A C# version of FastQC
> dotnet run -- --help
Ovation.FasterQC.Net 1.0.0
Copyright (C) 2022 Ovation.FasterQC.Net
-v, --verbose Set output to verbose messages.
--debug Show diagnostic output. Can only use with --verbose.
-p, --progress Show progress bar. Cannnot use with --verbose.
-i, --input Required. Input filename.
-o, --output Output filename. Defaults to STDOUT.
-b, --bam Assume BAM format.
-f, --fastq Assume FASTQ format.
-z, --zipped Assume input file is gzipped.
-m, --modules Required. Space-separated list of modules to run, or 'all'.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.