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CREATE Signal Library - Digital Audio Signal Processing in C++ (with JUCE, opt.)


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This directory contains the source code and documentation for the CREATE Signal Library (CSL, pronounced "sizzle," previously called the CREATE Oscillator or CO). CSL is a cross-platform C++ library for digital audio signal synthesis, analysis, spatialization and interactive sound/music application development. CSL was developed at the Center for Research in Electronic Art Technology (CREATE) and the Graduate Program in Media Arts and Technology (MAT) at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) starting in the late 1990s.

This is release 6.0, April, 2020.

The home page for CSL is See the screen shots, documentation downloads and links to screencast demos there.

CSL is known to work on Mac OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, RaspberryPi and MS-Windows (with some limitations, see below). To get started with CSL, build the demo app (screen shot below) and use the combo boxes at the bottom-left to select among the tests, whose source code is in the Src/Tests folder. For the Mac, use the XCode project in the Builds/MacOSX folder; for Linux, use the makefile in the Builds/LinuxMakefile folder. There are pre-compiled versions of the demo for MacOS, Linux and MS-Windows in the ZIP file

Links for the impatient

Basic CSL overview paper with code examples:

Presentation slides for the really impatient:

CSL Demo App quick start cheat sheet:

CSL Video Demos ("The CSL Show," 2012)

A Tour of CSL (22 min):

CSL Internals (4:20 min):

NEW DEMO (May, 2020) CSL + Siren Integrated (32 min):

About CSL

CSL is a C++ class library for sound/music applications; to use it, you write and compile C++ programs like the ones in the Src/Tests directory. These programs will use the CSL class library, and may read input files or respond to in-coming MIDI or OSC commands. CSL apps can run stand-alone as servers, or have interactive GUIs, or be plug-ins to out-board signal processing tools. CSL is frequently used together with JUCE, a comprehensive C++ class library for multimedia and GUI programming, but it can also be used for stand-alone "head-less" apps without JUCE, or with other GUI frameworks such as Qt.

CSL Demo screen shot

The target users for CSL are C++ programmers (familiar with the development tools of their platforms, e.g., Xcode on the Mac, Eclipse on Linux, or Visual Studio on MS-Windows) who also know some software sound synthesis language such as Csound or SuperCollider. It also helps to have used the JUCE library, or at least to have downloaded it and compiled and run its own demo app.

The core classes of CSL implement a traditional computer music programming model (like a Music-N-family language or a modular synthesizer), with objects that represent buffers and streams of audio samples, and unit generator objects that represent audio sources and processors (e.g., many kinds of oscillators, filters and spatial panners) connected together into graphs that produce complex dynamic sounds. The signal processing graphs (patches) can be connected to several kinds of output for real-time processing or writing to files, and can be controlled via scripts or MIDI or OSC. Most typical sound synthesis and processing objects are provided, as shown in the CSL class diagram below.

CSL Classes

CSL grew out of code examples developed to teach a sequence of six graduate courses in digital audio programming, the MAT 240 series taught at UCSB (and elsewhere) for over 10 years. Students in these courses contributed many ideas and much concrete code to CSL (see the doc). The course materials for these courses are all available on-line at the link,

Show me some code!

CSL code is procedural C++ using the unit generator model. As a near-trivial example, to make a sine oscillator with a crescendo (getting louder) and a glissando (getting higher in frequency) over 3 seconds, you could write the following. The runTest() function is a test aid that simply plays the given unit generator for the specified time.

/// Apply a glissando and swell to a sine oscillator with LineSegments ///

void testSweep() {
    Osc vox;                                    // Create an oscillator (defaults to a sine)
    LineSegment gliss(3, 40, 5000);             // Create the freq line-segment (dur, val1, val2)
    LineSegment swell(3, 0.000001, 0.5);        // The ampl line-segment gets louder
    vox.setFrequency(gliss);                    // Apply freq function to vox
    vox.setScale(swell);                        // Apply ampl function to vox
//  vox.dump();                                 // Print out the internals of the oscillator
    logMsg("playing swept sin with swell...");  // Print a message
    runTest(vox, 3);                            // Play vox for 3 seconds
    logMsg("done.\n");                          // Print a message

If you compile this into a main() function and link it with the CSL library, you'll have a stand-alone program that plays frequency sweeps (thrilling, right?). CSL gets interesting when you add the functionality to: (1) read in-coming audio and process it (as in an audio plug-in); (2) read and respond to in-coming MIDI and/or OSC messages to create sounds (as in a soft-synth); and (3) respond to mesages from a GUI (as in apps and games).

