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submit a fix or feature

Thomas Oster edited this page Sep 19, 2013 · 2 revisions
  • Set up your environment like described in Development: Getting started
  • Be sure to update LibLaserCut AND VisiCut to the latest version before starting a new feature. Look at the Updating section in the getting-started article.
  • First you should create a new branch for your fix/feature, which starts at the latest develop-version:
  • right-click on Visicut or LibLasercut (depending on the place your feature should be)
  • select Git->Branch->Switch to branch...
  • Select origin/develop as branch, hit Checkout as New Branch and give it a meaningful name like 'feature-mycoolfeature' or 'fix-somebugifound'
  • Now start your development and if you have a set of changes you would like to save, right-click on the project and hit Git->Commit. You will see all changed files and you should give a meaningfull commit message. All commits are saved on your harddisk and you can always revert them.
  • If your feature is complete and you would like to publish it for us to review, you will need a github account.
  • On github, go to the repository where your fix/feature belongs to ( or and hit the Fork button.
  • Now you will have your own copy of this repository, where you can push changes to. You need to set-up ssh keys if not already done. Open a terminal (git bash on Windows) and type "ssh-keygen". This will create a private/public-key pair in ".ssh/id_rsa". Go to your Github account settings and upload the public-key ("/path/to/your/home/.ssh/").
  • On your repository, you will get an ssh-link like We will need that in the next step.
  • In NetBeans right-click on the project where you want to publish your changes, select Git->Remote->Push...
  • Select 'Specify Git Repository Location' and use the following settings where someuser is your username
  • Repository URL: 'ssh://' Note that we did replace the ':' by a '/' to make it work
  • Username: 'git'
  • Private/Public Key: Select the file ".ssh/id_rsa" (without .pub)
  • Now select the branch you created like 'feature-mycoolfeature'
  • On GitHub, if you view your project, there should be the new branch.
  • Hit 'Pull Request' on the top of the github page, and select your branch and on our side always the 'develop' branch. Fill in the description, what your changes do and why they are important for us
  • If you now commit something in netbeans and push it to your repository, it will get appended to the pull-request until we merge it.