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The package provides additional tasks for deployer ( for synchronizing media between instances.

The most useful is dep media:pull [source] task which allows you to pull media from source instance to current instance with rsync.

There are also two additional useful tasks which allows to copy or symlink media between remote instances. For example you can use dep media:link [source] --options=target:[target] to create symlinks for each single file (equivalent of cp -Rs).

  1. Install package with composer:

    composer require sourcebroker/deployer-extended-media
  2. If you are using deployer as composer package then just put following line in your deploy.php:

    new \SourceBroker\DeployerLoader\Load([['path' => 'vendor/sourcebroker/deployer-extended-media/deployer']]);
  3. If you are using deployer as phar then put following lines in your deploy.php:

    require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/sourcebroker/deployer-loader/autoload.php');
    new \SourceBroker\DeployerLoader\Load([['path' => 'vendor/sourcebroker/deployer-extended-media/deployer']]);
    Do not put require('/vendor/autoload.php') inside your deploy.php because you can have dependency problems. Use require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/sourcebroker/deployer-loader/autoload.php'); instead as suggested.
  4. In deploy.php set the folders you want to synchronize:

         'filter' => [
             '+ /public/',
             '+ /public/fileadmin/',
             '- /public/fileadmin/_processed_/*',
             '+ /public/fileadmin/**',
             '+ /public/uploads/',
             '+ /public/uploads/**',
             '- *'
  5. Run the task:

    dep media:pull [source]
  • exclude
    default value: null

    Array with patterns to be excluded.

  • exclude-case-insensitive
    default value: null

    Array with patterns to be excluded. Because rsync does not support case insensitive then each value of array is set in state uppercase/lowercase. That means if you will have ['*.mp4', '*.zip'] then final exclude will be --exclude '*.[mM][pP]4' --exclude '*.[zZ][iI][pP]'

  • exclude-file
    default value: null

    String containing absolute path to file, which contains exclude patterns.

  • include
    default value: null

    Array with patterns to be included.

  • include-file
    default value: null

    String containing absolute path to file, which contains include patterns.

  • filter
    default value: null

    Array of rsync filter rules

  • filter-file
    default value: null

    String containing merge-file filename.

  • filter-perdir
    default value: null

    String containing merge-file filename to be scanned and merger per each directory in rsync list offiles to send.

  • flags
    default value: rz

    Flags added to rsync command.

  • options
    default value: ['copy-links', 'keep-dirlinks', 'safe-links']

    Array of options to be added to rsync command.

  • timeout
    default value: 0

    Timeout for rsync task. Zero means no timeout.

Default configuration for task:

     'exclude' => [],
     'exclude-case-insensitive' => [
     'exclude-file' => false,
     'include' => [],
     'include-file' => false,
     'filter' => [],
     'filter-file' => false,
     'filter-perdir' => false,
     'flags' => 'rz',
     'options' => ['copy-links', 'keep-dirlinks', 'safe-links'],
     'timeout' => 0,

In your deploy.php you should set media_custom which will be merged with media_default configuration. See "Managing the media config" section to know how to set media_custom configuration.

Copy media between (remote) instances.

dep media:copy [source] --options=target:[target]

Commands are executed on target remote instance. If instances are placed on the same remote server then rsync on local files are called. If instances are placed on different remote servers then media:pull [source] is executed on target instance.

Copy to instance defined in instance_live_name (default live) is special case. If you copy to highest instance then by default you will be asked twice if you really want to. You can disable asking by setting media_allow_copy_live_force to true. You can also forbid coping to live instance by setting media_allow_copy_live to false.

Example: dep media:copy live --options=target:beta

Only for remote instances placed on same machine. Command creates symbolic links on target instance pointing to files on source machine.

media:link [source] --options=target:[target]

For each file from source instance that does not exist on target instance: 1. Create directory tree recursively. 2. Symlink to file from source instance.

So each file on target instance may be modified / deleted without effect on source.

Linking to instance defined in instance_live_name (default live) is special case. If you link to highest instance then by default you will be asked twice if you really want to. You can disable asking by setting media_allow_link_live_force to true. You can also forbid linking to live instance by setting media_allow_link_live to false.

Example: dep media:link live --options=target:beta

Pull media from source instance to current instance using rsync and options from media config.

dep media:pull [source]

Example: dep media:pull live

Pulling to instance defined in instance_live_name (default live) is special case. If you pull to highest instance then by default you will be asked twice if you really want to. You can disable asking by setting media_allow_pull_live_force to true. You can also forbid pulling to live instance by setting media_allow_pull_live to false.

Pull media from current instance to target instance using rsync and options from media config.

dep media:push [target]

Pushing to instance defined in instance_live_name (default live) is special case. If you push to highest instance then by default you will be asked twice if you really want to. You can disable asking by setting media_allow_push_live_force to true. You can also forbid pushing to live instance by setting media_allow_push_live to false.

Example: dep media:push beta

The final media config is result of merging three arrays:
  • media_default (from deployer-extended-media)
  • media (from deployer-extended-typo3)
  • media_custom (from user's deploy.php file)

The merging function has some special features:

  1. A special __UNSET notation is used to remove specific items from array during the merging process.
  2. An empty array will overwrite the array we merge to.

Example 1: Removing a specific option

set('media_custom', [
    'options' => [
        '__UNSET' => ['safe-links'],

In the above example, if options in the media_default array contained ['copy-links', 'safe-links'], after the merge with media_custom, options would contain only ['copy-links'].

Example 2: Removing specific file types from exclusion

set('media_custom', [
    'exclude-case-insensitive' => [
        '__UNSET' => ['*.pdf', '*.exe'],

In this example, *.pdf and *.exe are removed from the list of case-insensitive excluded file types.

Example 3: Completely clearing an array and adding one new option

set('media_custom', [
    'exclude-case-insensitive' => [
        '__UNSET' => get('media_default')['exclude-case-insensitive'],

In this example, __UNSET is used to completely clear the exclude array in the media_default settings and add only *.mp4.

If you want only to clear you can just set empty array:

set('media_custom', [
    'exclude-case-insensitive' => []

Example 4: Extend existing filter config

set('media_custom', [
    'filter' => [
        '__UNSET' => ['- *'],
        '+ /' . get('web_path') . 'public/pim/',
        '+ /' . get('web_path') . 'public/pim/**',
        '- *',

In this example, __UNSET is used to remove - * option from filter array, then adding public/pim folder for synchronising. Finally putting - * at end of filter array.
