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Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating version 1.1.5

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@smdn smdn released this 24 Jan 13:09
· 173 commits to main since this release

Released package

Release notes

The full release notes are available at gist.

Change log

Change log in this release:

API changes

API changes in this release:
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net45.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net45.apilist.cs
index db2eee7..c6b1b06 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net45.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net45.apilist.cs
@@ -1,131 +1,134 @@
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.4)
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.5)
 //   Name: Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.4+474aa1799ff8a98167dc9760f2acafaa15b81d4c
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.5+8b0234f9aa81d64e62185c0c566a560c630f934b
 //   TargetFramework: .NETFramework,Version=v4.5
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
 //     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 //     System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 //     System.ValueTuple, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating {
   public delegate bool AttributeTypeFilter(Type type, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider);
   public enum AttributeSectionFormat : int {
     Discrete = 1,
     List = 0,
   public enum MethodBodyOption : int {
     EmptyImplementation = 1,
     None = 0,
     ThrowNotImplementedException = 2,
     ThrowNull = 3,
   public static class CSharpFormatter {
     public static string EscapeString(string s, bool escapeSingleQuote = false, bool escapeDoubleQuote = false) {}
     public static string FormatAccessibility(Accessibility accessibility) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatSpecialNameMethod(MethodBase methodOrConstructor, out MethodSpecialName nameType) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this Type t, ICustomAttributeProvider? attributeProvider = null, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatValueDeclaration(object? val, Type typeOfValue, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool findConstantField = false, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static bool IsLanguagePrimitiveType(Type t, out string primitiveTypeName) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> ToNamespaceList(Type t) {}
   public static class Generator {
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateAttributeList(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     [Obsolete("Use GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration instead.")]
     public static string GenerateGenericArgumentConstraintDeclaration(Type genericArgument, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration(Type genericParameter, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string? GenerateMemberDeclaration(MemberInfo member, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateTypeDeclaration(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateTypeDeclarationWithExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
   public class GeneratorOptions : ICloneable {
     public class AttributeDeclarationOptions {
       public AttributeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat BackingFieldFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat DelegateParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat GenericParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat MethodParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public bool OmitAttributeSuffix { get; set; }
       public AttributeTypeFilter? TypeFilter { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamedArguments { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class MemberDeclarationOptions {
       public MemberDeclarationOptions() {}
       public MethodBodyOption AccessorBody { get; set; }
       public MethodBodyOption MethodBody { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithEnumTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ParameterDeclarationOptions {
       public ParameterDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class TypeDeclarationOptions {
       public TypeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
+      public bool OmitEnumUnderlyingTypeIfPossible { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ValueDeclarationOptions {
       public ValueDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool UseDefaultLiteral { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions() {}
     public GeneratorOptions.AttributeDeclarationOptions AttributeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool IgnorePrivateOrAssembly { get; set; }
     public string? Indent { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.MemberDeclarationOptions MemberDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ParameterDeclarationOptions ParameterDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool TranslateLanguagePrimitiveTypeDeclaration { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.TypeDeclarationOptions TypeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ValueDeclarationOptions ValueDeclaration { get; init; }
     public virtual GeneratorOptions Clone() {}
     object ICloneable.Clone() {}
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.1.0.
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net47.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net47.apilist.cs
index 53fad60..262d7aa 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net47.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net47.apilist.cs
@@ -1,130 +1,133 @@
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.4)
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.5)
 //   Name: Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.4+474aa1799ff8a98167dc9760f2acafaa15b81d4c
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.5+8b0234f9aa81d64e62185c0c566a560c630f934b
 //   TargetFramework: .NETFramework,Version=v4.7
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
 //     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 //     System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 //     mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating {
   public delegate bool AttributeTypeFilter(Type type, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider);
   public enum AttributeSectionFormat : int {
     Discrete = 1,
     List = 0,
   public enum MethodBodyOption : int {
     EmptyImplementation = 1,
     None = 0,
     ThrowNotImplementedException = 2,
     ThrowNull = 3,
