This is a small sample app built to demonstrate isomorphic JavaScript concepts.
Here we've built the minimum-viable example of an isomorphic JavaScript app: an app that can run on both client and server. Check out my blog post on isomorphic JavaScript for some background.
This is a simple Express "blog" app that lists blog posts. Each page is fully
rendered on the server, however upon subsequent navigation, we use the HTML5
History API, aka pushState
, to fetch the data for that page from the API and
render the HTML client-side using React.
We combine a few modules together to build an isomorphic JavaScript app. Each of these modules was built to support both the client and the server, and by creating some small shims around them, we can abstract out the differences to create the same API for both client and server.
We use the following modules on both client and server:
- React (UI components)
- Director (routing)
- Superagent (HTTP requests)
On top of a basic Express app.
We use Browserify and Grunt to package our server-side CommonJS modules in a way that allows us to use them in the client-side.
If Node.js version >= 0.10.x is not already installed on your system, install it so you can run this app.
The command which node
will return a path to your installed version of Node.js, if it exists on your system.
$ which node
If it is installed, make sure it's >= 0.10.x.
$ node --version
Preferably install using Homebrew:
$ brew install node
Otherwise, go to the and download the binary to install on your system.
This app uses Grunt to build its assets. To run Grunt, we need to install the grunt-cli
package globally on your system using NPM.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ cd ~/code
$ git clone
$ cd isomorphic-tutorial
$ npm install
npm http GET
npm http GET
npm http GET
We'll start up our local Node.js web server using Grunt, so it can automatically do useful things for us when we change files like recompile our assets and restart the server.
$ grunt server
This will start our local web server on port 3030
You can view it in your web browser at http://localhost:3030/
Now that you've got it running, you can start adding some features to get to know the problem space better.
We've got some branches you can check out that show how to add certain features.
This branch adds the Moment date formatting library for use on the /posts/:id
This branch adds the Marked library to allow formatting of blog post bodies in Markdown, in just a few lines of code.
Create a page with a form at /posts/new
, which POSTs to the /api/posts.json