The figure below shows the call stack for a more complex example in action. In this case, we're running the CSL software synthesis server that responds to MIDI and OpenSoundControl commands. The red texts highlight the process of getting from the top-level CoreAudio system callback function through the JUCE audio framework into the nextBuffer() methods of a complex CSL instrument library. In this case (reading from the bottom up), an FM oscillator is playing through a mixer, panner and stereo reverb, with the reverb being the "root" of the graph that's called by the IO process. The intermediate calls illustrate the CSL utility clases like Effect, Controllable and Joiner. Click on the file to zoom-in.

CSL stack trace

CSL Coding Start-up

The best way to get started is to (1) read some of the PDF papers in the Doc folder, and (2) look at the Doxygen-generated API documentation in Doc/

You can unzip this file to get the full HTML doc; you might also want to study the files,

Src/Kernel/CSL_Types.h (note the system defaults here)
Src/Kernel/CSL_Core.h (the kernel classes are here)
Src/Sources/SimpleSines.{h,cpp} (a tutorial for writing unit generators)
Src/Tests/TestSources.cpp (or any of the other test sources in that folder)

To compile the sources, you will need to create the links in the Src/Includes folder; to do this, open a UNIX shell (terminal, or DOS prompt) and execute the commands,

  1. change to the Includes folder

    cd ~/Code/CSL6/Src/Includes

  2. make symbolic links from the include files to this folder

    ./remake (or use the .bat file for MS-Windows)

Some of the code assumes that the CSL package is installed in ~/Code/CSL6; there are default settings in Src/Kernel/CSL_Types.h that have to be changed if you put it somewhere else.

Note that the release contains a number of files that have not been ported to the newest framework; these are generally in subdirectories called "Old" and may well work with a little bit of tweaking; all the really unstable code has been removed. There are also a number of demos that are turned off by default, i.e., they are not presented in the demo menus. Look at the files in the Src/Tests folder for details.

Platform Requirements (tested on these platforms)

MacOS: OSX 10.13 or newer with Xcode
Linux: Ubuntu 19 (or other recent release of Linux) with X11-libs, ALSA, Freetype, etc.
	X86 (PC) and ARM (RaspberryPi) platforms supported
iOS: recent releases and toolchains
Android: recent releases and toolchains
RaspberryPi and Beaglebone: recent Debian releases and toolchains
MS-Windows: Windows 10 with VisualStudio 2019 (see note below)
All: JUCE 6.0

A few of the demonstrations are disabled on MS-Windows; the convolution and spatializers haven't been tested (I'd love a Windows user to run these), and the SHARC code is UNIX-specific (use of dirent enumeration and popen()).

Linking with the CSL Libraries

To link CSL programs, you'll need the following packages installed on your machine:


JUCE: Cross-platform everything --

OR these or similar libraries:

Cross-platform audio I/O: PortAudio ( V19 or rtaudio;
Cross-platform MIDI I/O: PortMIDI (;
Cross-platform sound file I/O: libsndfile 
	( V1.04 or newer; 
OpenSoundControl support: liblo (;
Fast Fourier Transform: FFTW ( package V3.X; and
Graphics and GUI support such as Qt.

If you use FFTW (rather than FFTReal), it needs to be compiled in the way described in Sources/Spectral.h.


Building CSL

Use the JUCE projucer with the file CSL6.jucer to generate the build projects.

On a Mac: Builds/MacOSX/CSL6Demo.xcodeproj
On MS-Windows: Builds/MS_Windows
On Linux: Builds/LinuxMakefiles; make

The standard way of running interactive CSL programs is using the JUCE GUI. Take a look at the projects for Mac/Linux/Windows; we create a window with a couple of VU meters and oscilloscopes and combo boxes to select a test suite and specific test to run. There's a demo GUI cheat sheet in the Doc folder.

