This project formally defines two arrays to be permutations of one another if one can be expressed as a sequence of "swaps" (also known as 2-cycles or transpositions)1 of the other. Beyond establishing other related theorems, we provide a formal proof that such a binary relation is in fact an equivalence relation.
In general, any permutation can be expressed as a "product" (composition) of 2-cycles2. Therefore, any permutation of an array can always be derived from a sequence of swaps which we are able to perform all at once (as shown in the example below).
This project serves as a foundation for further exploration of array-permutation related concepts and algorithms within Lean 4.
First add require «swaps-perm» from git "" @ "main"
to your lakefile.lean
. Here is an example of how to use it:
import SwapsPerm
def as := #[2, 3, 1]
instance : OfNat (Fin as.size) i := ⟨Fin.ofNat i⟩
-- ^^allows conversion of Nat index to (Fin as.size) by modding (%) by as.size
def as1 := as.swap 0 2
#eval as1 -- result : #[1, 3, 2]
instance : OfNat (Fin as1.size) i := ⟨Fin.ofNat i⟩
-- ^^allows conversion of Nat index to (Fin as1.size) by modding (%) by as1.size
def as2 := as1.swap 1 2
#eval as2 -- result : #[1, 2, 3]
--- The above is the same as just doing:
#eval as.swaps [(0, 2), (1, 2)] -- result : #[1, 2, 3]
-- The "is a permutation of" relation `Array.Perm` denoted `~` is defined by SwapsPerm library
-- The following proves that #[2, 3, 1] is a permutation of #[1, 2, 3]:
example : as ~ #[1, 2, 3] := Exists.intro [(0, 2), (1, 2)] (by simp_arith)
Cyclic permutation - Transpositions, (last visited May 2, 2024). ↩
Permutation is Product of Transpositions, ↩