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Domino edited this page Jul 14, 2016 · 26 revisions

Linux RH6

The Linux platform installation instructions follow. Compilers and MPI are expected to be already installed. If they are not, please follow the open-mpi build instructions. Below, we are using openmpi-1.6.4 and gcc-4.7.2


Prepare the TPL build process by defining some code locations, e.g., gitHubWork/scratch_build and set some paths. One might choose to keep a nalu_module_4.7.2 file.

mkdir <your_base_dir>

cd <your_base_dir>

export nalu_build_dir=$PWD
mkdir $nalu_build_dir/packages
mkdir $nalu_build_dir/install
mkdir $nalu_build_dir/install/lib

Cmake, Version 3.1.0

Cmake is provided by cmake team

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages
curl -o cmake-3.1.0-rc2.tar.gz
tar -xvf cmake-3.1.0-rc2.tar.gz


We assume the configure command will find the needed compilers

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/cmake-3.1.0-rc2
./configure --prefix=$nalu_build_dir/install
gmake install

SuperLU, Version 2.9.2

SuperLU is provided by superlu

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages
curl -o superlu_4.3.tar.gz
tar -xvf superlu_4.3.tar.gz


cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/SuperLU_4.3
cp MAKE_INC/make.linux

To find out what the correct platform extension PLAT is:

uname -m

Edit as shown below (diffs shown from baselien).

PLAT = _x86_64
SuperLUroot   = /your_path/install/SuperLU_4.3 i.e., $nalu_build_dir/install/SuperLU_4.3
BLASLIB       = -L/usr/lib64 -lblas
CC           = mpicc
FORTRAN            = mpif77

On some platforms, I have seen the $nalu_build_dir be mangled. In such cases, I needed to use the entire path to install/SuperLU_4.3.

Now, make some new directories:

mkdir $nalu_build_dir/install/SuperLU_4.3
mkdir $nalu_build_dir/install/SuperLU_4.3/lib
mkdir $nalu_build_dir/install/SuperLU_4.3/include

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/SuperLU_4.3
cp SRC/*.h $nalu_build_dir/install/SuperLU_4.3/include

libxml2, Version 2.9.2

libxml2 is found here

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages
curl -o libxml2-2.9.2.tar.gz
tar -xvf libxml2-2.9.2.tar.gz

Build (note that python is not required and, hence, the -without-python otion to config)

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/libxml2-2.9.2
CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx ./configure -without-python --prefix=$nalu_build_dir/install
make -k install

boost, Version 1.55.0

boost is found here

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages
curl -o boost_1_55_0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf boost_1_55_0.tar.gz


cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/boost_1_55_0

Note: There must be a space before the semicolon at the end of the "using mpi" line in the user-config.jam file

echo "using mpi : `which mpicxx` ;" >> ./tools/build/v2/user-config.jam 
./ --prefix=$nalu_build_dir/install --with-libraries=signals,regex,filesystem,system,mpi,serialization,thread,program_options,exception 
./b2 -j 4 2>&1 | tee boost_build_one
./b2 -j 4 install 2>&1 | tee boost_build_intall

yaml-cpp, Version 0.3.0

Yaml is provided by

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages
curl -o yaml-cpp-0.3.0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf yaml-cpp-0.3.0.tar.gz
mv yaml-cpp yaml-cpp-0.3.0

Build yaml-cpp

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/yaml-cpp-0.3.0
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=mpicxx -DCMAKE_CC_COMPILER=mpicc -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$nalu_build_dir/install ..
make install

zlib, Version 1.2.8

zlib is provided by [] (

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages
curl -o zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz
tar -zxvf zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz

Build zlib

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/zlib-1.2.8
CC=gcc CXX=g++ CFLAGS=-O3 CXXFLAGS=-O3 ./configure --prefix=$nalu_build_dir/install/
make install

hdf5, Version 1.8.12

hdf5 1.8.12 is provided by the HDF group

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/
curl -o hdf5-1.8.12.tar.gz
tar -zxvf hdf5-1.8.12.tar.gz

Build (parallel enabled)

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/hdf5-1.8.12
./configure CC=mpicc FC=mpif90 CXX=mpicxx CXXFLAGS="-fPIC -O3" CFLAGS="-fPIC -O3" FCFLAGS="-fPIC -O3" --enable-parallel --with-zlib=$nalu_build_dir/install --prefix=$nalu_build_dir/install
make install
make check

Full Parallel-Enabled Nalu using netCDF (V. and Parallel netCDF (V. 1.6.1)

In order to support all aspects of Nalu's parallel models, this combination of products is required.

Parallel netCDF, Version 1.6.1

Parallel netCDF is provided on the Argon Trac Page.

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/
tar -zxvf parallel-netcdf-1.6.1.tar.gz

Configure, build and install:

cd parallel-netcdf-1.6.1
./configure --prefix=$nalu_install_dir CC=mpicc FC=mpif90 CXX=mpicxx CFLAGS="-I$nalu_install_dir/include -O3" LDFLAGS=-L$nalu_install_dir/lib --disable-fortran
make install

Note that I have created an install directory that might look like: $nalu_build_dir/install

netCDF Version

netCDF is provided on github

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/
curl -o netcdf-c-
tar -zxvf netcdf-c-

Configure, build and install

cd netcdf-c-
./configure --prefix=$nalu_install_dir CC=mpicc FC=mpif90 CXX=mpicxx CFLAGS="-I$nalu_install_dir/include -O3" LDFLAGS=-L$nalu_install_dir/lib --enable-pnetcdf --enable-parallel-tests --enable-netcdf-4 --disable-shared --disable-fsync --disable-cdmremote --disable-dap --disable-doxygen --disable-v2
make -j 4 
make install
make check

Note that when using Parallel netCDF, the proper install directories must be added to the Trilinos configuration file.

