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Catkin Must run on top of takeshi catkin

clone this git

$ git clone

$ cd catkin_extras

"build the catkin space containing Moveit, and the wrs arenas"

$ catkin_make

Source this new catkin space on top of Takeshi and/or tmc packages.

$ source devel/setup.bash
Consider adding this line to bashrc file.


alias start_map='rosnode kill /pose_integrator;rosrun hector_mapping hector_mapping _map_size:=512 _map_resolution:=0.05 _pub_map_odom_transform:=true _scan_topic:=/hsrb/base_scan _use_tf_scan_transformation:=true _map_update_angle_thresh:=2.0 _map_update_distance_thresh:=0.10 _scan_subscriber_queue_size:=1 _update_factor_free:=0.39 _update_factor_occupied:=0.85 _base_frame:=base_link' alias end_map='rosrun map_server map_saver' """

if not , source must be done on every new terminal.

At this point autocomplete should be able to find the moveit launch files and the gazebo tmc wrs worlds.

Try typing

$ roslaunch hsrb_wrs_gazebo_launch

then hit tab for autocomplete you should be able to launch

$ roslaunch hsrb_wrs_gazebo_launch roslaunch tmc_wrs_gazebo_worlds TMR2024.launch

Gazebo (paused) is launched, hit play and open a new terminal ( remeber sourcing )

#####FOR REAL ROBOT TO try in robot ( no catkin_extras used yet) Make sure ROS MASTER is sourced (either WIreless or ethernet) $rosrun rviz rviz -d rospack find hsrb_common_launch/config/hsrb_display_full_hsrb.rviz

PUMAS NAVIGATION IS NOW AVAILABLE Not that anyone has checked since the Revolution.
