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Create OpenOCD prebuilt packages for Win, Linux and MacOSX

Please clone OpenOCD source first because it may be customized by Sony Semiconductor Solutions.

Building OpenOCD in MacOSX


  • XCode developer tools (xcode-select --install)
  • automake
  • autoconf
  • pkg-config
  • libtool

You can use Homebrew package manager ( to install tools other than XCode developer tools.

brew install automake autoconf pkg-config libtool

Build packages for target host

Run following instruction with OPENOCDDIR as spresense-openocd directory in abs path.

OPENOCDDIR=$(pwd)/spresense-openocd ./

Build packages individually by Docker

It can be built for linux and windows binaries. You can use docker image using Dockerfile in current directory. Type following command to build docker container.

docker build -t build-openocd .

After container built successfully, you can use [linux64|win64]

If no options to, create Linux 64 bit package. Available options are win32, win64 and linux32.

The OpenOCD source directory is $(pwd)/spresense-openocd used in default. If you want to change it, set OPENOCDDIR variable in abs path.