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Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating version 1.2.0

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@smdn smdn released this 25 Dec 15:17
· 89 commits to main since this release

Released package

Release notes

The full release notes are available at gist.

Change log

Change log in this release:

API changes

API changes in this release:
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net45.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net45.apilist.cs
index 0aff2da..d3f7e7d 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net45.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net45.apilist.cs
@@ -1,134 +1,134 @@
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.6)
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.2.0)
 //   Name: Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.6+407f242e4289093d014484d0f1940c407f03b605
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 1.2.0+ce6c623225b7a5aa5f272f2a960a28811e358e41
 //   TargetFramework: .NETFramework,Version=v4.5
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 //     System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 //     System.ValueTuple, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating {
   public delegate bool AttributeTypeFilter(Type type, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider);
   public enum AttributeSectionFormat : int {
     Discrete = 1,
     List = 0,
   public enum MethodBodyOption : int {
     EmptyImplementation = 1,
     None = 0,
     ThrowNotImplementedException = 2,
     ThrowNull = 3,
   public static class CSharpFormatter {
     public static string EscapeString(string s, bool escapeSingleQuote = false, bool escapeDoubleQuote = false) {}
     public static string FormatAccessibility(Accessibility accessibility) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatSpecialNameMethod(MethodBase methodOrConstructor, out MethodSpecialName nameType) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this Type t, ICustomAttributeProvider? attributeProvider = null, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatValueDeclaration(object? val, Type typeOfValue, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool findConstantField = false, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static bool IsLanguagePrimitiveType(Type t, out string primitiveTypeName) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> ToNamespaceList(Type t) {}
   public static class Generator {
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateAttributeList(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     [Obsolete("Use GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration instead.")]
     public static string GenerateGenericArgumentConstraintDeclaration(Type genericArgument, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration(Type genericParameter, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string? GenerateMemberDeclaration(MemberInfo member, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateTypeDeclaration(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateTypeDeclarationWithExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
   public class GeneratorOptions : ICloneable {
     public class AttributeDeclarationOptions {
       public AttributeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat BackingFieldFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat DelegateParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat GenericParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat MethodParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public bool OmitAttributeSuffix { get; set; }
       public AttributeTypeFilter? TypeFilter { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamedArguments { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class MemberDeclarationOptions {
       public MemberDeclarationOptions() {}
       public MethodBodyOption AccessorBody { get; set; }
       public MethodBodyOption MethodBody { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithEnumTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ParameterDeclarationOptions {
       public ParameterDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class TypeDeclarationOptions {
       public TypeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEnumUnderlyingTypeIfPossible { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ValueDeclarationOptions {
       public ValueDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool UseDefaultLiteral { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions() {}
     public GeneratorOptions.AttributeDeclarationOptions AttributeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool IgnorePrivateOrAssembly { get; set; }
     public string? Indent { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.MemberDeclarationOptions MemberDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ParameterDeclarationOptions ParameterDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool TranslateLanguagePrimitiveTypeDeclaration { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.TypeDeclarationOptions TypeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ValueDeclarationOptions ValueDeclaration { get; init; }
     public virtual GeneratorOptions Clone() {}
     object ICloneable.Clone() {}
-// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.2.0.
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.3.0.0.
 // Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net47.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net47.apilist.cs
index 00d37ea..b2a9837 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net47.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net47.apilist.cs
@@ -1,133 +1,133 @@
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.6)
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.2.0)
 //   Name: Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.6+407f242e4289093d014484d0f1940c407f03b605
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 1.2.0+ce6c623225b7a5aa5f272f2a960a28811e358e41
 //   TargetFramework: .NETFramework,Version=v4.7
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 //     System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 //     mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating {
   public delegate bool AttributeTypeFilter(Type type, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider);
   public enum AttributeSectionFormat : int {
     Discrete = 1,
     List = 0,
   public enum MethodBodyOption : int {
     EmptyImplementation = 1,
     None = 0,
     ThrowNotImplementedException = 2,
     ThrowNull = 3,
   public static class CSharpFormatter {
     public static string EscapeString(string s, bool escapeSingleQuote = false, bool escapeDoubleQuote = false) {}
     public static string FormatAccessibility(Accessibility accessibility) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatSpecialNameMethod(MethodBase methodOrConstructor, out MethodSpecialName nameType) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this Type t, ICustomAttributeProvider? attributeProvider = null, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatValueDeclaration(object? val, Type typeOfValue, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool findConstantField = false, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static bool IsLanguagePrimitiveType(Type t, out string primitiveTypeName) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> ToNamespaceList(Type t) {}
   public static class Generator {
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateAttributeList(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     [Obsolete("Use GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration instead.")]