   public static class CSharpFormatter {
     public static string EscapeString(string s, bool escapeSingleQuote = false, bool escapeDoubleQuote = false) {}
     public static string FormatAccessibility(Accessibility accessibility) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatSpecialNameMethod(MethodBase methodOrConstructor, out MethodSpecialName nameType) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this Type t, ICustomAttributeProvider? attributeProvider = null, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatValueDeclaration(object? val, Type typeOfValue, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool findConstantField = false, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static bool IsLanguagePrimitiveType(Type t, out string primitiveTypeName) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> ToNamespaceList(Type t) {}
   public static class Generator {
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateAttributeList(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     [Obsolete("Use GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration instead.")]
     public static string GenerateGenericArgumentConstraintDeclaration(Type genericArgument, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration(Type genericParameter, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string? GenerateMemberDeclaration(MemberInfo member, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateTypeDeclaration(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateTypeDeclarationWithExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
   public class GeneratorOptions : ICloneable {
     public class AttributeDeclarationOptions {
       public AttributeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat BackingFieldFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat DelegateParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat GenericParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat MethodParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public bool OmitAttributeSuffix { get; set; }
       public AttributeTypeFilter? TypeFilter { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamedArguments { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class MemberDeclarationOptions {
       public MemberDeclarationOptions() {}
       public MethodBodyOption AccessorBody { get; set; }
       public MethodBodyOption MethodBody { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithEnumTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ParameterDeclarationOptions {
       public ParameterDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class TypeDeclarationOptions {
       public TypeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
+      public bool OmitEnumUnderlyingTypeIfPossible { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ValueDeclarationOptions {
       public ValueDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool UseDefaultLiteral { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions() {}
     public GeneratorOptions.AttributeDeclarationOptions AttributeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool IgnorePrivateOrAssembly { get; set; }
     public string? Indent { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.MemberDeclarationOptions MemberDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ParameterDeclarationOptions ParameterDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool TranslateLanguagePrimitiveTypeDeclaration { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.TypeDeclarationOptions TypeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ValueDeclarationOptions ValueDeclaration { get; init; }
     public virtual GeneratorOptions Clone() {}
     object ICloneable.Clone() {}
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.1.0.
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net6.0.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net6.0.apilist.cs
index 11b379b..ea8743b 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net6.0.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net6.0.apilist.cs
@@ -1,142 +1,145 @@
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.4)
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.5)
 //   Name: Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.4+474aa1799ff8a98167dc9760f2acafaa15b81d4c
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.5+8b0234f9aa81d64e62185c0c566a560c630f934b
 //   TargetFramework: .NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
 //     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Runtime.InteropServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
 using System.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating {
   public delegate bool AttributeTypeFilter(Type type, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider);
   public enum AttributeSectionFormat : int {
     Discrete = 1,
     List = 0,
   public enum MethodBodyOption : int {
     EmptyImplementation = 1,
     None = 0,
     ThrowNotImplementedException = 2,
     ThrowNull = 3,
   public static class CSharpFormatter {
     public static string EscapeString(string s, bool escapeSingleQuote = false, bool escapeDoubleQuote = false) {}
     public static string FormatAccessibility(Accessibility accessibility) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatSpecialNameMethod(MethodBase methodOrConstructor, out MethodSpecialName nameType) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this Type t, ICustomAttributeProvider? attributeProvider = null, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatValueDeclaration(object? val, Type typeOfValue, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool findConstantField = false, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static bool IsLanguagePrimitiveType(Type t, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string? primitiveTypeName) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> ToNamespaceList(Type t) {}
   public static class Generator {
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateAttributeList(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     [Obsolete("Use GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration instead.")]
     public static string GenerateGenericArgumentConstraintDeclaration(Type genericArgument, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration(Type genericParameter, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string? GenerateMemberDeclaration(MemberInfo member, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateTypeDeclaration(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateTypeDeclarationWithExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
   public class GeneratorOptions : ICloneable {
