Provides LogAssert(BOOL, NSString, ...), LogDebug(NSString, ...), LogInfo(NSString, ...), LogWarning(NSString, ...), LogError(NSString, ...), LogTodo(NSString, ...)
Also provides macros LOG_ASSERT, ...
which add support for capturing the file/line number of the logging statement.
Provides a SHOULD_REIMPLEMENT() macro that will log methods that require reworking. This will provide a TODO in the resulting log file indicating the file/line#/method to be fixed. ##Example
Within a project LoggerTest, the app delegate has the following method:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
This will create a directory ~/Library/Logs/LoggerTest/ and a new log file yyyy-MM-dd-HHmm.log with the statement:
2013-04-11 11:36:36.649 [1294] DEBUG (AppDelegate.m:15) message
This code uses dispatch_io and therefore can only target Mac OSX 10.7 or better. Built and tested on 10.8.
Generic MIT License