Partial Parallel-Enabled Nalu using netCDF, Version 4.3.1

If Parallel netCDF is omitted, follow the instructions below. On some platforms, however, autodecompostion may fail.

netCDF is provided on github

Scroll down until you see "NetCDF-C (Bugfix Release)" or similar Click on the "Source (tar.gz)" button to download and then move the tar file to:

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/
curl -o netcdf-c-
tar -zxvf netcdf-c-

Possibly, is hard to get... If so, use the following:

curl -o netcdf-c-4.3.1-rc2.tar.gz
Complex Models (expert usage only)

In netcdf/include/netcdf.h, the following defines need to be changed to support complex models.

#define NC_MAX_DIMS     65536    /* max dimensions per file */
#define NC_MAX_VARS     524288   /* max variables per file */

For a definiton of Complex Models, please note the following page:


Care should be taken with these settings as sometimes the above setting can exceed platform resources and, therefore, casue fails in the installation test suite.

Build (with parallel I/O)

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/netcdf-c-
./configure --prefix=$nalu_build_dir/install CC=mpicc FC=mpif90 CXX=mpicxx CFLAGS="-I$nalu_build_dir/install/include -O3" LDFLAGS=-L$nalu_build_dir/install/lib --disable-fsync --disable-cdmremote --disable-dap --disable-shared --disable-doxygen
make -j 4 
make install
make check


Trilinos is managed by the Trilinos project and can be found on github.

Clone the latest version of Trilinos within $nalu_build_dir/packages:

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/
git clone

In some cases, the master Trilinos code base may have build issues. This is a rare occurance, however, some aspects to Trilinos that Nalu require, e.g., Tpetra, kokkos, STK and Muelu are in active development. If problems arise, one can revert back to a possible successful SHA-1 using bisect. Again, this is hopefully going to be mitigated by the strong SQA efforts at SNL.

Nalu Releases

Unfortunately, github does not allow for a "live" wiki for each of the existing branches of As such, instructions for the particular releases have been embedded within this head wiki file.

Release v1.0.0-release

For the formal Nalu v1.0.0-release, checkout the following Trilinos Version:

    git checkout trilinos-release-12-0-branch	

This version is the expected Trilinos code base for the v1.0.0-release Nalu code base. Now proceed to the build section.

Head Code Base

Proceed to the build section without checking out the Trilinos 12-0-branch.


Create new folder in Trilinos called build

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/Trilinos
mkdir build

Place into build the script one of the do-configTrilinos_* files.

do-configTrilinos_* will be used to run cmake to build trilinos correctly for Nalu. Note that there are two files: one for release and the other debug. The files can be found on the Nalu GitHub site ​here or copied from $nalu_build_dir/packages/Nalu/build, which is created in the Nalu build step documented below. For example:

Pull latest version of do-configTrilinos_* from Nalu's GitHub site:

curl -o $nalu_build_dir/packages/Trilinos/build/do-configTrilinos_release

or if you create the Nalu directory as directed below, simply copy one of the do-configTrilinos_* files from local copy of Nalu's git repository:

cp $nalu_build_dir/packages/Nalu/build/do-configTrilinos_release $nalu_build_dir/packages/Trilinos/build

Now edit do-configTrilinos_release to modify the paths so they point to $nalu_build_dir/install.

cd $nalu_build_dir/packages/Trilinos/build
chmod +x do-configTrilinos_release

Make sure all other paths to netcdf, hdf5, etc., are correct (in addition to open-mpi).

make install

If after the make, one notes issues with hdf5 and netcdf references not found, add the following:


just below the netcdf option within the Seacas do-config sections:


Nalu, the guest of honor

Nalu is provided by github

No doubt, you already have cloned Nalu. If not, execute the following command in the location that you want Nalu:

git clone
Nalu Releases

One may either build the released Nalu version, v1.0.0-release, or the head code base.

Release v1.0.0-release

For the formal Nalu v1.0.0-release, you should have already cloned Trilinos and built the 12.0 release version of Trilinos. To obtain the consistent Nalu version, after the clone, checkout the Nalu release,

git checkout v1.0.0-release

Now proceed to the build section below.

Head Code Base

Proceed to the build section without checking out the Nalu v1.0.0-release code repository.


In Nalu/build, you will find the CMakeLists.txt and do-configNalu.

Copy the do-configNalu_release or debug file to a new, non-tracked file,

cp do-configNalu_release do-configNaluNonTracked

Edit the paths at the top of the files by defining the nalu_build_dir variable. Within Nalu/build, execute the following commands


This process will create naluX within the Nalu/build location. One may need to create a new yaml-cpp directory (and copy src/include files). You may also build a debug executable by modifying the Nalu config file to use "Debug". In this case, a naluXd executable is created.

Other useful tools from, e.g., seacas, are under /usr/local/packages/install/trilinos/bin


After the naluX executable is created, please proceed with regression testing to ensure a proper build.

Instructions for the regression testing can be found under the NaluRtest directory.

Please take care to ensure that the NaluRtest branch is consistent with the Trilinos and Nalu version desired. One may also need to checkout the v1.0.0-release code base.