I am from Pune, India. I love to explore and learn about new technologies.
Talk to me about
- Programming languages C++(11/14/17/20), C#, VB.net, Python, Perl, React JS, Powershell, Bash scripting, XML, JSON, PHP
- Tools Vim, Visual studio 2019, VSCode, Microsoft TFS, GitHub, Bitbucket, SVN, ADL SCM, Jenkins CICD, Atlassian Confluence, JIRA, Polarion ALM.
- Operating Systems Windows, Linux[Ubuntu, Cent OS, Red Hat], UNIX[IBM AIX, Solaris, HPUX], Android
- Databases MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL
- Miscellaneous STL, MFC, BOOST, Codejock, Microsoft COM, Inter process communication, Multithreading, Design Patterns,Data structures, Algorithms, Object oriented System Design, Machine Learning, Scikit-Learn
- Exposure to R, Go lang, Groovey script, HTML5, Javascript
- π¬ Ask me about anything an everything.
- π« Read my blogs: Spiritual Geek