     public class AttributeDeclarationOptions {
       public AttributeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat BackingFieldFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat DelegateParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat GenericParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat MethodParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public bool OmitAttributeSuffix { get; set; }
       public AttributeTypeFilter? TypeFilter { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamedArguments { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class MemberDeclarationOptions {
       public MemberDeclarationOptions() {}
       public MethodBodyOption AccessorBody { get; set; }
       public MethodBodyOption MethodBody { get; set; }
       public NullabilityInfoContext? NullabilityInfoContext { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithEnumTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ParameterDeclarationOptions {
       public ParameterDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class TypeDeclarationOptions {
       public TypeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public NullabilityInfoContext? NullabilityInfoContext { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
+      public bool OmitEnumUnderlyingTypeIfPossible { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ValueDeclarationOptions {
       public ValueDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool UseDefaultLiteral { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions() {}
     public GeneratorOptions.AttributeDeclarationOptions AttributeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool IgnorePrivateOrAssembly { get; set; }
     public string? Indent { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.MemberDeclarationOptions MemberDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ParameterDeclarationOptions ParameterDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool TranslateLanguagePrimitiveTypeDeclaration { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.TypeDeclarationOptions TypeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ValueDeclarationOptions ValueDeclaration { get; init; }
     public virtual GeneratorOptions Clone() {}
     object ICloneable.Clone() {}
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.1.0.
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net5.0.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net7.0.apilist.cs
similarity index 72%
rename from doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net5.0.apilist.cs
rename to doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net7.0.apilist.cs
index c1bb8e2..b33b140 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net5.0.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net7.0.apilist.cs
@@ -1,126 +1,145 @@
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.4)
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.5)
 //   Name: Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.4+474aa1799ff8a98167dc9760f2acafaa15b81d4c
-//   TargetFramework: .NETCoreApp,Version=v5.0
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.5+8b0234f9aa81d64e62185c0c566a560c630f934b
+//   TargetFramework: .NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0
 //   Configuration: Release
+//   Referenced assemblies:
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
+//     System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
+//     System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
+//     System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
+//     System.Runtime.InteropServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
 using System.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating {
   public delegate bool AttributeTypeFilter(Type type, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider);
   public enum AttributeSectionFormat : int {
     Discrete = 1,
     List = 0,
   public enum MethodBodyOption : int {
     EmptyImplementation = 1,
     None = 0,
     ThrowNotImplementedException = 2,
     ThrowNull = 3,
   public static class CSharpFormatter {
     public static string EscapeString(string s, bool escapeSingleQuote = false, bool escapeDoubleQuote = false) {}
     public static string FormatAccessibility(Accessibility accessibility) {}
+    public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
+    public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
+    public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatSpecialNameMethod(MethodBase methodOrConstructor, out MethodSpecialName nameType) {}
+    public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
+    public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
+    public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
+    public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this Type t, ICustomAttributeProvider? attributeProvider = null, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatValueDeclaration(object? val, Type typeOfValue, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool findConstantField = false, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static bool IsLanguagePrimitiveType(Type t, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string? primitiveTypeName) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> ToNamespaceList(Type t) {}
   public static class Generator {
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateAttributeList(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     [Obsolete("Use GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration instead.")]
     public static string GenerateGenericArgumentConstraintDeclaration(Type genericArgument, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration(Type genericParameter, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string? GenerateMemberDeclaration(MemberInfo member, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateTypeDeclaration(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateTypeDeclarationWithExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
   public class GeneratorOptions : ICloneable {
     public class AttributeDeclarationOptions {
       public AttributeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat BackingFieldFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat DelegateParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat GenericParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat MethodParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public bool OmitAttributeSuffix { get; set; }
       public AttributeTypeFilter? TypeFilter { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamedArguments { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class MemberDeclarationOptions {