     public static string GenerateGenericArgumentConstraintDeclaration(Type genericArgument, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration(Type genericParameter, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string? GenerateMemberDeclaration(MemberInfo member, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateTypeDeclaration(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateTypeDeclarationWithExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
   public class GeneratorOptions : ICloneable {
     public class AttributeDeclarationOptions {
       public AttributeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat BackingFieldFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat DelegateParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat GenericParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat MethodParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public bool OmitAttributeSuffix { get; set; }
       public AttributeTypeFilter? TypeFilter { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamedArguments { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class MemberDeclarationOptions {
       public MemberDeclarationOptions() {}
       public MethodBodyOption AccessorBody { get; set; }
       public MethodBodyOption MethodBody { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithEnumTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ParameterDeclarationOptions {
       public ParameterDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class TypeDeclarationOptions {
       public TypeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEnumUnderlyingTypeIfPossible { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ValueDeclarationOptions {
       public ValueDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool UseDefaultLiteral { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions() {}
     public GeneratorOptions.AttributeDeclarationOptions AttributeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool IgnorePrivateOrAssembly { get; set; }
     public string? Indent { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.MemberDeclarationOptions MemberDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ParameterDeclarationOptions ParameterDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool TranslateLanguagePrimitiveTypeDeclaration { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.TypeDeclarationOptions TypeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ValueDeclarationOptions ValueDeclaration { get; init; }
     public virtual GeneratorOptions Clone() {}
     object ICloneable.Clone() {}
-// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.2.0.
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.3.0.0.
 // Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net6.0.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net6.0.apilist.cs
index 25bd0ce..b19eafc 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net6.0.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net6.0.apilist.cs
@@ -1,155 +1,155 @@
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.6)
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.2.0)
 //   Name: Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.6+407f242e4289093d014484d0f1940c407f03b605
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 1.2.0+ce6c623225b7a5aa5f272f2a960a28811e358e41
 //   TargetFramework: .NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Runtime.InteropServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Threading, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
 using System.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating {
   public delegate bool AttributeTypeFilter(Type type, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider);
   public enum AttributeSectionFormat : int {
     Discrete = 1,
     List = 0,
   public enum MethodBodyOption : int {
     EmptyImplementation = 1,
     None = 0,
     ThrowNotImplementedException = 2,
     ThrowNull = 3,
   public static class CSharpFormatter {
     public static string EscapeString(string s, bool escapeSingleQuote = false, bool escapeDoubleQuote = false) {}
     public static string FormatAccessibility(Accessibility accessibility) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatSpecialNameMethod(MethodBase methodOrConstructor, out MethodSpecialName nameType) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this Type t, ICustomAttributeProvider? attributeProvider = null, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatValueDeclaration(object? val, Type typeOfValue, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool findConstantField = false, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static bool IsLanguagePrimitiveType(Type t, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string? primitiveTypeName) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> ToNamespaceList(Type t) {}
   public static class Generator {
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateAttributeList(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     [Obsolete("Use GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration instead.")]
     public static string GenerateGenericArgumentConstraintDeclaration(Type genericArgument, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration(Type genericParameter, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string? GenerateMemberDeclaration(MemberInfo member, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateTypeDeclaration(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateTypeDeclarationWithExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
   public class GeneratorOptions : ICloneable {
     public class AttributeDeclarationOptions {
       public AttributeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat BackingFieldFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat DelegateParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat GenericParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat MethodParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public bool OmitAttributeSuffix { get; set; }
       public AttributeTypeFilter? TypeFilter { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamedArguments { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class MemberDeclarationOptions {
       public MemberDeclarationOptions() {}
       public MethodBodyOption AccessorBody { get; set; }
       public MethodBodyOption MethodBody { get; set; }
       public NullabilityInfoContext? NullabilityInfoContext { get; set; }
       public object? NullabilityInfoContextLockObject { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithEnumTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ParameterDeclarationOptions {
       public ParameterDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class TypeDeclarationOptions {
       public TypeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public NullabilityInfoContext? NullabilityInfoContext { get; set; }
       public object? NullabilityInfoContextLockObject { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEnumUnderlyingTypeIfPossible { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ValueDeclarationOptions {
       public ValueDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool UseDefaultLiteral { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions() {}
     public GeneratorOptions.AttributeDeclarationOptions AttributeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool IgnorePrivateOrAssembly { get; set; }
     public string? Indent { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.MemberDeclarationOptions MemberDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ParameterDeclarationOptions ParameterDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool TranslateLanguagePrimitiveTypeDeclaration { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.TypeDeclarationOptions TypeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ValueDeclarationOptions ValueDeclaration { get; init; }
     public virtual GeneratorOptions Clone() {}
     object ICloneable.Clone() {}
-// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.2.0.
