
Finally review the changes, possibly perform some modifications, and commit.