Awesome resources for VSCode Foam Personal Knowledge Management System (PKMS) software
- What is Foam?
- Foam Plugins
- Publishing
- Foam Templates
- Others Using Foam
- Personal Knowledge Management Systems
- Personal Knowledge Management System Reading
- 'External' Tools
- Contribute
- foam.foam-vscode: Foam's own extension
- yzhang.markdown-all-in-one: Provides many markdown goodies & helpers
- mushan.vscode-paste-image: Shortcut to paste image from clipboard into markdown, saving image file into workspace folder
- bierner.emojisense: suggestions and autocomplete for emoji
- hediet.vscode-drawio: unofficial extension to integrate into VSCode
- donjayamanne.githistory: View git log, file history, compare branches or commits
- oderwat.indent-rainbow: Makes indentation easier to read
- bierner.markdown-emoji: Adds emoji syntax support to VS Code's built-in markdown preview and markdown cells in notebook
- yzane.markdown-pdf: Convert Markdown to PDF
- bierner.markdown-mermaid: Adds Mermaid diagram and flowchart support to VS Code's builtin markdown preview
- skn0tt.markdown-link-expander: Easily create pretty Markdown links using its HTML title.
- goessner.mdmath: LaTeX Math for Markdown ... with macros and more
- davidanson.vscode-markdownlint: Markdown linting and style checking for Visual Studio Code
- esbenp.prettier-vscode: Code formatter using prettier
- mechatroner.rainbow-csv: Highlight CSV and TSV files, Run SQL-like queries
- wayou.vscode-todo-highlight: highlight TODOs, FIXMEs, and any keywords, annotations...
- gruntfuggly.todo-tree: Show TODO, FIXME, etc. comment tags in a tree view
- redhat.vscode-yaml: YAML Language Support by Red Hat, with built-in Kubernetes syntax support
- vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons: Icons for Visual Studio Code
- MikeCluck.kaleidofoam: Collection of custom features built to extend Foam's functionality
- shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: Markdown Preview Enhanced ported to vscode, enables advanced markdown features such as embedding markdown files, pandoc, ebooks, presentations, etc.
- Foam Gatsby Template
- Foam Jekyll Template
- Foam Mkdocs Tempalte: Publish Foam with Mkdocs theme
- adiren-perello: example of publishing Foam with the Gatsby digital garden theme
- NextJS Starter: Archived project that combines Foam with NextJS
- Primer Wiki Gatsby theme: Publish Foam project using an appealing wiki-like theme
- Gatsby Philips Foam Theme: similar layout to the Gatsby digital garden theme
- Base Foam Template: Basic Foam template demonstrating Foam's features
- Tyrell: A starting poing for using Foam with extra snippets, extensions, and layout configs
- Foam with P.A.R.A: Example of how to use the P.A.R.A. knowledge management system with Foam
- Foam with Zettelkasten: Example of how to use the Zettelkasten knowledge management system with Foam
- Foam with Decimal-Cutter: Example of how to use the Decimal-Cutter knowledge management system (by Brian M. Watson) with Foam
- Foam with Johnny Decimal: Example of how to use the Johnny Decimal knowledge management system with Foam
- Foam for Worldbuilding: Example/template for how to use Foam for worldbuilding and writing.
- sn3akiwhizper's Foam template
- kerrbear digital garden with Foam base: Visually appealing example see live site here
- Face Maulers D&D Campaign: Example of how Foam was used to run a 3+ year D&D campaign
This section is about theories and principles of knowledge management systems instead of specific software solutions that might be used to implement them.
- PARA: Projects, Areas, Resources, Archives method developed by ForteLabs, also considered the "Second Brain" method
- Zettelkasten: "create a web of thoughts instead of notes of arbitrary size and form, and emphasize connection, not a collection"
- Johnny Decimal: two levels of at most ten categories, category:id
- LYT Method: Learn Forward Learning(TM)
- Get Things Done: 5 steps for classifying action items
- Zen To Done: modification of GTD with a focus on simplicity
- Decimal-Cutter: Combination many different systems coined by Brian M. Watson
- Digital Gardening Tools & Resources: list of resources for building and maintaining a digital garden
- Awesome Knowledge Management List: list of PKMS resources with a bias towards Contextualise
- Awesome Knowledge Graphs List: Resources about the theory of knowledge graphs and their use at scale
- Rise and Fall of GTD: how personal productivity in the Information Era can be a vicious cycle
This section lists tools that are not directly tied to Foam or VSCode but are complimentary, such as browser add-ons, etc.
- Flowcus: Browser add-on for clutter-free reading and clipping, highlighting, conversions, etc.
- ShareX: Open source screen capture tool
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.