Here's the JUCE demo GUI's Menu List

Oscillator Tests - Test_Oscillators.cpp

           Sweep test	Test a sine with swept freq and volume swell
         Simple sines	Test some simple sine oscilators
   Standard waveforms	Demonstrate the standard wave forms
          Scaled sine	Play a scaled-quiet sine wave
Wavetable interpolation	Show truncated/interpolated wave tables
          AM/FM sines	Play an AM and FM sine wave
     Dump AM/FM sines	Dump the graph of the AM/FM sine
    SumOfSines cached	Play a sum-of-sines additive oscillator
SumOfSines non-cached	Play an uncached inharmonic sum-of-sines
     SumOfSines build	Build up a harmonic series on a sum-of-sines
       SumOfSines 1/f	Play a 1/f spectrum sum-of-sines
  Wavetable from file	Play a wave table from a sound file
            SHARC SOS	Load/print the SHARC timbre database, play example
         Vector SHARC	Show vector cross-fade of SHARC spectra

Source Tests - Test_Sources.cpp

          Noise tests	Test noise generators
       Plucked string	Waves of string arpeggii, stereo with reverb
 Mono Snd file player	Test playing a sound file
Stereo Snd file player	Play a stereo sound file
   Snd file transpose	Demonstrate transposing a sound file
     Sample file bank	Play a large sample bank from sound files
        FM instrument	Play the basic FM instrument
  Fancy FM instrument	FM note with attack chiff and vibrato
SumOfSines instrument	Demonstrate the SumOfSines instrument
  Snd file instrument	Test the sound file instrument
       IFFT synthesis	Make a sound with IFFT synthesis
          Vector IFFT	Vector synthesis with 2 IFFTs
Soundfile granulation	Random sound file granulation example

Envelope Tests - Test_Envelopes.cpp

       Glissando test	Demonstrate a glissando function
  Swell on aqmplitude	Make an amplitude swell
   Frequency envelope	Play a note with a frequency envelope
              AR sine	Play an AR (attack/release) amplitude envelope
      AM/FM envelopes	Test AM and FM envelopes
               ADSR 2	Play an ADSR (attack/decay/sustain/release)
              ADSR FM	Dual-envelope FM example
   Rand Freq envelope	Play a random-walk frequency envelope
     50 Rand F/A envs	Test 50 random frequency envelope players
             Fancy FM	Play a fancy FM note
     Complex envelope	Play a note with a complex amplitude envelope
      Many random SOS	Layer many SumOfSines instruments with envelopes

Effect Tests - Test_Effects.cpp

              Clipper	Demonstrate the signal clipper
           FIR filter	Play an FIR band-pass filter
          All filters	Test different filter types
    Filtered snd file	Dynamic BPF on a voice track
       Dynamic filter	Play a dynamic BP filter on noise
 Many dynamic filters	Many dynamic filtered-noise instruments
               Reverb	Show mono reverb on impulses
          Stereo-verb	Listen to the stereo reverb
            Multi-tap	Play a multi-tap delay line
       Block up-sizer	Test the block resizer on up-sizing
     Block down-sizer	Test the block resizer on down-sizing
    Sample-avg filter	Demo in-line sample-average-filter class

Panner Tests - Test_Panners.cpp

        Stereo panner	Demonstrate the stero panner
                Mixer	Mixer with 4 sine inputs (slow sum-of-sines)
        Panning mixer	Play a panning stereo mixer
 Bigger panning mixer	Test a mixer with many inputs
             Osc bank	Mix a bank of oscillators
   HRTF horiz circles	Test the HRTF-based binaural panner
   HRTF axial circles	Play a HRTF-panner with axial circles
  HRTF median circles	Play a HRTF-panner with median circles
           Ambisonics	Test the Ambisonic-based spatial panner

Control Tests - Test_Control.cpp

           Dump ports	Dump list of MIDI ports to stdout
           Dump input	Dump MIDI input from default device
           MIDI notes	Play MIDI notes (reads MIDI kbd)
          MIDI output	Test sending MIDI output
        MIDI listener	Start the MIDI listener object
     MIDI file player	Play a MIDI file on an instrument library
    OSC client/server	OSC client/server on a library
           OSC server	Start OSC server on a library

Audio Tests - Test_Audio.cpp

     Dump audio ports	Dump list of audio ports to stdout
        Echo audio in	Play the microphone in
           Audio echo	Add echo to the live input
         Input panner	Stereo panner on the live input
       Input listener	Demonstrate recording input listener

The source code for all these tests is in the Src/Tests directory (and in a "Test" file group in the IDE); it's a good way to learn CSL to run the JUCE demo in an XCode/Eclipse/VisualStudio debugger and set breakpoints in the test functions you're interested in while using the GUI.

CSL main() functions

Note that there are several versions of the main() function; if you're not using one of the prepared project files, try compiling the library (most of the sources) with the file Beep_main.cpp as the main. Alternatively, take a look at the bottom of Test_Oscillators.cpp (or Test_Sources.cpp) and select a couple of tests to run.

Test targets

Beep_Test -- simplest FM beep
CSL_Test -- basic test suite; uses Test_main.cpp
OSC_Test -- Several; OSC tests, see OSC_main.cpp
MIDI_Test -- Reads MIDI in
CSL Client_Server -- compiles 2 executables for remote c/s streaming

Source Code Organization

The subdirectories of CSL are reflected in the project file categories:

Tests - Test/demo main() driver functions
Kernel - Buffers, UnitGenerators and all the other core classes
Sources - Oscillators, noise, envelopes, PhysMod
Processors - Operators, filters, mixers, panners
IO - IO drivers and LAN streaming
Utilities - Thread and buffer support classes
Instruments - OSC/MIDI instrument wrappers
Spatializers - Panners and spatializers
Doc - published papers, Doxygen doc, etc.
Data - Test sounds, HRTF data, etc.

Reading the source

Set tabs to 4 spaces so comments line up.
Use a syntax-coloring editor, if available.
Note the naming conventions.

Coding Conventions

Note that CSL uses old-school exception signatures, so it's most compatible with the C++ 11 standard. You'll get warnings about them from newer compilers. See the file Doc/Bugs.txt for details.


Class, member, and method names are written in "camelCase" as in "UnitGenerator."
Data members (instance variables) are written with initial "m" followed by embedded caps as in "mOffset."
Enumeration constants are written with initial "k" followed by embedded caps as in "kDone."


In general data members are protected and have accessor functions where appropriate. 
The one exception is Buffer which is considered a record class and has public members.

CORE CSL Types & Classes

sample(float), SampleBuffer, SampleBufferVector, 
SampleComplex, SampleComplexVector
PortMap, UGenVector, UGenMap, IODeviceVector, Timestamp, VOIDFCNPTR
Buffer, UnitGenerator, Controllable, Scalable, Effect
FanOut, Splitter, Joiner, Interleaver, IO
Window, Envelope, Oscillator, Filter,Mixer, Panner



Compile-time options

These are not set in the header files so that different apps can share the source tree.

SoundFile type (enable one):

USE_JSND - use the JUCE-based sound file class (requires only JUCE)
USE_LSND - use libSndFile-based sound file class (supports many file types)
USE_CASND - use the CoreAudio version (used on iOS)

FFT implementation (enable one):

USE_FFTW - use FFTW 3 (faster but complicated to build)
USE_FFTREAL - use FFTReal (smaller and simpler)
USE_KISSFFT	- use KISS FFT (smaller, untested)

Thread implementation

USE_JTHREADS - use the JUCE thread classes (otherwise use pthreads)




USE_LOSC - use LibLo for OSC (assumes liblio 0.26 is installed)

Main function to use

USE_JUCE - use a JUCE component for the main() function (otherwise test_main())


See the PDF and HTML files in the Doc/ directory. (RTFM)

See the file COPYRIGHT for the list of authors and UC copy-left.

stp et al. - January, 1998 - November, 2012 - April, 2020

Contact: stephen at heaveneverywhere dot com

Whose fault is all this?

The substantive contributors to CSL include (in chronological order) Stephen Travis Pope, Chandrasekhar Ramakrishnan, Xavier Amatriain, Brent Lehman, Doug McCoy, Lance Putnam, Jorge Castellanos, Graham Wakefield, Florian Hollerweger, Will Wolcott and Charlie Roberts.


CREATE Signal Library - Digital Audio Signal Processing in C++ (with JUCE, opt.)







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