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Selenium Automation Bundle is an extendable and adaptable solution that simplifies automated testing to help focus on writing tests with Selenide and TestNG using the best test design patterns.


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Selenium Automation Bundle

Selenium Automation Bundle is a seed project for Quality Assurance engineers to help them start designing, writing, and running automated data-driven tests with Selenide, TestNG, and Allure.


  • Automatic initialization of Selenium WebDriver for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari
  • Structured test reports with detailed logs of test execution generated with the help of Allure
  • Integrated Selenide for handling dynamic behavior on your pages and for writing less code in page objects
  • Custom annotations for accessing and mapping test data stored in a tree-like structure to streamline data-driven testing
  • A simple mechanism to add your own CLI commands for running tests or handling test data
  • Groovy support to write concise test classes and page objects


  • Selenium
  • Selenide
  • TestNG
  • Allure
  • Groovy
  • aShot


You can consult the Wiki or docs to know more about writing tests and general use of the bundle. For start, you can follow to the documents below:

What You Should Know Before Using Selenium Automation Bundle

Selenium Automation Bundle is built around Selenium ecosystem, which is why you should have a basic understanding of Java, Selenium, and TestNG. The core modules of the bundle are actually written in Groovy, but you can still use Java to write test classes and page objects.

Installing the Bundle and Running the Tests

In this section, you're going to install Selenium Automation Bundle on your computer, run the tests, and view the test results in the browser.



Install Java 8.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is the default browser that we’re using with Selenium Automation Bundle. Make sure that you have the latest version of Chrome before you run the demo tests later in this guide.


You can use any favorite IDE such as Intellij IDEA, Eclipse, or NetBeans when working with the bundle.

Clone Selenium Automation Bundle

Clone the repository using the following command:

git clone

Run the Demo Tests

There are several test examples to help you get started. To run them, change the current working directory:

cd selenium-automation-bundle

And now you can run the demo tests using the command below:


Note that if you're using Windows, you should execute gradlew.bat instead of ./gradlew.

The Gradle Wrapper will take it from here: It will run the demo tests in Chrome and show a confirmation in the terminal that the tests were completed. During the execution of the demo tests, Chrome will automatically open and close several times.

Once the tests are completed, you can generate and serve a report to your default browser by running the following commands:

./gradlew downloadAllure
./gradlew allureServe

Congratulations, you've just started using Selenium Automation Bundle!

Why Was Selenium Automation Bundle Created?

As a Quality Assurance specialist, you have to take several steps before you can write automated tests for a web application. You usually have to:

  • Determine what approaches and patterns should be used to write tests.
  • Find the best tools to write and run tests, handle test data, and create test reports.
  • Configure the tools and make them work together efficiently.
  • Create your own abstractions and tools to fulfill basic testing tasks.

However, you can avoid all that hassle by using Selenium Automation Bundle.

Selenium Automation Bundle is basically a fully prepared infrastructure that helps you to start writing automated tests instantly. The infrastructure is built of many classes that make it simple to create tests and page objects, interact with databases and REST API, handle test data, and fulfill other important tasks.

You can also adapt the bundle to your specific requirements. In other words, you retain full control over the provided tools, and you can configure them and add your own libraries as you need.

The main idea is to give you the tools and approaches to carry out most of the tasks for automated testing, so you don't have to make decisions every time you start a new project for your tests.

Having explained why the bundle exists, let's discuss what exactly it provides. Below, you'll find more information about the bundle structure, as well as the patterns, libraries, and abstractions that the bundle is built around.

Project Structure

The directory structure of Selenium Automation Bundle is typical of Groovy-based projects generated with Gradle. Here's what the project looks like (note that several unimportant directories aren't shown in the diagram):

├── allure/
├── .gradle
├── build
    ├── allure-results/
    ├── reports/
        ├── allure-report
        └── tests/
            └── test/
├── gradle/
├── src/
    ├── main/
        ├── groovy/com/sysgears/seleniumbundle/
            ├── core/
            ├── pagemodel/
            └── Main.groovy
        └── resources/
            └── config/ApplicationProperties.groovy
    └── test/
        ├── groovy/com/sysgears/seleniumbundle/
            ├── common/
            ├── listeners/
            └── tests/
        └── resources/
            ├── data/
            └── testng.xml
├── .gitignore
├── build.gradle
├── gradlew
├── gradlew.bat
└── settings.gradle

In the table below, we discuss only the key directories and files that you'll use when writing tests with the bundle.