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.3.0.0.
 // Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net7.0.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net8.0.apilist.cs
similarity index 94%
rename from doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net7.0.apilist.cs
rename to doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net8.0.apilist.cs
index 9a0a982..1efb8e2 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net7.0.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-net8.0.apilist.cs
@@ -1,155 +1,155 @@
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.6)
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.2.0)
 //   Name: Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.6+407f242e4289093d014484d0f1940c407f03b605
-//   TargetFramework: .NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 1.2.0+ce6c623225b7a5aa5f272f2a960a28811e358e41
+//   TargetFramework: .NETCoreApp,Version=v8.0
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
-//     System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
-//     System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
-//     System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
-//     System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
-//     System.Runtime.InteropServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
-//     System.Threading, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
+//     System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
+//     System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
+//     System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
+//     System.Runtime.InteropServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
+//     System.Threading, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
 using System.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating {
   public delegate bool AttributeTypeFilter(Type type, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider);
   public enum AttributeSectionFormat : int {
     Discrete = 1,
     List = 0,
   public enum MethodBodyOption : int {
     EmptyImplementation = 1,
     None = 0,
     ThrowNotImplementedException = 2,
     ThrowNull = 3,
   public static class CSharpFormatter {
     public static string EscapeString(string s, bool escapeSingleQuote = false, bool escapeDoubleQuote = false) {}
     public static string FormatAccessibility(Accessibility accessibility) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatSpecialNameMethod(MethodBase methodOrConstructor, out MethodSpecialName nameType) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityInfoContext, object? nullabilityInfoContextLockObject, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this Type t, ICustomAttributeProvider? attributeProvider = null, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatValueDeclaration(object? val, Type typeOfValue, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool findConstantField = false, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static bool IsLanguagePrimitiveType(Type t, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out string? primitiveTypeName) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> ToNamespaceList(Type t) {}
   public static class Generator {
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateAttributeList(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     [Obsolete("Use GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration instead.")]
     public static string GenerateGenericArgumentConstraintDeclaration(Type genericArgument, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration(Type genericParameter, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string? GenerateMemberDeclaration(MemberInfo member, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateTypeDeclaration(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateTypeDeclarationWithExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
   public class GeneratorOptions : ICloneable {
     public class AttributeDeclarationOptions {
       public AttributeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat BackingFieldFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat DelegateParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat GenericParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat MethodParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public bool OmitAttributeSuffix { get; set; }
       public AttributeTypeFilter? TypeFilter { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamedArguments { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class MemberDeclarationOptions {
       public MemberDeclarationOptions() {}
       public MethodBodyOption AccessorBody { get; set; }
       public MethodBodyOption MethodBody { get; set; }
       public NullabilityInfoContext? NullabilityInfoContext { get; set; }
       public object? NullabilityInfoContextLockObject { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithEnumTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ParameterDeclarationOptions {
       public ParameterDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class TypeDeclarationOptions {
       public TypeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public NullabilityInfoContext? NullabilityInfoContext { get; set; }
       public object? NullabilityInfoContextLockObject { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEnumUnderlyingTypeIfPossible { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ValueDeclarationOptions {
       public ValueDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool UseDefaultLiteral { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions() {}
     public GeneratorOptions.AttributeDeclarationOptions AttributeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool IgnorePrivateOrAssembly { get; set; }
     public string? Indent { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.MemberDeclarationOptions MemberDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ParameterDeclarationOptions ParameterDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool TranslateLanguagePrimitiveTypeDeclaration { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.TypeDeclarationOptions TypeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ValueDeclarationOptions ValueDeclaration { get; init; }
     public virtual GeneratorOptions Clone() {}
     object ICloneable.Clone() {}
-// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.2.0.
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.3.0.0.
 // Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-netstandard2.0.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-netstandard2.0.apilist.cs
index 5b2c0ba..525ffc4 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-netstandard2.0.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-netstandard2.0.apilist.cs
@@ -1,131 +1,131 @@
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.6)
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.dll (Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.2.0)
 //   Name: Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.1.6+407f242e4289093d014484d0f1940c407f03b605
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 1.2.0+ce6c623225b7a5aa5f272f2a960a28811e358e41
 //   TargetFramework: .NETStandard,Version=v2.0
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection;
 using Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating {
   public delegate bool AttributeTypeFilter(Type type, ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider);
   public enum AttributeSectionFormat : int {
     Discrete = 1,
     List = 0,
   public enum MethodBodyOption : int {
     EmptyImplementation = 1,
     None = 0,
     ThrowNotImplementedException = 2,
     ThrowNull = 3,
   public static class CSharpFormatter {
     public static string EscapeString(string s, bool escapeSingleQuote = false, bool escapeDoubleQuote = false) {}
     public static string FormatAccessibility(Accessibility accessibility) {}
     public static string FormatParameter(ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(MethodBase m, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatParameterList(ParameterInfo[] parameterList, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static string FormatSpecialNameMethod(MethodBase methodOrConstructor, out MethodSpecialName nameType) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this EventInfo ev, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this FieldInfo f, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this ParameterInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this PropertyInfo p, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatTypeName(this Type t, ICustomAttributeProvider? attributeProvider = null, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool withDeclaringTypeName = true, bool translateLanguagePrimitiveType = true) {}
     public static string FormatValueDeclaration(object? val, Type typeOfValue, bool typeWithNamespace = true, bool findConstantField = false, bool useDefaultLiteral = false) {}
     public static bool IsLanguagePrimitiveType(Type t, out string primitiveTypeName) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> ToNamespaceList(Type t) {}
   public static class Generator {
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateAttributeList(ICustomAttributeProvider attributeProvider, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     [Obsolete("Use GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration instead.")]
     public static string GenerateGenericArgumentConstraintDeclaration(Type genericArgument, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateGenericParameterConstraintDeclaration(Type genericParameter, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string? GenerateMemberDeclaration(MemberInfo member, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static string GenerateTypeDeclaration(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
     public static IEnumerable<string> GenerateTypeDeclarationWithExplicitBaseTypeAndInterfaces(Type t, ISet<string>? referencingNamespaces, GeneratorOptions options) {}
   public class GeneratorOptions : ICloneable {
     public class AttributeDeclarationOptions {
       public AttributeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat AccessorParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat BackingFieldFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat DelegateParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat GenericParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public AttributeSectionFormat MethodParameterFormat { get; set; }
       public bool OmitAttributeSuffix { get; set; }
       public AttributeTypeFilter? TypeFilter { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamedArguments { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class MemberDeclarationOptions {
       public MemberDeclarationOptions() {}
       public MethodBodyOption AccessorBody { get; set; }
       public MethodBodyOption MethodBody { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithEnumTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ParameterDeclarationOptions {
       public ParameterDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class TypeDeclarationOptions {
       public TypeDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool OmitEndOfStatement { get; set; }
       public bool OmitEnumUnderlyingTypeIfPossible { get; set; }
       public bool WithAccessibility { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public class ValueDeclarationOptions {
       public ValueDeclarationOptions() {}
       public bool UseDefaultLiteral { get; set; }
       public bool WithDeclaringTypeName { get; set; }
       public bool WithNamespace { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions() {}
     public GeneratorOptions.AttributeDeclarationOptions AttributeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool IgnorePrivateOrAssembly { get; set; }
     public string? Indent { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.MemberDeclarationOptions MemberDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ParameterDeclarationOptions ParameterDeclaration { get; init; }
     public bool TranslateLanguagePrimitiveTypeDeclaration { get; set; }
     public GeneratorOptions.TypeDeclarationOptions TypeDeclaration { get; init; }
     public GeneratorOptions.ValueDeclarationOptions ValueDeclaration { get; init; }
     public virtual GeneratorOptions Clone() {}
     object ICloneable.Clone() {}
-// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.2.0.
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.3.0.0.
 // Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (

Full changes

Full changes in this release:
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.csproj b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.csproj
index 3ac1547..b91b796 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.csproj
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.csproj
@@ -4,21 +4,20 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
-    <TargetFrameworks>net6.0;net47;net45;netstandard2.0</TargetFrameworks>
+    <TargetFrameworks>net8.0;net6.0;net47;net45;netstandard2.0</TargetFrameworks>
-    <VersionPrefix>1.1.6</VersionPrefix>
+    <VersionPrefix>1.2.0</VersionPrefix>
     <RootNamespace/> <!-- empty the root namespace so that the namespace is determined only by the directory name, for code style rule IDE0030 -->
+    <NoWarn>CS1591;$(NoWarn)</NoWarn> <!-- CS1591: Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Type_or_Member' -->
     <!-- trimming options -->
-  <Import Project="..\Sdk.net7.0.props" />
     <DefineConstants Condition="
@@ -29,7 +28,8 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
     <DefineConstants Condition="
       $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net6.0')) or
-      $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net7.0'))
+      $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net7.0')) or
+      $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net8.0'))
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
     <PackageReference Include="System.ValueTuple" Version="4.5.0" Condition="$(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net45')) or $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('net46')) or $(TargetFramework.StartsWith('netstandard1'))" />
-    <PackageReference Include="Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection" Version="[3.3.2,4.0.0)" />
+    <PackageReference Include="Smdn.Fundamental.Reflection" Version="[3.5.0,4.0.0)" />
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/CSharpFormatter.FormatTypeName.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/CSharpFormatter.FormatTypeName.cs
index b518adf..ebf2255 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/CSharpFormatter.FormatTypeName.cs
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/CSharpFormatter.FormatTypeName.cs
@@ -303,9 +303,9 @@ static partial class CSharpFormatter {
       typeof(Attribute).IsAssignableFrom(t) &&
       t != typeof(Attribute)
     ) {
-      const int lengthOfAttributeSuffix = 9; // "Attribute".Length
+      const int LengthOfAttributeSuffix = 9; // "Attribute".Length
-      typeName = typeName.Substring(0, typeName.Length - lengthOfAttributeSuffix);
+      typeName = typeName.Substring(0, typeName.Length - LengthOfAttributeSuffix);
     return typeName;
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/CSharpFormatter.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/CSharpFormatter.cs
index 1f660a1..88adb0f 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/CSharpFormatter.cs
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/CSharpFormatter.cs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ using System.Text;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
 public static partial class CSharpFormatter /* ITypeFormatter */ {
-  private static readonly Dictionary<Accessibility, string> accessibilities = new() {
+  private static readonly Dictionary<Accessibility, string> Accessibilities = new() {
     { Accessibility.Public,            "public" },
     { Accessibility.Assembly,          "internal" },
     { Accessibility.Family,            "protected" },
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public static partial class CSharpFormatter /* ITypeFormatter */ {
     { Accessibility.Private,           "private" },
-  private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> primitiveTypes = new(StringComparer.Ordinal) {
+  private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> PrimitiveTypes = new(StringComparer.Ordinal) {
     { typeof(void).FullName!, "void" },
     { typeof(sbyte).FullName!, "sbyte" },
     { typeof(short).FullName!, "short" },
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public static partial class CSharpFormatter /* ITypeFormatter */ {
     { typeof(bool).FullName!, "bool" },
-  private static readonly HashSet<string> keywords = new(StringComparer.Ordinal) {
+  private static readonly HashSet<string> Keywords = new(StringComparer.Ordinal) {
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public static partial class CSharpFormatter /* ITypeFormatter */ {
-  private static readonly Dictionary<MethodSpecialName, string> specialMethodNames = new() {
+  private static readonly Dictionary<MethodSpecialName, string> SpecialMethodNames = new() {
     // comparison
     { MethodSpecialName.Equality, "operator ==" },
     { MethodSpecialName.Inequality, "operator !=" },
@@ -149,32 +149,41 @@ public static partial class CSharpFormatter /* ITypeFormatter */ {
     // unary
     { MethodSpecialName.UnaryPlus, "operator +" },
     { MethodSpecialName.UnaryNegation, "operator -" },