       public MemberDeclarationOptions() {}
       public MethodBodyOption AccessorBody { get; set; }
       public MethodBodyOption MethodBody { get; set; }
+      public NullabilityInfoContext? NullabilityInfoContext { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithEnumTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ParameterDeclarationOptions {
       public ParameterDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class TypeDeclarationOptions {
       public TypeDeclarationOptions() {}
+      public NullabilityInfoContext? NullabilityInfoContext { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
+      public bool OmitEnumUnderlyingTypeIfPossible { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ValueDeclarationOptions {
       public ValueDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool UseDefaultLiteral { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions() {}
     public GeneratorOptions.AttributeDeclarationOptions AttributeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool IgnorePrivateOrAssembly { get; set; }
     public string? Indent { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.MemberDeclarationOptions MemberDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ParameterDeclarationOptions ParameterDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool TranslateLanguagePrimitiveTypeDeclaration { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.TypeDeclarationOptions TypeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ValueDeclarationOptions ValueDeclaration { get; init; }
     public virtual GeneratorOptions Clone() {}
     object ICloneable.Clone() {}
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.1.0.
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-netstandard2.0.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-netstandard2.0.apilist.cs
index 3b519f7..68680cc 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-netstandard2.0.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-netstandard2.0.apilist.cs
@@ -1,128 +1,131 @@
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.4)
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.5)
 //   Name: Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.4+474aa1799ff8a98167dc9760f2acafaa15b81d4c
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.5+8b0234f9aa81d64e62185c0c566a560c630f934b
 //   TargetFramework: .NETStandard,Version=v2.0
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
 //     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating {
   public delegate bool AttributeTypeFilter(Type type, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider);
   public enum AttributeSectionFormat : int {
     Discrete = 1,
     List = 0,
   public enum MethodBodyOption : int {
     EmptyImplementation = 1,
     None = 0,
     ThrowNotImplementedException = 2,
     ThrowNull = 3,
   public static class CSharpFormatter {
     public static string EscapeString(string s, bool escapeSingleQuote = false, bool escapeDoubleQuote = false) {}
     public static string FormatAccessibility(Accessibility accessibility) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatSpecialNameMethod(MethodBase methodOrConstructor, out MethodSpecialName nameType) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this Type t, ICustomAttributeProvider? attributeProvider = null, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatValueDeclaration(object? val, Type typeOfValue, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool findConstantField = false, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static bool IsLanguagePrimitiveType(Type t, out string primitiveTypeName) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> ToNamespaceList(Type t) {}
   public static class Generator {
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateAttributeList(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     [Obsolete("Use GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration instead.")]
     public static string GenerateGenericArgumentConstraintDeclaration(Type genericArgument, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration(Type genericParameter, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string? GenerateMemberDeclaration(MemberInfo member, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateTypeDeclaration(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateTypeDeclarationWithExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
   public class GeneratorOptions : ICloneable {
     public class AttributeDeclarationOptions {
       public AttributeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat BackingFieldFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat DelegateParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat GenericParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat MethodParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public bool OmitAttributeSuffix { get; set; }
       public AttributeTypeFilter? TypeFilter { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamedArguments { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class MemberDeclarationOptions {
       public MemberDeclarationOptions() {}
       public MethodBodyOption AccessorBody { get; set; }
       public MethodBodyOption MethodBody { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithEnumTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ParameterDeclarationOptions {
       public ParameterDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class TypeDeclarationOptions {
       public TypeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
+      public bool OmitEnumUnderlyingTypeIfPossible { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ValueDeclarationOptions {
       public ValueDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool UseDefaultLiteral { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions() {}
     public GeneratorOptions.AttributeDeclarationOptions AttributeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool IgnorePrivateOrAssembly { get; set; }
     public string? Indent { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.MemberDeclarationOptions MemberDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ParameterDeclarationOptions ParameterDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool TranslateLanguagePrimitiveTypeDeclaration { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.TypeDeclarationOptions TypeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ValueDeclarationOptions ValueDeclaration { get; init; }
     public virtual GeneratorOptions Clone() {}
     object ICloneable.Clone() {}
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.1.0.
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (

