Welcome to the SQLI starter kit for React Native apps.
This custom one is built upon the 0.76 version of RN with typescript.
The template is preconfigured for Firebase and CI/CD with the combo Gitlab CI x Fastlane (you may find some details in the template folder inside the README.md
You need to install and use 18 or newer version of Node.
If you encounter an error related to Cocoapods you may need to upgrade your version of Ruby to 3.2.5
If it's not enough you may run npx pod-install
React Navigation - 6.1.18
Redux - 9.1.2
Redux ToolKit - 2.2.7
Redux Persist - 6.0.0
React Native Async storage - 1.24.0
Reactotron with Redux config - 3.1.3
Run this command in your favorite terminal :
npx react-native@0.76.3 init MyApp --template https://github.com/sqli/rn-mobile-factory-boilerplate
You can run your app like this :
rbenv install 3.2.5
bundle install
nvm install
to install the correct node versionnvm use
to use the correct node versionyarn
to install the packagesyarn start
to start the metro bundleryarn pods
&yarn ios:dev:debug
to run on iOSjabba use
&yarn android:dev:debug
to run on Android
We are a small research and development team from the Mobile Factory division. We thought we could buy some time with contemporary starter kit so we built this one with common specs and packages used within previous projects.