+    { MethodSpecialName.CheckedUnaryNegation, "operator checked -" },
     { MethodSpecialName.LogicalNot, "operator !" },
     { MethodSpecialName.OnesComplement, "operator ~" },
     { MethodSpecialName.True, "operator true" },
     { MethodSpecialName.False, "operator false" },
     { MethodSpecialName.Increment, "operator ++" },
+    { MethodSpecialName.CheckedIncrement, "operator checked ++" },
     { MethodSpecialName.Decrement, "operator --" },
+    { MethodSpecialName.CheckedDecrement, "operator checked --" },
     // binary
     { MethodSpecialName.Addition, "operator +" },
+    { MethodSpecialName.CheckedAddition, "operator checked +" },
     { MethodSpecialName.Subtraction, "operator -" },
+    { MethodSpecialName.CheckedSubtraction, "operator checked -" },
     { MethodSpecialName.Multiply, "operator *" },
+    { MethodSpecialName.CheckedMultiply, "operator checked *" },
     { MethodSpecialName.Division, "operator /" },
+    { MethodSpecialName.CheckedDivision, "operator checked /" },
     { MethodSpecialName.Modulus, "operator %" },
     { MethodSpecialName.BitwiseAnd, "operator &" },
     { MethodSpecialName.BitwiseOr, "operator |" },
     { MethodSpecialName.ExclusiveOr, "operator ^" },
     { MethodSpecialName.RightShift, "operator >>" },
+    { MethodSpecialName.UnsignedRightShift, "operator >>>" },
     { MethodSpecialName.LeftShift, "operator <<" },
     // type cast
     { MethodSpecialName.Explicit, "explicit operator" },
+    { MethodSpecialName.CheckedExplicit, "explicit operator checked" },
     { MethodSpecialName.Implicit, "implicit operator" },
   public static string FormatAccessibility(Accessibility accessibility)
-    => accessibilities.TryGetValue(accessibility, out var ret) ? ret : string.Empty;
+    => Accessibilities.TryGetValue(accessibility, out var ret) ? ret : string.Empty;
   public static bool IsLanguagePrimitiveType(
     Type t,
@@ -183,7 +192,7 @@ public static partial class CSharpFormatter /* ITypeFormatter */ {
     out string primitiveTypeName
-    => primitiveTypes.TryGetValue((t ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(t))).FullName ?? string.Empty, out primitiveTypeName);
+    => PrimitiveTypes.TryGetValue((t ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(t))).FullName ?? string.Empty, out primitiveTypeName);
   public static IEnumerable<string> ToNamespaceList(Type t)
     => (t ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(t))).GetNamespaces(static type => IsLanguagePrimitiveType(type, out _));
@@ -198,7 +207,7 @@ public static partial class CSharpFormatter /* ITypeFormatter */ {
     nameType = methodOrConstructor.GetNameType();
-    if (specialMethodNames.TryGetValue(nameType, out var name))
+    if (SpecialMethodNames.TryGetValue(nameType, out var name))
       return name;
     if (nameType == MethodSpecialName.Constructor) {
@@ -452,7 +461,7 @@ public static partial class CSharpFormatter /* ITypeFormatter */ {
       sb.Append(' ');
-      if (keywords.Contains(p.Name))
+      if (Keywords.Contains(p.Name))
         sb.Append('@'); // to verbatim
       return sb.Append(p.Name);
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Generator.Attributes.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Generator.Attributes.cs
index c9f0f96..4528b5c 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Generator.Attributes.cs
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Generator.Attributes.cs
@@ -43,18 +43,18 @@ partial class Generator {
     if (options is null)
       throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));
-    const string attributeSectionPrefixDefault = "[";
-    const string attributeSectionPrefixField = "[field: ";
-    const string attributeSectionPrefixParameter = "[param: ";
-    const string attributeSectionPrefixReturnParameter = "[return: ";
-    const string attributeSectionSuffix = "]";
+    const string AttributeSectionPrefixDefault = "[";
+    const string AttributeSectionPrefixField = "[field: ";
+    const string AttributeSectionPrefixParameter = "[param: ";
+    const string AttributeSectionPrefixReturnParameter = "[return: ";
+    const string AttributeSectionSuffix = "]";
     var attributeTarget = AttributeTarget.Default;
-    var attributeSectionPrefix = attributeSectionPrefixDefault;
+    var attributeSectionPrefix = AttributeSectionPrefixDefault;
     switch (attributeProvider) {
       case Type t:
-        attributeSectionPrefix = attributeSectionPrefixDefault;
+        attributeSectionPrefix = AttributeSectionPrefixDefault;
         attributeTarget = t.IsGenericParameter
           ? AttributeTarget.GenericParameter
           : AttributeTarget.Default;
@@ -63,26 +63,26 @@ partial class Generator {
       case ParameterInfo para:
         if (para.GetDeclaringProperty() is PropertyInfo p) {
           if (para.Member == p.GetMethod) {
-            attributeSectionPrefix = attributeSectionPrefixReturnParameter;
+            attributeSectionPrefix = AttributeSectionPrefixReturnParameter;
             attributeTarget = AttributeTarget.PropertyGetMethodReturnParameter;
           else if (para.Member == p.SetMethod) {
