James Tauber develops open source software for text analysis and language learning, with a focus on historical languages.
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longtime coder of low-level networking protocols and network security
MicroPython is a lean, efficient and robust implementation of the Python 3 programming language optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments. It includes a subset of the Python standard library and machine-specific modules.
Support my open source work! I have a passion for making apps to solve issues. Your sponsorship would allow me to continue developing these projects I love, and support accounts like an Apple Developer account.
A community-driven open-source API development ecosystem.
Support RReverser's open source work
Support adrienverge's open source work
My hobby is my job and vice versa. My mission is to make the work of all developers (myself included) more productive and enjoyable.
Hi, I'm Nitin, An open-source maintainer based in India. I am currently helping in the development and maintenance of ESLint and the webpack ecosystem.
Support HolyCityAudio's open source work. The SpinCAD Designer application brings creation of algorithms for the Spin FV-1 DSP effects chip within reach for non-programmers and is used by DIY'ers and commercial companies alike.
We maintain RubyGems and other critical Ruby infrastructure.
Support Natizyskunk's open source work.
Freelancer working for Webmozarts | Open Source contributor
Opinionated code
Le podcast des dev pour les dev par des dev !
Support Emma's open source and accessibility work
Support Shaquu’s open source work
Haxe Foundation have been maintaining the Haxe programming language, compiler, standard library and IDE tools for 10 years.
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