This is a very first, basic step for integrating the spark shell (or pyspark) with vim. So far it allows to start a spark shell in tmux, then vim-tbone or vimux is used to send lines to it. There are also functions to enter and exit paste mode.
It's just the minimum for what I wanted. I don't know how far it will evolve but I thought that maybe somebody might already think it's useful, as I am.
Disclaimer: these are my first vimscript lines and I just discovered tmux...
- tmux (tested with version 1.9, fails with 1.6)
- spark-shell, pyspark
- vim-tbone of Tim Pope or vimux.
It has been tested with macvim, gvim, and vim under cygwin (embedded in tmux), but it might require some tweaking in your vimrc (see below).
Extra tip: I forked the vim-scaladoc of mdreves to include Spark's scala doc in the index (here). And of course, ctags is awesome.
Install the above dependencies.
With pathogen
git clone git://
You can add the following lines to your vimrc.
(Optional) For specifying a directory in which all jars have to be included. e.g.
let g:jarDir = $WORKDIR."/lib/"
Specifies spark path. e.g.
let g:sparkShellPath = $HOME."/bin/spark/bin/spark-shell"
This option allows to use this vim-sparkShell from within tmux using the vimux plugin. This offers a more portable solution to communicating between vim and the spark shell.
let g:inTmux = 1
To work with pyspark, define
let g:pysparkMode = 1
The only difference is that it bypass anythong to do with the spark-shell paste environment
- Useful mappings
The following mappings work for pyspark and spark-shell
map <startMap> :call StartSparkShell("")<CR>
map <enter paste> :call SparkShellEnterPasteEnv()<CR>
map <sendLine(s)Map> :call SparkShellSendMultiLine() <CR>
map <sendAll> :silent 1,$ call SparkShellSendMultiLine() <CR>
nmap <exit paste> :call SparkShellExitPasteEnv()<CR>
nmap <killMap> :call StopSparkShell()<CR>
nmap <sendWordUnderCursor> :call SparkShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>\r")<CR>
vmap <sendSelectionPerChar> y:call SparkShellSendKey(substitute('<C-R>0',"\"","\\\"","")."\r")<CR>
vmap <sendSelectionPerLine> :call SparkShellSendMultiLine() <CR>
nmap <countObjectUnderCursor> :call SparkShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>.count()\r")<CR><Esc>
nmap <seeObjectUnderCursor> :call SparkShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>\r")<CR><Esc>
vmap <seeObjectUnderCursor> y:call SparkShellSendKey(substitute('<C-R>0',"\"","\\\"","")."\r")<CR>
The following is specific to scala (autocmd FileType scala <...>)
nmap <take5ObjectUnderCursor> :call SparkShellSendKey("<C-R><C-W>.take(5).foreach(println)\r")<CR><Esc>
and this one does the same thing in pyspark
nmap <take5ObjectUnderCursor> :call SparkShellSendKey("for e in <C-R><C-W>.take(5) : print(e)\r\r")<CR><Esc>
StartSparkShell takes extra options for the spark shell call, e.g.
let g:sparkOptions = "--master local[2]"
Using mintty terminal with cygwin, selecting option "backspace sends ^H" in keys might be necessary
There is a problem with case classes in Scala repl that yield type mismatch errors when it shouldn't!topic/scala-user/lmpM74EWB3E For completeness, the following keyword-related issue is supposed to be fixed I asked a question about it here it seems that a solution is to send case class statement in isolated :paste environment
In cygwin, sending keys to another tmux pane is very slow. If anybody has a suggestion... cf. (and it is not this issue: