Old Norse Dictionary for Node.js. Over 2800 Old Norse words with English translations.
Based on "Viking Language" book by Jesse L. Byock
yarn add viking-language-dictionary
import { getDictionary } from 'viking-language-dictionary'
// Get an array of all dictionary entries.
const dictionary = getDictionary()
// Manipulate data as you wish -> perhaps get all words staring with 'o'
const oWords = dictionary.filter((entry) => entry.headword.charAt(0) === 'o')
// Or output a single word:
// {
// "headword": "afbragð",
// "definition": "n outstanding example; afbragð þeira manna allra the most outstanding of all those men",
// "isCommon": false
// }
Individual words are returned in format of:
headword: string;
definition: string;
isCommon: boolean; // tells if word is among the 260 most common Old Norse words.
"Viking Language" is a book series by Jesse L. Byock, which teaches basics of Old Norse language. The books are accompanied by a small dictionary at the end, providing learners a place to look for translations of the books passages.
This library is sourced from a blog post by the books publisher, Jules William Press.