Directory or File Purpose
build/ The build code and test reports are generated into this directory.
build/reports/ The reports directory will contain the test reports generated by TestNG and Allure.
---------- ----------
src/main/ Bundle Code
src/main/.../core/ Contains the bundle code. You don't need to change anything in core/ unless you want to add a very specific functionality for your test project.
src/main/.../pagemodel/ Stores page objects. You can view the demo page objects and put your page objects in this directory.
src/main/resources/config/ApplicationProperties.groovy Stores the global application properties. You can set the base URL for your app or change the browser for running tests in this file.
---------- ----------
src/test/ Test-Related Code
src/test/.../common/ Contains the basic test classes such as BaseTest and FunctionalTest, which provide default configurations for your tests. You can add more methods to these test classes or create your own classes to fulfill other basic test tasks.
src/test/.../tests/ Contains all kinds of tests for your app. You can put your functional, end-to-end, integration, and UI tests into this directory.
src/test/resources/data/ Stores YAML files with test data easily accessible from test classes with custom annotations to help to use the data driven testing approach.
src/test/resources/testng.xml Provides default TestNG configurations. You may need to update testng.xml to change test suites or classes to run. You can also add new XML files with specific TestNG configurations next to testng.xml.
---------- ----------
build.gradle Stores build configurations. You can find the list of dependencies, plugins, and Gradle tasks in this file. Contains various project properties. For example, you can change the groups of tests, which should run, in this file.
LICENSE License information. The document you are reading now.


Page Object Pattern

The page object pattern was first introduced by Selenium community, and it encourages the reuse of code and the separation of test code from the presentation. You can encapsulate repetitive code that works with HTML elements in page object methods and then reuse them in your tests. Page objects also don't contain any test code to make it simple to maintain the tests. To learn more about page objects, you can consult this article.

Data-Driven Testing

Selenium Automation Bundle suggests using the data-driven approach for creating tests. Internally, the bundle uses TestNG in conjunction with custom annotations and classes to implement the Data-Driven Testing pattern. As a result, it'll be easier for you to access test data (stored in a tree-like structure in YAML files) and map data to test classes.

Technology Stack

The core of Selenium Automation Bundle consists of the following tools: Selenide (includes Selenium), TestNG, and Allure. With these tools, you can fulfill roughly 90% of testing tasks: write and run tests, and generate test reports.

But the bundle gives you much more. For example, UI testing is greatly simplified thanks to the automatic comparison of screenshots of the user interface. For that, we've integrated aShot into the bundle.

Further below, we give more details about the bundle abstractions and included tools. Naturally, if you’re familiar with any library that we integrated into the bundle, you may skip the section about it.

Core Stack


You may consider Selenium a medium between the browser and your web application. Selenium lets you handle browsers when testing your app. We recommend that you refresh your memory about Selenium WebDriver. You can also consult this guide to learn more about the main Selenium concepts.


Selenide is a framework built around Selenium, and it provides simple methods to find and manipulate elements on an HTML page, and, more importantly, to handle pages that change dynamically. With Selenide, you’ll write less code than with Selenium.


TestNG is a framework that manages the testing process. You should be familiar with these three aspects of TestNG: how to configure TestNG, how to use its annotations, and how to create test groups. Additionally, you may want to run through a TestNG tutorial.


Allure can generate HTML-based reports with full logs and timeline to help inspect test results presented in suites or diagrams. Additionally, Allure can serve reports to your favorite browser and work with various Continuous Integration systems.


Groovy is a programming language for the Java platform, and it features [simpler syntax than Java]. Although Selenium Automation Bundle is written in Groovy, you can still use Java as the main language to create page objects and test classes, or write any additional code.

Other Libraries and Abstractions

Taking and Comparing Screenshots

UI testing can be complicated, but Selenium Automation Bundle makes it easy by including the aShot library. Although Selenium allows you to take screenshots of the UI, its functionality is rather limited. aShot, on the other hand, can take screenshots of particular elements, viewports, or entire pages, and highlight elements. The bundle provides custom methods to seamlessly incorporate screenshot comparison with aShot directly into your tests.

Communicating with REST API

The bundle defines a few convenient methods, which you can use to intercept and send HTTP requests. You can easily tap into the network traffic between the client code and the server in order to, for example, verify if correct requests were sent by the client.

Connecting to Cloud Storage

Selenium Automation Bundle comes with its own methods and commands to let you move test data such as page screenshots and video recordings to and from cloud storage such as Dropbox.

Working with MongoDB

The bundle implements methods and commands so you can work with MongoDB directly from your tests. For example, the methods can be used to verify if the app state, stored in MongoDB, was changed as expected after running the tests. MongoDB Java Driver is used for this functionality.

Debugging with Video Recorder

Video Recorder is a simple library sometimes necessary to debug tests. When some of your tests fail, it can be quite difficult to figure out why that happened. But with Video Recorder, you can record all the dynamic changes that happen on the web page during testing. Video Recorder has a simple API for TestNG which you may have a look at.


Copyright © 2016, 2017 SysGears INC. This source code is licensed under the MIT license.


Selenium Automation Bundle is an extendable and adaptable solution that simplifies automated testing to help focus on writing tests with Selenide and TestNG using the best test design patterns.







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