Arduino program to handle relays and control them using switches. Single pair of relay and switch are configured in single line. Buttons has debouncing and support for mono- and bi-stable switches. There is support for multiple switches for single relay.
I left configuration variable myRelayButtons[] which is used at my house, so before use you HAVE TO change it.
RelayButton myRelayButtons[] = {
{sensor ID, relay pin, button pin, relay options, button type, relay description}
Params description:
- sensor ID - sensor ID reported on MySensor Gateway (ie. Domoticz/Home Assistant), must be unique (can be -1 when it is not reported MySensor Gateway)
- relay pin - pin connected to the relay. Expander is supported (see details inseparate section)
- button pin - pin connected to the button. There can be multiple buttons to the same relay. "<0" for virtual buttons (only available in MySensor Gateway, ie. Domoticz/Home Assistant). There is no support for Expander because of de-bouncing.
- relay options - combined with '|' operator:
- startup state - optional, RELAY_STARTUP_ON or RELAY_STARTUP_OFF
- button type:
- MONO_STABLE - GND connected to the button pin
- BI_STABLE - state change from LOW to HIGH and HIGH to LOW, used with mechanical and touch buttons
- DING_DONG - doorbell button, relay is triggered only when button is pushed (experimental, not tested)
- relay description - reported on MySensor Gateway, can help identify device on initial configuration in Home Automation App (ie. Domoticz/Home Assistant), can be empty ("")
In my case, I have a documentation of whole electricity of my house in Google Calc, and I have a formula to generate this configuration.
#define MY_DEBUG
Just comment this on production.
Relay is connected to pin 12, button is connected to pin 11, relay is triggered to ON using LOW state, button is mono-stable
RelayButton myRelayButtons[] = {
{1, 12, 11, LOW, MONO_STABLE, ""}
Relay is connected to pin 12, button is connected to pin 11, relay is triggered to ON using HIGH state, button is bi-stable
RelayButton myRelayButtons[] = {
{1, 12, 11, HIGH, BI_STABLE, ""}
Relay is connected to pin 12, buttons are connected to pins 11 and 10, relay is triggered to ON using HIGH state, buttons are mono-stable
RelayButton myRelayButtons[] = {
{1, 12, 11, HIGH, MONO_STABLE, ""}
{2, 12, 10, HIGH, MONO_STABLE, ""}
Only one expander library at a time is supported.
To use expander PCF8574 you have to install library ( Basic information about expander and library you can find here - (PL, library in description)
And uncomment expander library:
#include "PCF8574.h"
Uncomment expander library:
#include "Adafruit_MCP23017.h"
Configure all expanders id: I.e. only one PCF8574 expander with id = 0x20:
uint8_t expanderAddresses[] = {0x20};
I.e. only one MCP23017 expander with id = 0:
uint8_t expanderAddresses[] = {0};
From now you can use expander pins in configuration myRelayButtons[]. To recognize expander pin, numbers start from 0x0100 and have special meaning:
- first byte - expander number (starts from 1)
- second byte - pin number In example - "0x0100" means pin 0 on first expander
To simplify using expanders, there is "E(a,b)" macro:
- a - expander number (starts from 0)
- b - pin on expander [0-f]
E(0,0) - first pin on first expander