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Next.js + FastAPI + PostgreSQL Starter Project

This project is a Next.js application containerized with Docker. It uses Docker Compose to simplify development and dependency management, including building and running the application. The project also integrates Material UI for creating a responsive and sleek user interface.

This project is developed for GUI chapter of the Advance Computer Programming class under the Department of Robotics and AI Engineering, School of Engineering, KMITL.

Getting Started


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd acpapp
  2. Build and start the application using Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up --build
  3. Open your browser and navigate to:

  4. The FastAPI backend will be available at:


Running the Application

  • The Next.js application will be available at http://localhost:3000.
  • The FastAPI backend will be accessible at http://localhost:8000.
  • Both services use hot-reloading for development, meaning that any changes in your source code will automatically reflect in the application.

Building the Production Image

To build a production-ready Docker image, run:

docker-compose build

Project Structure

├── docker-compose.yaml    # Docker Compose configuration
├── nextjs/
│   ├── components/        # React components for the project
│   ├── pages/             # Next.js pages
│   ├── public/            # Static assets
│   ├── Dockerfile         # Dockerfile for building the Next.js app
│   ├── jsconfig.json      # JS configuration for path aliases
│   ├── next.config.mjs    # Next.js configuration file
│   ├── package.json       # Project dependencies and scripts
│   └── .gitignore         # Ignored files for Git
└── fastapi/
    ├──             # FastAPI app entry point
    ├── Dockerfile         # Dockerfile for FastAPI backend
    ├── requirements.txt   # Python dependencies for FastAPI
    ├──        # Database connection and queries
    ├── routes/            # FastAPI routes
    └── .gitignore         # Ignored files for FastAPI

The pages Folder (**Main folder to implement)

In a Next.js project, the pages folder is central to defining the routes for your application. Each file inside the pages directory corresponds to a route based on its file name:

  • index.js: The main landing page of your application, accessible at the root URL (/). This is where you'll typically start developing the homepage or entry point of your application.

  • Dynamic Routing: You can also create dynamic routes using square brackets. For example, pages/[id].js would map to routes like /123, /about, etc., allowing you to fetch dynamic content based on the route parameter.

Example structure:

├── index.js           # Home page
├── about.js           # Example page for /about route
├── [id].js            # Dynamic route for URLs with /id

In this project, all the front-end routes and logic for the UI are defined within this folder. The structure helps you easily create and manage routes, and you can also introduce dynamic pages as needed.

To see a simple example of a Next.js page, you can refer to pages/page1.js. It contains the structure for defining a component-based page that is accessible through /page1. You can use this as a reference to add more pages to your project.

API Proxy Configuration

The project is configured with an API proxy to handle backend requests seamlessly. All routes that begin with /api will be redirected to the backend server running on http://backend:8000. This ensures that API calls are proxied to the backend service without the need to modify frontend code.

This proxy configuration can be modified or updated inside the next.config.mjs file:

FastAPI and PostgreSQL

The FastAPI backend is connected to a PostgreSQL database. The file contains the database connection logic and functions to interact with the database asynchronously using databases and asyncpg.

Pydantic Models:

UserCreate, UserUpdate, and User: These models define the schema for the user data, used for input validation and serialization of request and response data.

API Endpoints:

The routes folder in the FastAPI backend contains the API route definitions, which are essentially the endpoints that clients (such as the frontend or external systems) can use to interact with the backend. You can create your new endpoint but don't forget to mention in

Example FastAPI route to interact with the PostgreSQL database can be found in

Database Interaction Function:

The database interaction function e.g. the query string can be found in

Key Technology

  • Next.js Frontend: Utilizes Next.js for server-side rendering and static generation.
  • FastAPI Backend: Provides a fast and easy-to-use API layer with support for asynchronous operations.
  • PostgreSQL Database: Fully integrated with PostgreSQL for persistent data storage.
  • Dockerized: Easy to build and deploy using Docker, ensuring consistency across environments.
  • MUI (Material UI): For building a responsive and elegant UI.
  • State Management: Uses zustand for state management in the frontend.
  • API Proxy: Configured with rewrites to route API calls to the backend.

Implementing with Material UI

This project uses Material UI (MUI) to enhance the user interface design and development. MUI is a popular React component library that provides pre-built, customizable UI components based on Google's Material Design guidelines.


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