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As a Data Euthenist that believe that there're many things we still need to learn about data, and with the help of open source and community activities, we can make data topics πŸ€– (ML/DL/DS) grow and glow.

Here's few things need to be mentioned 🧠:

  • In the last few years I wrote few book to help the newcomer to our data world, and will try to write more.
  • Currently, I am building few challenges, such as trying to reproduce 50 Deep Learning papers.
  • How will I use the funds? Building the community cost effort πŸ“… (time, brain heat) and resources πŸ’»(high specs, bills), so I will handle the efforts, and hope that you can help me with the resources.

I'll be able to cover my server costs once I'm sponsored for $50 each month!

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