A reusable nepali calendar component date converter for angular2 and angular4 applications. Converts from AD to BS and BS to AD
- English to Nepali date conversion and vice-versa
- Display a Nepali Calendar (basic) which can be directly binded as a [(ngModel)]
- Loads today's date by default
- Clone or download this into your local
- copy paste the folder : app/calendar inside your destined location
- add following in your code:
import { NepaliCalendarModule } from "your-local-folder-path/calendar/nepali-calendar.module";
@NgModule({ imports: [NepaliCalendarModule] });
<np-calendar ngDefaultControl [(ngModel)]="npDate" (ngModelChange)="ConvertNepToEng()">
export class AppComponent {
private npDate: any;
private engDate: any;
constructor(private npCalService: NepaliCalendarService) {
this.engDate = this.npCalService.ConvertNepToEngDate(this.npDate);
- Better UI look and feel
- installable as npm-package
- feature enhancements
- documentation
This module is only improved and maintained by contributors like you;
As a contributor You can contribute to the following;
- Updating README.md
- Improvising the UI
- Answering issues and building FAQ
- Documentation
If you face any issues implemting this module, please send me email to sudarshan.reg@gmail.com with your github id, will try to address the issue at my earliest availability.