-            attributeSectionPrefix = attributeSectionPrefixParameter;
+            attributeSectionPrefix = AttributeSectionPrefixParameter;
             attributeTarget = AttributeTarget.PropertySetMethodParameter;
         else if (para.GetDeclaringEvent() is EventInfo ev) {
-          attributeSectionPrefix = attributeSectionPrefixParameter;
+          attributeSectionPrefix = AttributeSectionPrefixParameter;
           attributeTarget = AttributeTarget.EventAccessorMethodParameter;
         else if (para.IsReturnParameter()) {
-          attributeSectionPrefix = attributeSectionPrefixReturnParameter;
+          attributeSectionPrefix = AttributeSectionPrefixReturnParameter;
           attributeTarget = para.Member.GetDeclaringTypeOrThrow().IsDelegate()
             ? AttributeTarget.DelegateReturnParameter
             : AttributeTarget.MethodReturnParameter;
         else {
-          attributeSectionPrefix = attributeSectionPrefixDefault;
+          attributeSectionPrefix = AttributeSectionPrefixDefault;
           attributeTarget = para.Member.GetDeclaringTypeOrThrow().IsDelegate()
             ? AttributeTarget.DelegateParameter
             : AttributeTarget.MethodParameter;
@@ -92,11 +92,11 @@ partial class Generator {
       case FieldInfo f:
         if (f.IsPropertyBackingField()) {
-          attributeSectionPrefix = attributeSectionPrefixField;
+          attributeSectionPrefix = AttributeSectionPrefixField;
           attributeTarget = AttributeTarget.PropertyBackingField;
         else if (f.IsEventBackingField()) {
-          attributeSectionPrefix = attributeSectionPrefixField;
+          attributeSectionPrefix = AttributeSectionPrefixField;
           attributeTarget = AttributeTarget.EventBackingField;
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ partial class Generator {
       case MethodInfo m:
         if (m.IsPropertyAccessorMethod()) {
-          attributeSectionPrefix = attributeSectionPrefixDefault;
+          attributeSectionPrefix = AttributeSectionPrefixDefault;
           attributeTarget = AttributeTarget.PropertyAccessorMethod;
         try {
           if (m.IsEventAccessorMethod()) {
-            attributeSectionPrefix = attributeSectionPrefixDefault;
+            attributeSectionPrefix = AttributeSectionPrefixDefault;
             attributeTarget = AttributeTarget.EventAccessorMethod;
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ partial class Generator {
     return attributeSectionFormat switch {
       AttributeSectionFormat.Discrete => attributes.Select(
-        a => attributeSectionPrefix + + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.args) ? string.Empty : "(" + a.args + ")") + attributeSectionSuffix
+        a => attributeSectionPrefix + + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.args) ? string.Empty : "(" + a.args + ")") + AttributeSectionSuffix
       AttributeSectionFormat.List => Enumerable.Repeat(
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ partial class Generator {
               static a => string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.args) ? : + "(" + a.args + ")"
-          attributeSectionSuffix
+          AttributeSectionSuffix
         count: 1
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Generator.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Generator.cs
index ce749c5..bcc71a4 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Generator.cs
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Generator.cs
@@ -874,6 +874,7 @@ public static partial class Generator {
         case MethodSpecialName.None: break;
         case MethodSpecialName.Unknown: break;
         case MethodSpecialName.Explicit: methodName += " " + methodReturnType; methodReturnType = null; break;
+        case MethodSpecialName.CheckedExplicit: methodName += " " + methodReturnType; methodReturnType = null; break;
         case MethodSpecialName.Implicit: methodName += " " + methodReturnType; methodReturnType = null; break;
         case MethodSpecialName.Constructor: methodReturnType = null; methodName = GenerateMemberName(m, methodName, options); break;
         default: methodName += " "; break;
@@ -1283,6 +1284,9 @@ public static partial class Generator {
+      if (method is not null && !method.IsPropertyAccessorMethod() && method.IsReadOnly())
+        sb.Append("readonly ");
       var isAsyncStateMachine = m.GetCustomAttributesData().Any(
         static d => string.Equals(d.AttributeType.FullName, "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncStateMachineAttribute", StringComparison.Ordinal)
@@ -1340,7 +1344,6 @@ public static partial class Generator {
       case PropertyInfo p:
         var mostOpenAccessibility = p.GetAccessors(true).Select(Smdn.Reflection.MemberInfoExtensions.GetAccessibility).Max();
-        var isGetMethodReadOnly = false;
         if (!asExplicitInterfaceMember && options.MemberDeclaration.WithAccessibility)
           AppendAccessibility(sb, p, mostOpenAccessibility);
@@ -1350,10 +1353,6 @@ public static partial class Generator {
           if (accessorAccessibility < mostOpenAccessibility)