Full changes

Full changes in this release:
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.csproj b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.csproj
index a414626..542480a 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.csproj
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.csproj
@@ -4,13 +4,18 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
-    <TargetFrameworks>net6.0;net5.0;net47;net45;netstandard2.0</TargetFrameworks>
+    <TargetFrameworks>net6.0;net47;net45;netstandard2.0</TargetFrameworks>
-    <VersionPrefix>1.1.4</VersionPrefix>
+    <VersionPrefix>1.1.5</VersionPrefix>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <Import Project="..\Sdk.net7.0.props" />
+  <PropertyGroup>
     <DefineConstants Condition="
         $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net4')) Or
@@ -19,16 +24,11 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
     <DefineConstants Condition="
-      $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net6.0'))
+      $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net6.0')) or
+      $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net7.0'))
-  <Import Project="..\Sdk.net7.0-preview.props" />
-  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' " Label="Required properties to generate API list">
-    <CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies>true</CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies>
-  </PropertyGroup>
   <PropertyGroup Label="assembly attributes">
     <Description>The reflection library for reverse-generating declarations of types and members.</Description>
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
     <PackageReference Include="System.ValueTuple" Version="4.5.0" Condition="$(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net45')) or $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net46')) or $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('netstandard1'))" />
-    <PackageReference Include="Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection" Version="[3.3.1,4.0.0)" />
+    <PackageReference Include="Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection" Version="[3.3.2,4.0.0)" />
+  </ItemGroup>
+  <ItemGroup>
+    <Compile Include="..\Common\System.Runtime.CompilerServices\IsExternalInit.cs" />
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Generator.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Generator.cs
index 9b961ca..b14a692 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Generator.cs
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Generator.cs
@@ -102,7 +102,23 @@ public static partial class Generator {
     var modifierNew = t.IsHidingInheritedType(nonPublic: true) ? "new " : null;
     if (t.IsEnum) {
-      yield return $"{modifierNew}{accessibilities}enum {typeName} : {t.GetEnumUnderlyingType().FormatTypeName()}";
+      string? underlyingTypeDeclaration = null;
+      var underlyingType = t.GetEnumUnderlyingType();
+      var omitEnumUnderlyingType =
+        options.TypeDeclaration.OmitEnumUnderlyingTypeIfPossible &&
+        string.Equals(underlyingType.FullName, "System.Int32", StringComparison.Ordinal);
+      if (!omitEnumUnderlyingType) {
+        underlyingTypeDeclaration = string.Concat(
+          " : ",
+          underlyingType.FormatTypeName(
+            typeWithNamespace: options.TypeDeclaration.WithNamespace,
+            translateLanguagePrimitiveType: options.TranslateLanguagePrimitiveTypeDeclaration
+          )
+        );
+      }
+      yield return $"{modifierNew}{accessibilities}enum {typeName}{underlyingTypeDeclaration}";
       yield break;
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/GeneratorOptions.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/GeneratorOptions.cs
index ebb10f1..3525bf7 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/GeneratorOptions.cs
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/GeneratorOptions.cs
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ public class GeneratorOptions : ICloneable {
     public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; } = false;
     public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; } = true;
     public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; } = false;
+    public bool OmitEnumUnderlyingTypeIfPossible { get; set; } = false;
     public NullabilityInfoContext? NullabilityInfoContext { get; set; } = new();
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/FieldInfoValueExtensions.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/FieldInfoValueExtensions.cs
index c53ccd3..ba5ea1d 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/FieldInfoValueExtensions.cs
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/FieldInfoValueExtensions.cs
@@ -19,5 +19,9 @@ internal static class FieldInfoValueExtensions {
       // InvalidOperationException will be thrown in case of loading with MetadataLoadContext.
       return false;
+    catch (TargetInvocationException) {
+      // TargetInvocationException will be thrown in case of the reference assembly could not be loaded.
+      return false;
+    }
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/System.Runtime.CompilerServices/IsExternalInit.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/System.Runtime.CompilerServices/IsExternalInit.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5971d2c..0000000
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/System.Runtime.CompilerServices/IsExternalInit.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 smdn <>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-internal sealed class IsExternalInit { }


Full Changelog: releases/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.4...releases/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.5