             propertyGetMethodAccessibility = accessorAccessibility;
-          isGetMethodReadOnly = p.GetMethod.GetCustomAttributesData().Any(
-            static d => string.Equals(d.AttributeType.FullName, "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsReadOnlyAttribute", StringComparison.Ordinal)
-          );
         if (p.SetMethod != null) {
@@ -1365,7 +1364,7 @@ public static partial class Generator {
         AppendMethodModifiers(sb, p.GetAccessors(true).FirstOrDefault());
-        if (isGetMethodReadOnly)
+        if (p.IsAccessorReadOnly())
           sb.Append("readonly ");
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/NullabilityInfoContextExtensions.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/NullabilityInfoContextExtensions.cs
index 35a929b..e44cee5 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/NullabilityInfoContextExtensions.cs
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/NullabilityInfoContextExtensions.cs
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 smdn <>
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-using System;
 using System.Reflection;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
+#pragma warning disable CS0419
 /// <summary>
 /// Provides extension methods for <see cref="NullabilityInfoContext"/>.
 /// </summary>
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ namespace Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating;
 /// This may cause an exception to be thrown if <see cref="NullabilityInfoContext.Create"/> is called concurrently.
 /// So, this class provides extension methods that uses a lock object to lock and then calls <see cref="NullabilityInfoContext.Create"/>.
 /// </remarks>
+#pragma warning restore CS0419
 internal static class NullabilityInfoContextExtensions {
   internal static NullabilityInfo Create(this NullabilityInfoContext context, FieldInfo field, object? lockObject)
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/CustomAttributeDataExtensions.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/CustomAttributeDataExtensions.cs
index eabec34..1fb0eec 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/CustomAttributeDataExtensions.cs
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/CustomAttributeDataExtensions.cs
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 using System;
 using System.Reflection;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection;
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/NullableMetadataValue.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/NullableMetadataValue.cs
index 0ea0cb2..00e6e7a 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/NullableMetadataValue.cs
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/NullableMetadataValue.cs
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 smdn <>
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-using System;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Reflection;
 namespace Smdn.Reflection;
 // ref:
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/StructLayoutCustomAttributeData.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/StructLayoutCustomAttributeData.cs
index 9edd098..8df1932 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/StructLayoutCustomAttributeData.cs
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/StructLayoutCustomAttributeData.cs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internal sealed class StructLayoutCustomAttributeData : CustomAttributeData {
-    const BindingFlags attributeFieldBindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
+    const BindingFlags AttributeFieldBindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
     var namedArgs = new List<CustomAttributeNamedArgument>(capacity: 3);
     if (attr.CharSet is not (CharSet.Auto or CharSet.Ansi)) {
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ internal sealed class StructLayoutCustomAttributeData : CustomAttributeData {
     NamedArguments = namedArgs.AsReadOnly();
     static FieldInfo GetStructLayoutAttributeField(string name)
-      => typeof(StructLayoutAttribute).GetField(name, attributeFieldBindingFlags)
+      => typeof(StructLayoutAttribute).GetField(name, AttributeFieldBindingFlags)
         ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"can not get field '{name}' of {nameof(StructLayoutAttribute)}");
diff --git a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/TypeGenericParameterExtensions.cs b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/TypeGenericParameterExtensions.cs
index 77f85ee..0088904 100644
--- a/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/TypeGenericParameterExtensions.cs
+++ b/src/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating/Smdn.Reflection/TypeGenericParameterExtensions.cs
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 smdn <>
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 using System;
-using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Reflection;


Full Changelog: releases/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.1.6...releases/Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating-1.2.0